Persistent server error

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Persistent server error

by qyron » Mon Jan 27, 2014 21:41

I'm having a persistent error with my installation of Minetest, as the engine keeps announcing it has found a SQL database error.

The message is as follows:

ERROR[Serverthread]:WARNING: Block failed to save (x, y, z) SQL logic error or missing database

The "funny" thing is the set of blocks the errors reply to; the range seems to be confined from -4 to +4 in all coordinates. Any set of coordinates within this range will give this error - including (0, 0, 0).

This started by itself; I haven't messed with the game in any way. Bug or something else?
Minetest is not Minecraft. Stop trying to make them look alike.

Currently running Minetest 0.4-13 from Debian Backports.

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