game not responding to keyboard events

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game not responding to keyboard events

by ptrainerchris » Tue Nov 29, 2016 01:12

This is my first post and i am not a developer or a programmer so please bear with me.

I am trying to create an interface to play Minetest using the kinect v2 for a school project. I am running FAAST, which recognizes gestures and simulates a keyboard "event". Nothing fancy, if you put your left arm out then press "a".

I have done this before to play games on STEAM and in browser and they work fine. If I open a word document and put my left arm out, the letter "a" is pressed.

When I run Minetest, my actual keyboard presses work fine, but the game does not respond to gestures at all. FAAST runs a window that keeps a log of keyboard events and I can see it responding to my movement but no game actions happen. I tested FAAST with a word document with minetest running. I see "aaaaaaaaaaa" in word but nothing happens in game.

I'm probably in over my heard here but is there anything I am missing? Any resources that may help? It appears to me that Minetest isn't recognizing the keyboard presses because of FAAST, but I have no idea how to fix it. I searched the forums already but didn't see anything that would help me.


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