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Clients should have a choice about serverside texturepack

PostPosted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 14:22
by Milan*
Hi there,

i just realized that clients should have a choice about using the servertextures or not.
In my case, the server is using high(er)res textures, not all clients are good to go with this and expect bad fps.
The only thing i can do, then is give a link to a low res alternative but sometimes a player just wanna be able to use the default textures.

Re: Clients should have a choice about serverside texturepac

PostPosted: Sat Jan 07, 2017 09:30
by mahmutelmas06
I dont think it is a good idea because servers use different subgames not only default minetest.
For example Lord of the test.... it has its own theme world so u have to use its textures.

Re: Clients should have a choice about serverside texturepac

PostPosted: Sun Jan 08, 2017 20:26
by kaadmy
The better way would be to have high-res textures as a client-side texture pack, and use 16x textures on the server.