[Mod] MapIt [1.2] [mapit] – another mapping mod

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[Mod] MapIt [1.2] [mapit] – another mapping mod

by dgm5555 » Tue Apr 29, 2014 23:26

Download: https://github.com/dgm3333/mapit

This mod displays a map of the entire minetest world with a location arrow and direction.
It also enables you to teleport with the world, either by dividing the world into a 10x10 grid, or if you install the travelpoints mod, it will place these on the map.
It can integrate with unified_Inventory, so you can access the map direct from the UI form.
Finally it also provides a map node with the world map on it, which can be placed like any other node.

Dependancies (for the python script):
python: 2.x or 3.x: http://python.org/
numpy: https://sourceforge.net/projects/numpy/files/NumPy/1.9.2/
PIL or Pillow: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/Pillow/2.8.2

Optional Minetest Dependancies:
Travelpoints - teleport links around the minetest world https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=8021
Unified Inventory:https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=3933&start=125

I've borrowed from other peoples code, so thanks to:
MAPP: https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=4922.
VanessaE for her massive minetest colour file (I had to remove the comments as they broke the script), so maps show dramatically more features (and colours are more accurate).
Maps are generated offline by minetestmapper-numpy.py https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=8730. The legacy minetestmapper https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=49 is not supported as I recoded the -numpy script to add text comments to the PNG.
Not essential, but I also think MT-GitSync is great for keeping your mods uptodate https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=8749&hilit=gitsync

Install Dependancies:-
As well as enabling the mod in minetest you will need python, numpy, and the python imaging library. Very easy in Ubuntu: in the software centre, just install python, python-numpy and python-pil or python3, python3-numpy and python3-pil.

Generating map:
Normally, the map will be automatically generated when you enter a new world. Alternatively there is a button on the maptool to manually reMap (but you will have to exit the world and re-enter to update the texture).
It is possible to only regenerate at timed intervals (currently set up update each day, but you can set updateInterval in init.lua). However to enable this mode you'll need to install luaFileSystem. I'm not sure on Windows, but on linux it's:
sudo luarocks install luafilesystem
sudo apt-get install luarocks

Display the map:
Select the mapit:maptool in your inventory.
L-button (punch) to bring up the map.
So far it doesn't have a recipe, so you'll have to use creative mode, or the chat command: /give mapit:maptool

On the right of the form are buttons for zoom in/out (not working), reMap (as above), and teleport and travelpoints (if you have installed that mod).
With the teleport grid ground level is generally accurately identified. There used to be a bug meaning you might end up inside a node in which case if you teleport repeatedly to the same spot and as minetest loads blocks near your location, ultimately the surface will be reached (This doesn't seem to have occurred since a rewrite using voxelmanip).
With travelpoints, you can either click on the number location on the map (maximum of 50), or on the buttons on the right (max of approx 20 depending on form size).

It probably won't be improved much from now, but the improvements I might (or wish I could) make are:-
*Zoom In and Out on the map - Would be great if it was possible to zoom in with the mousewheel, but looks like the formspec doesn't support that.
*Make a big mesh billboard...

Having said that, I think it is already quite a useful excellent quality map.

The little green arrow shows location and direction of gaze:-
This shows integration with unified_inventory. You click the little button along the bottom then the main map to bring up the full working version (actually this doesn't work well, so I disabled it)
Teleport mode provides a 10x10 grid for approximate teleport destination (you will jump to the centre of the square)
Travelpoints are clickable on both map and the buttons on the side:-
Useful for checking world generation: This ice-glitch occurred when I enabled paragenv7 on a pre-existing world...
The map is not updated automatically until you reload the world after an approproate interval (by default 24hours), but is still v. helpful if you get lost on a large world (this one's over 2000x2000)

Licence: WTFPL v2
Download: https://github.com/dgm3333/mapit
Last edited by dgm5555 on Thu Jun 18, 2015 07:27, edited 31 times in total.

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Re: MapIt - another mapping mod

by JPRuehmann » Wed Apr 30, 2014 08:31

Good Idea to Mix Map and Mapp into one new.

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Re: MapIt - another mapping mod

by dgm5555 » Tue May 06, 2014 11:59

The mod basic mapping function is now completed.
I'm wondering about adding the teleport feature to the map...
Does anyone know a quick way return the ground level at a particular x,z location. I vaguely remember something about checking lighting level, but can't find it any more.
I also need to be able to return mouse actions from a form.

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Re: MapIt - another mapping mod

by Amaz » Tue May 06, 2014 13:51

Where is the MapWorlds.sh script? I can't see it anywhere...

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Re: MapIt - another mapping mod

by dgm5555 » Tue May 06, 2014 18:09

Sorry, now uploaded...

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Re: [MOD] MapIt - another mapping mod [1.0] [mapit]

by Thedarksoldier » Mon May 26, 2014 17:49

where do i get phython and numpy on windows

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Re: [MOD] MapIt - another mapping mod [1.0] [mapit]

by Evergreen » Mon May 26, 2014 20:39


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Re: [MOD] MapIt - another mapping mod [1.0] [mapit]

by dgm5555 » Wed May 28, 2014 21:52

A warning: I've identified a couple of minor related bugs which occur ONLY if the mod is run before the map(=texture) has been generated (by the python script).
1. When the world is entered, an error is produced about missing textures.
2. (more serious). when the mapit tool is activated (by holding it and punching). It will cause a fatal error and crash minetest back to the main menu.

You'll have no problems if you run the python script before activating the tool, and hopefully I get a fix for both soon

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Re: [MOD] MapIt - another mapping mod [1.0] [mapit]

by 4aiman » Sun Jun 01, 2014 12:16

What about updating the map every day? (IDK the real one or the in-game one)

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Re: [MOD] MapIt - another mapping mod [1.0] [mapit]

by dgm5555 » Mon Jun 02, 2014 22:35

4aiman wrote:What about updating the map every day? (IDK the real one or the in-game one)

Good idea, I'd put it in the too hard basket, but your question got me thinking. I can't get the modification date in lua under minetest (I could do it with lfs, but that's not included in minetest lua)
However possible workarounds would be to create a file with the worldname and current date, then check for it's existence, or save a data file with a list of creation dates (and now I've thought of it, I might do just that). Less robust use io.popen to check from the os.

Otherwise, as part of my bugfix, I've coded all other steps, and can trigger the python script to generate a map file on world load (but this is tiresome on a reasonable size world if it happens every load). I started by copying a dummy file to fill the space until the user triggered file generation, but this is now probably unnecessary.
Might also add a button to the map to allow manual triggering (but would still require exiting the world, as I don't know how to trigger a reload of a texture image any other way)
Watch this space...

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Re: [MOD] MapIt - another mapping mod [1.0] [mapit]

by 4aiman » Tue Jun 03, 2014 10:46

just a silly question:
you use texture for a formspec.
formspecs can be generated to use different image names.
why not use minetest.show_formspec and use the new image (you can rewrite the original texture file or create a new one).

A file with the date of creation is good :)

Also, does minetest.override_item() work after some time ingame? (simple redefinition with minetest.register(':modmane:itemname') doesn't)

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Re: [MOD] MapIt - another mapping mod [1.0] [mapit]

by dgm5555 » Tue Jun 03, 2014 11:35

I've updated the mod to allow automatic (timed) and manual (background) regeneration of the map.

4aiman wrote:why not use minetest.show_formspec

I originally expected this would work, but it doesn't seem to. I think the engine loads the texture on entering the world, and must save in memory. Updating the png doesn't change the formspec until you exit and re-enter the world (same as changing a .lua doesn't have any effect).

4aiman wrote:A file with the date of creation is good :)

For no particular reason, I went for the option of saving a history file, but that would have worked too.

4aiman wrote:Also, does minetest.override_item() work after some time ingame? (simple redefinition with minetest.register(':modmane:itemname') doesn't)

I don't know, I would have guessed it would only be applied at initialization (ie on entering the world), but some of the effect of the methods isn't well documented (forceload is another example), and trying to track it back through the source code isn't always that easy.

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Re: [MOD] MapIt - another mapping mod [1.1] [mapit]

by 4aiman » Tue Jun 03, 2014 20:13

Then something like dynamic images load should be proposed to be added to the engine. Useful for many cases - just like celeron55 likes :)

As for "tracing back through the src"... I didn't mean that. I just asked if you could possibly try to use it. It's just I can't until 26th of June.

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Re: [MOD] MapIt - another mapping mod [1.1] [mapit]

by dgm5555 » Thu Jun 05, 2014 18:14

4aiman wrote:Then something like dynamic images load should be proposed to be added to the engine

In the "Modders: Give feedback to the core developers" post (https://forum.minetest.net/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=9179), I proposed being able to refresh textures or scripts for exactly this reason.

4aiman wrote:I just asked if you could possibly try to use it.

duh [strikes forehead]. Actually I did try it with different textures from a form button, but it did nothing I could see (no change in texture, no error to debug.txt or chat msg, it also didn't cause a 'Creating a dummy image' error at startup, so I didn't try any more.

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Re: [MOD] MapIt - another mapping mod [1.1] [mapit]

by 4aiman » Fri Jun 06, 2014 17:21

there's no need to "duh" - I don't have much time to follow your experience ATM. But thanks for the answer.
Also: I somehow missed the question about the ground level. Do you still need a way to do it?

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Re: [MOD] MapIt - another mapping mod [1.1] [mapit]

by linushsao » Sat Jun 07, 2014 16:00

some problem happen to me,i'm sure that no map generated...(unknown node name?)

Result image (w=912 h=672) will be written to /home/linus/.minetest/mods/mapit/textures/stable.png
Processing sector 200 of 1769 (11.3%) (ETA: 0m 3s)
Processing sector 400 of 1769 (22.6%) (ETA: 0m 3s)
Processing sector 600 of 1769 (33.9%) (ETA: 0m 2s)
Processing sector 800 of 1769 (45.2%) (ETA: 0m 2s)
Processing sector 1000 of 1769 (56.5%) (ETA: 0m 1s)
Processing sector 1200 of 1769 (67.8%) (ETA: 0m 1s)
Processing sector 1400 of 1769 (79.1%) (ETA: 0m 0s)
Processing sector 1600 of 1769 (90.4%) (ETA: 0m 0s)
Unknown node names: air pyramids:deco_stone3 darkage:mud ignore pyramids:trap bitchange:moneychanger fishing:trophy_fish_raw pyramids:spawner_mummy currency:shop doors:door_wood_b_1 bones:bones darkage:desert_stone_with_iron enchanting:enchanting_set seacoral:seacoraldirtlime currency:barter darkage:chalk darkage:silt pyramids:deco_stone2 torches:floor bitchange:bank trash_can:trash_can_wooden torches:wand lantern:candle bitchange:mineninth_in_ground homedecor:torch_wall fishing:trophy_clownfish mines:dummy
Unknown node ids: 0x0 0x1 0x2 0x3 0x4 0x5 0x6 0x7 0x8 0x9 0xa 0xb 0xc 0xd 0xe 0xf 0x10 0x11 0x12 0x15 0x1d
Drawing image
Saving to: /home/linus/.minetest/mods/mapit/textures/stable.png
PNG Region: [-208, 688, -448, 208]

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Re: [MOD] MapIt - another mapping mod [1.1] [mapit]

by dgm5555 » Sat Jun 14, 2014 15:32

4aiman wrote:Also: I somehow missed the question about the ground level. Do you still need a way to do it?

No I figured out that get_voxel_manip() works to force loading of the block correctly

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Re: [MOD] MapIt - another mapping mod [1.1] [mapit]

by dgm5555 » Sat Jun 14, 2014 15:39

linushsao wrote:some problem happen to me,i'm sure that no map generated...(unknown node name?)...
Saving to: /home/linus/.minetest/mods/mapit/textures/stable.png

Your map should have been saved. the Unknown node message means that there is no colour stored in the VanessaE's color.txt file for the nodes listed. It's because the script looks there for the average top colour of every node found, and uses that to generate the pixel colour in the map. If it is unknown you could add it yourself if it's really needed, otherwise it will just be ignored. Check the mapit/textures/stable.png - the map should be correct except for the listed unknown nodes.

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Re: [MOD] MapIt - another mapping mod [1.1] [mapit]

by Inocudom » Wed Jun 18, 2014 15:51

The community seems to need a reason to care about gsmapper, so I am wondering if it would help out the mapit mod any if it was added to Minetest.

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Re: [MOD] MapIt - another mapping mod [1.1] [mapit]

by sss123next » Sat Jul 12, 2014 05:53

hi, thank you for nice mod, i have feature request, currently it works for sqlite and leveldb, but don't for redis, exit with following error:

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "minetestmapper-numpy.py", line 1086, in <module>
  File "minetestmapper-numpy.py", line 1072, in main
  File "minetestmapper-numpy.py", line 503, in generate_sector_list
    legacy_sector_scan(args, sectors_xmin, sector_xmax, sector_zmin, sector_zmax)
NameError: global name 'sectors_xmin' is not defined

python have hiredis bindings, called "dev-python/hiredis" on gentoo

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Re: [Mod] MapIt [1.1] [mapit] – another mapping mod

by TheLionGirl » Thu Jul 17, 2014 06:58

Oh, its like the M-Map mod of the minecraft, rigth? But with a map in our hand
I know, I am a girl... What I am gonna to do about that??

!!!- Sorry my bad english, is because I'm portuguese -!!!

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Re: [Mod] MapIt [1.1] [mapit] – another mapping mod

by Tsumi » Mon Sep 15, 2014 11:59

on python 2.7.3, running MapWorlds.sh i get this error:

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
minetest@srv-nya:~/.minetest/mods/mapit$ ./MapWorlds.sh
Result image (w=592 h=672) will be written to /home/minetest/.minetest/mods/mapit/textures/world.png
Error at (-23,3,-28): 'buffer' does not have the buffer interface
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "minetestmapper-numpy.py", line 626, in generate_map_info
    f = db.get(ps)
  File "minetestmapper-numpy.py", line 436, in get
    return BytesIO(r[0])
TypeError: 'buffer' does not have the buffer interface
Block data: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "minetestmapper-numpy.py", line 1086, in <module>
  File "minetestmapper-numpy.py", line 1081, in main
  File "minetestmapper-numpy.py", line 788, in generate_map_info
    for c in r[0]:
NameError: global name 'r' is not defined

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Re: [Mod] MapIt [1.1] [mapit] – another mapping mod

by Carnildo » Mon Oct 20, 2014 03:50

If you attempt to create a new world with MapIt active, Minetest will crash. This is because MapIt creates an empty "map.sqlite" file, which Minetest can't handle. I've modified my copy of MapIt to exit if the "map.sqlite" file isn't present, but there's got to be a better solution.

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Re: [Mod] MapIt [1.1] [mapit] – another mapping mod

by dgm5555 » Wed Feb 04, 2015 15:31

Carnildo wrote:If you attempt to create a new world with MapIt active, Minetest will crash. This is because MapIt creates an empty "map.sqlite" file, which Minetest can't handle. I've modified my copy of MapIt to exit if the "map.sqlite" file isn't present, but there's got to be a better solution.

Hmm. MapIt doesn't create the sqlite file, but it does query minetest for points, so presumably minetest is crashing asked to provide them before any exist. Unfortunately I can't replicate your error, as my behaves fine. It would be quite easy to check for existance of an sqlite file though.
EDIT: I've fixed this with a one-liner, but have a few things to improve before updating the .git in the next day or two.

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Re: MapIt - another mapping mod

by Faalagorn » Mon Mar 09, 2015 20:45

dgm5555 wrote:Sorry, now uploaded...

I may be doing something wrong here, but I still can't find the file anywhere... Nowhere in the archive, github, my system, or Google at all (other than the reference in the readme) o.o

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Re: [Mod] MapIt [1.2] [mapit] – another mapping mod

by dgm5555 » Tue Mar 10, 2015 20:26

Sorry the MapWorlds.sh script is no longer required. mapit automatically generates the map when it is loaded by minetest. I've removed the reference to it.

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Re: [Mod] MapIt [1.2] [mapit] – another mapping mod

by Faalagorn » Tue Mar 10, 2015 21:10

Thank you for reply!
I thought the lack of the file was the problem for me, but seems not and the mod is still not working for me :(

MAPP and (most of the other mods I downloaded) works just fine for me fine, but I can't make MapIt to run.

I'm running Minetest 0.4.12 fow Windows (MSVC) binary from the official site, under Windows 8.1 x64 (no UAC, as admin). I tried enabling the mod with a fresh game folder at different locations, too - with no other mods enabled - still no luck.

Maybe I don't have some dependent program installed, or a wrong one. I have:
- python-3.4.3 (32-bit)
- numpy-1.9.2-win32-superpack-python3.4
- Pillow-2.7.0.win32-py3.4

I installed the newer, 3.4 version of python, but maybe I should stick with 2.7? The README also mentions also a "maptool", is this what I'm missing?

If I try to enable the mod to any existing world, the world won't launch. Here is the log from debug.txt:
Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
21:45:11: ERROR[main]: ========== ERROR FROM LUA ===========
21:45:11: ERROR[main]: Failed to load and run script from
21:45:11: ERROR[main]: C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\mods\mapit\init.lua:
21:45:11: ERROR[main]: C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\mods\mapit\init.lua:36: attempt to index local 'outfile' (a nil value)
21:45:11: ERROR[main]: stack traceback:
21:45:11: ERROR[main]:    C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\mods\mapit\init.lua:36: in function 'file_copy'
21:45:11: ERROR[main]:    C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\mods\mapit\init.lua:63: in function 'updateMap'
21:45:11: ERROR[main]:    C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\mods\mapit\init.lua:118: in main chunk
21:45:11: ERROR[main]: ======= END OF ERROR FROM LUA ========
21:45:11: ERROR[main]: Server: Failed to load and run C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\mods\mapit\init.lua
21:45:11: ERROR[main]: ModError: ModError: Failed to load and run C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\mods\mapit\init.lua

If I launch the world for the first time with the mod installed, the game works fine, but crashes when I try using the map.

Either way, thanks in advance for a reply :)!

EDIT: I just checked the minetestmapper-numpy.py script - it required two minor edits to make it work under Python 3.4, but it works flawlessly now. However, I still get the errors unfortunately. It might be caused by the other python script, maybe, but I have a feeling it's something else

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Re: [Mod] MapIt [1.2] [mapit] – another mapping mod

by dgm5555 » Wed Mar 11, 2015 23:37

Looks like it's not copying the files correctly. I've only ever tested with linux, but that part of the code should be os independent.
I take it you've got a file called mapit.png in your textures folder (you should as it's in the git and I'd expect a different error if not).
You could try commenting out lines 63 and 64 to see if that sorted the bug (they're not essential) - just put 2 hyphens '--' at the beginning of each line.
If that doesn't work and you're keen, you could try copying the mapit.png file twice and renaming the files to yourworldname.png and yourworldname_thumb.png, then attempt to enter your world. That should cause the system to overwrite the files with the correct ones. BTW I take it your worlds don't all have any funny characters in their name - I'm not sure what foreign language encoding might do to it...
I also upgraded to I would try mapit in 0.4.12 but that made no difference (ie mine still works)
Thanks for your patience and trying it though

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Re: [Mod] MapIt [1.2] [mapit] – another mapping mod

by Faalagorn » Thu Mar 12, 2015 16:09

Uncommenting lines 63 and 64 helped preventing the game to crash upon loading, but it still crashes when trying to use the map. I tried copying the files to my world location, especially seeing that the errors are most likely related to this, but no luck either (there are still errors with the images reported).

Basically, no map is showed in-game and the game crashes when I try to use a map (left click the map). The errors pop when trying to use a block map, too. Here's the log:

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
mapit: Updated map for C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\worlds\mapittest2
16:46:29: ERROR[main]: generateImage(): Could not load image "C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\worlds\mapittest2_thumb.png" while building texture
16:46:29: ERROR[main]: generateImage(): Creating a dummy image for "C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\worlds\mapittest2_thumb.png"
16:46:30: ERROR[main]: generateImage(): Could not load image "C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\worlds\mapittest2.png" while building texture
16:46:30: ERROR[main]: generateImage(): Creating a dummy image for "C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\worlds\mapittest2.png"
16:46:34: ERROR[main]: generateImage(): Could not load image "C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\worlds\mapittest2_thumb.png" while building texture
16:46:34: ERROR[main]: generateImage(): Creating a dummy image for "C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\worlds\mapittest2_thumb.png"
16:46:34: ERROR[main]: generateImage(): Could not load image "C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\worlds\mapittest2_thumb.png" while building texture
16:46:34: ERROR[main]: generateImage(): Creating a dummy image for "C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\worlds\mapittest2_thumb.png"
16:46:40: WARNING: Undeclared global variable "name" accessed at C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\mods\mapit\init.lua:167
userdata: 0x02803c28
16:46:40: ERROR[main]: ServerError: C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\mods\mapit\init.lua:1218: C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\mods\mapit/textures/C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\worlds\mapittest2.png: Invalid argument
16:46:40: ERROR[main]: stack traceback:
16:46:40: ERROR[main]:    [C]: in function 'assert'
16:46:40: ERROR[main]:    C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\mods\mapit\init.lua:1218: in function 'parse_png'
16:46:40: ERROR[main]:    C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\mods\mapit\init.lua:233: in function 'generateMapStrings'
16:46:40: ERROR[main]:    C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\mods\mapit\init.lua:161: in function 'map_handler_maptool'
16:46:40: ERROR[main]:    C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\mods\mapit\init.lua:156: in function <C:\Games\Minetest\bin\..\mods\mapit\init.lua:155>

For reference: it was the completely new world with only mapit mod enabled plus I have placed a copy mapit.png from the mod directory as a mapittest2.png and mapittest2_thumb.png in the world directory. Here's how it looks for me: http://imgur.com/a/Iafvu

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Re: [Mod] MapIt [1.2] [mapit] – another mapping mod

by dgm5555 » Fri Mar 13, 2015 07:27

The mod expects mapittest2.png and mapittest2_thumb.png to be in the textures directory of the mod, but I'll come up with some debug code to see why it isn't recognising the directory properly.


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