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Re: Did minetest get better than minecraft? comment your opi

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 02:18
by philipbenr
ExeterDad: +1

Re: Did minetest get better than minecraft? comment your opi

PostPosted: Wed May 27, 2015 03:38
by Nathan.S
Technically Minecraft works on Linux because it is java, however minetest is still better solely because its free and super easy to mod.

Re: Did minetest get better than minecraft? comment your opi

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 11:13
by Samson1
Minecraft will all ways be better then Minetest,
Minecraft just has everything you need, Texture packs, mods, mobs, every thing is done properly.
Minetest just does not have that. Redstone works better then mesecones, Animals work and are better then in minetest they also do more, Wolves frighten Creepers, Dogs protect you Minetest does not even have dogs.
And the default TEXTURES in Minetest are RUBBISH!

Re: Re:

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 11:15
by Samson1
stormchaser3000 wrote:yes minetest did get better than minecraft in a way just inocudom said it is a lot easier to mod. another reason is because it is open source and minecraft you have to pay $26 USD. also minetest has a better comunity not as many griefers.

I agree for those two reasons alone. However, one setback is that Minecraft is universal, being released on Windows, Mac OS X, Android, iOS, PS4,PS3 , Xbox One & Xbox 360. Minetest is only available on Windows, Mac OS X & Ansroid.
However, I do believe a Xbox 360 version is possible, as I vaguely remember hearing that you can make 360 games for free.
True, we dont have as many griefers, but we dont have as many players either. Im sure its proportionate.
I think that one reason users are flocking to Freeminer is that it comes with (slightly) more content. Weather, animals, etc. Minetest_game is dead.[quote]

Minetest has a lot more griefers then Minecraft and that's one thing I will all ways think

Re: Did minetest get better than minecraft? comment your opi

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 11:18
by Samson1
kirazo wrote:It should have better surival mode by default.
And there should be a default game mode system, I can not be bothered to keep closing the game just to change the game mode

Re: Re:

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 15:39
by Dartmouth
Samson1 wrote:Minetest is only available on Windows, Mac OS X & Ansroid.

Wut? The MT userbase is mainly Linux...
There was a survey about that somewhere on the forums...

Re: Did minetest get better than minecraft? comment your opi

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 04:33
by PeterPanda
I think that vanilla minetest, while having unique and beautiful mapgen and texture, is really lackluster. Even if you don't mod it I don't think it's better than Minecraft by any stretch of imagination. Despite this, however, I still find myself in front of my computer playing it while games like Destiny, Minecraft, and Skyrim are sitting on my shelf gathering dust. The single reason I play minetest is because of th wonderful community that exists there. Being a moderator, I take pride in overseeing the well being of the server I am a part of. I meet a least one person every time I log on. It's such an amazing mmo and I absolutely love it. That's why, in my opinion, minetest is better than minecraft.

Re: Did minetest get better than minecraft? comment your opi

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 09:53
by Marshall_maz
Minecraft is far better. Even vanilla minecraft has way more content and gameplay features than a modded minetest.

Re: Did minetest get better than minecraft? comment your opi

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2015 18:58
by rubenwardy
The problem is that vanilla Minetest is supposed to be boring, in order to encourage modding.

Re: Did minetest get better than minecraft? comment your opi

PostPosted: Fri Jul 17, 2015 00:31
Marshall_maz wrote:Minecraft is far better. Even vanilla minecraft has way more content and gameplay features than a modded minetest.

I doubt that is true, with the vast amount of mods available.
A modded Minecraft MIGHT have more content than a modded Minetest though.

Re: Did minetest get better than minecraft? comment your opi

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 13:00
by PoignardAzur
I'm often torn between amusement and despair when I see people endlessly repeating that Minetest is better that Minecraft because making mods is 'easier'. No, it's not. Or, to be more precise, while making a shitty mod is infinitely easier in Minetest, making a great mod is slightly easier in Minecraft.

Sure, the technical parts are way simpler in Minetest, but the hardest part of modding is not the coding, it's the game design. Making a good mod means adding something that is both enjoyable, compatible with gameplay elements of other mods, and coherent on its own. Very few mods in Minecraft reach that state, and even fewer mods in Minetest do.

Why ? Because Minetest does not stand on its own. It's a mediocre engine when it comes to gameplay, especially when compared to Minecraft. It has poor controls, a bad UI, a lame sound design, a passable visual design, and no coherent game design to build upon. Most mods I've seen in this forum are just recreations and expansion of minetest_game, which is a very poor, incoherent game that should be demolished and restarted from the beginning instead of being endlessly copied.

So no, Minetest is definitely not better than Minecraft. Some people feel like it is better, because it's free (in both sense of the term) or because it's easy to mod, but a lame free game with a lot of mods that don't actually fix its problems is still a lame game. I'm not saying this as a Minetest-hater, I would love this game to be better, I love the concept, there is a lot of potential to it. The thing is, potential for quality is not quality. And endlessly gushing about how awesome this game is and how much you like it will not make it awesome. Honestly assessing its strengths and its flaws will. And right now, the modding community isn't that high in the 'strengths' columns.

Re: Did minetest get better than minecraft? comment your opi

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 13:22
by rubenwardy
I agree with much of what you say, PoignardAzur, Minetest is supposed to be an easy to extend and fully customisable game engine, but it sucks at that. Hopefully the client side lua will expand the possibilities.

Other subgames should be shipped with Minetest as Minetest Game sucks.

You have to remember the distinction between Plugin Mods and Patch Mods. Minecraft mods are all Patch Mods, they edit and add to the existing source code (except if you use Bukkit, which is a patch mod to add plugin mods.) Minetest's Lua Mods are all plugin mods. Minetest also supports Patch Mods, but it is harder to do than in Minecraft as C++ is a lower level language, and the code of Minetest isn't too friendly to newcomers.

Re: Did minetest get better than minecraft? comment your opi

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 17:53
by maikerumine
FWIW I have both and tend to play MT a whole lot more. I love the ability to mod on the fly and tweak just about everything to suit my needs. With MC it seems troublesome to do the same.

Re: Did minetest get better than minecraft? comment your opi

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 20:19
by Silwncer
MT needs some features to be much better . I explained in my topic in Feature Requests.