Voxelands much faster than Minetest

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Voxelands much faster than Minetest

by crazy_baboon » Mon Feb 06, 2017 22:06

Hi folks,

Just to inform those people with less powerful computers that Voxelands (http://www.voxelands.com/) really kicks Minetest in terms of performance. In my 2007 computer, I have Minetest running slow at most 20 fps and Voxelands well into 30 fps! A big difference in terms of performance. I am running Lubuntu 16.04 on this machine.

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Re: Voxelands much faster than Minetest

by MineYoshi » Mon Feb 06, 2017 23:05

crazy_baboon wrote:Hi folks,

Just to inform those people with less powerful computers that Voxelands (http://www.voxelands.com/) really kicks Minetest in terms of performance. In my 2007 computer, I have Minetest running slow at most 20 fps and Voxelands well into 30 fps! A big difference in terms of performance. I am running Lubuntu 16.04 on this machine.

Voxelands is based from Minetest 0.3 (older version). That be faster about rendering and Frames is actually because that, since older versions run better in older machines.
But good idea...
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Re: Voxelands much faster than Minetest

by crazy_baboon » Mon Feb 06, 2017 23:54

That be faster about rendering and Frames is actually because that, since older versions run better in older machines.

In fact Voxelands has evolved a lot since minetest 0.3.x. It includes tons more features and it is still, unlike Minetest nowadays, very fast. How does it compare in terms of features to current minetest with a truck load of mods installed? I don't know, I have only just messed with voxelands for a few moments, but it does seem to have a lot of stuff like creatures, crafting and reverse crafting books, character editor, etc...

Personaly, I do prefer Minetest. But if your computer is slow, don't think twice: Voxelands is certainly the way to go. Also, for those who cannot be arsed looking for mods and installing those, give Voxelands a go. It already includes everything in a single install, so no need to mess with extra mods.

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Re: Voxelands much faster than Minetest

by lightseer » Tue Feb 07, 2017 16:04

It seems like minetest has more developers. Hopefully that will result in better code that takes advantage of new developments like Vulcan (the replacement for OpenGL). I'm glad voxelands is doing well, too.

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Re: Voxelands much faster than Minetest

by Wuzzy » Tue Feb 07, 2017 16:24

The current version of Voxelands has pretty nice gameplay to offer. It has come a long way after all these years. You should definitely give it a try or a re-try. :-)
Here are some screenshots as a teaser:

In terms of gameplay, it is MILES ahead of Minetest Game.

(I also want to stress here: Minetest Game is NOT Minetest! There are many subgames FOR Minetest, created by the community. So if you're disappointed with Minetest Game (rightfully so!), give other subgames a chance.)

The downside of Voxelands is that also has many of the old bugs from old Minetest versions, and it is also obviously behind in engine features.
It's a pity that development on Voxelands seems almost dead right now, and I really hope someone will pick up this project again. But it's still in a good and playable state, although I think it still needs lots of bugfixing and polish.

I have to disagree that Voxelands is always faster than Minetest.
In terms of CPU usage, yeah, I think Voxelands is a winner here. :-)
First, it still uses the extremely terrible Minetest-c55 0.3 inventory and crafting management, it needs way too many clicks and it is REALLY painful to craft large amounts.
Formspecs are also much slower than in Minetest. The crafting guide, for instance, often needs SECONDS to flip a single freaking page. In singleplayer! This is very painful. In contrast, the days of laggy formspecs are basically over in Minetest.
All mithril mechanisms are pretty laggy in my opinion, which makes it not fun or even impossible to build really fun and complex machines.
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Re: Voxelands much faster than Minetest

by Sergey » Tue Feb 07, 2017 17:33

If Voxelands is so good in gameplay, maybe it's reasonable to backport/implement good sites of it to MT?

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Re: Voxelands much faster than Minetest

by Wuzzy » Tue Feb 07, 2017 18:25

I think I'm pretty much too busy with MineClone 2 already. ;-)

I also don't see the point, it's already free software and “porting” the entire game to Minetest would mostly be an example of Not Invented Here. Voxelands would be better of by simply improving Voxelands itself. I think the gameplay is also not perfect, if you read my post in the Voxelands forums, you know why.
But many gameplay concepts are surely a good source for inspiration. :-)

And a few smaller ideas or features could still be adapted as mods. The idea for the mod “Inventory Icon” (viewtopic.php?t=12358) came directly from Voxelands, which has the same feature.
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Re: Voxelands much faster than Minetest

by Sergey » Tue Feb 07, 2017 18:36

Wuzzy wrote:I think I'm pretty much too busy with MineClone 2 already. ;-)

Copying MineCraft? But WHY?

Sometimes opensource community surprises me. Because of open source every developer tries to reinvert his own wheel. Hundreds of forks instead of cooperating within one project. As a result efforts go nowhere.

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Re: Voxelands much faster than Minetest

by Wuzzy » Tue Feb 07, 2017 22:41

LOL. I could ask you the same question: Copying Voxelands? Buy WHY?

My answer to your question is pretty simple: Because I can! :D Just for fun. And because I feel there definitely needs to be a free software clone of this game. I didn't even play Minecraft, but it seems to be reasonably complex while still being seemingly in the realm of possibilities of Minetest. A side goal is to test the boundaries of Minetest and to find problems where Minetest is still lacking.
And it is the perfect subgame candidate. We can't deny the huge influence of Minecraft on Minetest. Many engine features only exist because of Minecraft (for example: the weird and unique crafting system). Also, there is already a shitton of Minecraft-like mods for Minetest available, plus awesome texture packs, which makes the progress so far surprisingly fast. I'm also sure I will also learn a lot, especially when I have to deal with mods and the mapgen. Basically I want to grow with my experience.

Yes, you might complain about 0% creativity and NIH as well here, but there are big differences: First, a different programming language, second it will be 100% free software, and third, it will (hopefully) be infinitely times easier to mod. And fourth, I doing this mostly for myself, actually. xD
If Minecraft would have been free software to begin with and would have a built-in (!) modding API, MineClone 2, MineClone, many other Minecraft-like subgames or even Minetest itself may not exist. ;-)

Also, people complain about there are not many free software games and there are absolutely correct. This is my way to change this. :P

Also, the point of “open source” or “free software” is not collaborative development, but freedom. It's only about this. It *can* be collaborative. But it doesn't have to.
I also wouldn't complain about the 1000s of failed projects. Well, that's just fine IMO. Because failure is cheap. At the very least, it's an opportunity to learn. And sometimes, out of the ashes of a dead project rises a new one.

As for MineClone 2, I don't directly collaborate with anyone, but I admittedly took a LOT of work of other people and included this. So, in one sense, this will hopefully weaken a huge part of the NIH accusations. I actually like this form of development, so I don't have to interact with people so much. xD

Oops, now this has gone way too off-topic now. Let's talk further in the MCL2 thread (if you like).
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Re: Voxelands much faster than Minetest

by veriaqa » Thu Feb 09, 2017 01:20

Tried it once, not interested at all. Outdated as heck. Minetest is much better.

Play it under Windows 7 32bit. The FPS comparison is nothing at all. Both Voxeland and Minetest run at 30+ FPS.

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Re: Voxelands much faster than Minetest

by cHyper » Thu Feb 09, 2017 11:50

voxelands is a great game and do not use mods like minetest. the crafting recipices are a little different. when u need mods then you can use minetest. voxelands has also a space area with unique items to get there. better u read the howtos from the forum. mobs are also available.

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Re: Voxelands much faster than Minetest

by lightseer » Thu Feb 09, 2017 20:44

I tried it out. It overheats my laptop, which is getting a little old and too easy to overheat; but you know I do not want to open the thing up and spread new butter. So with Voxelands or any other game even if I crank down the CPU cycles, I can do nothing about the graphics chip and it overheats. With minetest I can turn off all the graphics doo-dads and run it relatively cool.

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