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Re: gsmapper + map mod

PostPosted: Mon May 11, 2015 21:54
by Evergreen
Great, I wanted to see someone take this over! +1

Re: gsmapper + map mod

PostPosted: Mon May 18, 2015 20:45
by Sokomine
RealBadAngel wrote:I just started to rework gsmanners code and here are the effects:

It's good to see you taking it over.

RealBadAngel wrote:Underground scanner - scans for air:

That could be a nice and useful feature. Seeing where caves and dungeons are could be very helpful.

You might still run into the same problems the mod had from the beginning: either the area shown is so small that it's more or less a floor plan of the tiny cottage next to you, or it takes up a lot of screen space. Orientation in Minetest worlds is difficult, even with a map. Maps are after all abstractions, and there it gets tricky.

Re: gsmapper + map mod

PostPosted: Sat May 23, 2015 21:56
by est31
He sais that he's completely rewritten the mapper, inspired by this mapper.

Re: gsmapper + map mod

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 20:15
by PatrocloPicchiaduro
RealBadAngel wrote:I just started to rework gsmanners code and here are the effects:
Underground scanner - scans for air:
This is how it works over surface:

Surface scanner - its dynamic and not bound to specific level, areas closer to you get brighter:

How do you like it?

It looks awesome. would you kindly share some some instructions on how to install it on our devices as well? Perhaps you already did it and I missed it?

Re: gsmapper + map mod

PostPosted: Fri Aug 21, 2015 22:41
by philipbenr
Press f9 in latest build

Re: gsmapper + map mod

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 02:08
by est31
Note that the minimap included in official minetest 0.4.13 isn't gsmapper, but a rewrite done by RealBadAngel, which is much much faster.

Re: gsmapper + map mod

PostPosted: Sat Aug 22, 2015 05:40
by philipbenr
Noted. :)