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Grappling hook

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 01:34
by Scott
You know what i think would be really cool? a grapling hook mod. the grapling hook would be fired at something far away, or close to the player, and he or she would be shot off through the air to the place he/she grappled. that player would also be able to use the grappling hook as a sling shot to climb steep cliffs, or to lower them selves down one to get some precious coal. That would be possible, because he/she would have momentum in the direction they went if they let go before they reached the end of the grapple hook line. and it wouldnt just be a solid line, it would be an actual rope like entity, so the players could swing through towns, and around giant towers like a crazed batman on crack.
AND THAT, is the thing i want most in this game. to go along with my batman character skin.

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 11:09
by sfan5

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 15:45
by rinoux
+1 ! (Spider-Man mod)

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 20:41
by Scott
rinoux wrote:+1 ! (Spider-Man mod)


PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 11:19
by Lunarhiro
Aww man...I was gonna submit this idea ;_; xD

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 04:45
by IPushButton2653
It would basically, when holding a certain item, make every node in the game climbable. As well as a point-and-click teleport method?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 18:03
by Gatharoth
IPushButton2653 wrote:It would basically, when holding a certain item, make every node in the game climbable. As well as a point-and-click teleport method?

That's half true. It would be pretty much just point-and-click teleport. Although, it would be limited. Eg. no grappling 10,000 blocks away, or half way across the map, ect.

Right now, off the top of my head, the hook that gets "shot" out, would use throwing mod's physics, and when the hook "hits" a node, it would create (for a short time) a (torchlike?) node that looks like the actual hook, and a shot time later, the player is teleported and the hook is removed/gathered by player.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 18:10
by Death Dealer
i like it. grapple DM :D

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 18:49
by Gatharoth
Death Dealer wrote:i like it. grapple DM :D

A DM is not a node, so the grapple would fail. Plus it would be annoying to teleport into a dm and get killed instantly.

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 18:51
by Death Dealer
its just a jokeXD and it should put the grappling hook through the DM skull thereby ripping it out and killing him^.^

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 18:55
by Gatharoth
Death Dealer wrote:its just a jokeXD and it should put the grappling hook through the DM skull thereby ripping it out and killing him^.^

:P Right now, I cannot say if you can get the portion of a entity, that includes players as well. Although, I think there would be a small modification to this for the Legend of Zelda server. Stealing items. Haha.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 00:35
by Scott
so,, would it be possible to make a mod like this?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 00:42
by Jordach
you could, although it will be hard, reminds me of the mc compass teleport.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 00:58
by Gatharoth
Scott wrote:so,, would it be possible to make a mod like this?

Yes, but a quick mod for this, wouldn't work like a normal grappling hook. Instead it would hook, then teleport the player to the "hooked" node.

For a better planned mod, it still wouldn't work how people would want it to.

The best I can say, is that it would,

A: Create a climbable rope for scaling large walls/buildings/mountains
B: Point n click teleporting.

Jordach wrote:you could, although it will be hard, reminds me of the mc compass teleport.

Actually, it wouldn't be hard, at least to do the base of it.

What people general want to see from a grappling hook, is being drug to the hook. Which would be hard, or rather a lot of work. Which would probably involve teleporting the player multiple times. Which in the end will probably not look completely right.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2012 01:17
by IPushButton2653
Looking at this, it seems plausible. Maybe you teleport to the top of the node at which (in the default range of 8 blocks maybe?) you click with the grappling hook? Looks easy on paper.....