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[Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.3.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 14:38
by Wuzzy
This is a mod for Minetest Game which gives you more stuff to build by adding various simple decorational blocks, stairs, slabs, doors, panes and other items.


+ More screenshots

Long description
Most items revolve around snow and ice, luxury (gold) and bamboo.

The core idea of this mod is simplicity and on allowing the player to build even cooler buildings. The aim is to provide a lightweight set of decorational blocks by extending the existing blocks and mechanics of Minetest Game. All additions are closely related to Minetest Game's existing items. I also try to keep compability with other (similar) mods and to minimize redundancy, so it should be relatively safe to install this mod.

All items can be crafted. Use a crafting guide mod to find out how.

See the project page for more information:

Download ...


+ Ideas

+ Report duplicates

Short infos
Version: 0.3.0
Dependencies: Minetest Game (default, beds, doors, farming, xpanes, walls, stairs)
Optional dependencies:
  • furniture (for furniture)
  • awards (for achievements)
  • xdecor (for compability recipes)
  • moreblocks (for more sweeper recipes)
  • intllib (for translations)
  • doc_items (for help texts)

Git repository project page (with README):
Code license: MIT License
Media license: CC-BY-SA 3.0, CC-BY 3.0 or MIT License (see for detailed information)

Similar mods

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.1.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 16:24
by TheReaperKing
Thanks so much for making this! Also thank you for being willing to entertain ideas, I'll have my students come up with a list on Monday. I love the Papyrus house so much, that's great! I'd love to see them making those in our survival mode and maybe even mudbrick huts or something. Take care and I'll definitely be keeping my eye on this mod.

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.2.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Sat Oct 22, 2016 21:10
by Wuzzy
TheReaperKing suggested “mudbrick” and I think this is a nice and simple suggestion. So:


Version 0.2.0 has the following additions:

- Gravel cobblestone (nice mosaic pattern) + stair + slab + wall
- Soft dirt brick
- Hardened dirt brick + stair + slab
- Gravel dirt (nice for decorating your garden)

You can grow saplings on the dirt bricks and the gravel dirt.

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.2.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 18:46
by DS-minetest
nice! i like it.

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.2.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 19:33
by TheReaperKing
Wow that looks awesome, thank you!

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.2.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 20:10
by D00Med
Looks very nice!

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.2.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Sun Oct 23, 2016 20:39
by pithy
You could add payrus fence and fence gate and/or registure furniture with my furniture mod.
When registering furniture I tend to register materials that can be made in to fences as type wood and materials that can be made in to walls as type stone.

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.2.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 10:17
by azekill_DIABLO
this is amazing!!!!!! it will be added to voxellar!

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.2.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 15:50
by Andrey01
Wow, i`m like these nodes!

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.2.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 24, 2016 15:52
by Andrey01
In case you have simply repainted the nodes

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.2.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 14:52
by TheReaperKing
After updating I'm having this crash

2016-10-31 10:46:28: ERROR[Main]: ModError: Failed to load and run script from /home/m/Desktop/princessrainbowfacecreative/bin/../mods/minetest_mtg_plus/init.lua:
2016-10-31 10:46:28: ERROR[Main]: ...inbowfacecreative/bin/../mods/minetest_mtg_plus/init.lua:1087: attempt to call a nil value
2016-10-31 10:46:28: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
2016-10-31 10:46:28: ERROR[Main]: ...inbowfacecreative/bin/../mods/minetest_mtg_plus/init.lua:1087: in main chunk

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.2.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 16:12
by Wuzzy
Strange, I can't see an error in this line. My first guess is that your furniture mod is outdated.

Note that for my mods, the Git version is never officially supported, so bugs are to be expected. If it doesn't work, just stick to the latest official release of Minetest Game Plus, which is version 0.2.0. Version 0.2.0 does not include furniture.

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.2.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 16:24
by TheReaperKing
You were right! I updated the furniture mod again it worked, thanks so much! I'll keep that in mind in the future with the git version, thanks again.
PS I did disable it and update it again while updating the furniture mod so I guess I don't know 100% if that is what did it but at least it works!

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.2.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 16:35
by pithy
TheReaperKing wrote:After updating I'm having this crash

2016-10-31 10:46:28: ERROR[Main]: ModError: Failed to load and run script from /home/m/Desktop/princessrainbowfacecreative/bin/../mods/minetest_mtg_plus/init.lua:
2016-10-31 10:46:28: ERROR[Main]: ...inbowfacecreative/bin/../mods/minetest_mtg_plus/init.lua:1087: attempt to call a nil value
2016-10-31 10:46:28: ERROR[Main]: stack traceback:
2016-10-31 10:46:28: ERROR[Main]: ...inbowfacecreative/bin/../mods/minetest_mtg_plus/init.lua:1087: in main chunk

Looks like you are using an old version of furniture that does not have stone furniture.

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.2.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 17:45
by qwertymine3
How about gold leaf engravings? This could just be a sign with a transparent background and gold coloured fake text.
Like this:
May not look as nice with 16x textures though

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.2.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 19:13
by Wuzzy
Looks kinda ugly if you ask me. :/ I like new things making use of gold but it should look nice. I also don't really know what exactly you're proposing here.

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.2.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 20:29
by qwertymine3
Gold leaf writing, as found on gravestones or some fancy signs.
I tried 16x textures, and I agree it doesn't look great.

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.2.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 20:45
by Wuzzy
I think this would be more suited in a graveyard-themed or signs mod. Writing on the wall implies that there is readable text, like on Minetest Game's signs. Implementing signs or something like signs is out of scope for this mod since signs are not trivial and Minetest Game has no API for adding signs.
And just putting a fuzzy writing on the wall with no actual readable text just seems wrong to me.
Sorry, I reject your particular suggestion.

Note I may be more open to other “gold leaf” ideas for lightweight decorations.

Version 0.3.0 released

PostPosted: Mon Nov 21, 2016 23:11
by Wuzzy
Version 0.3.0 released!

This update includes a few new blocks and many gameplay changes:
  • Add ice trapdoor and Add icy steel trapdoor
  • Add a few achievements for the Achievements [awards] mod
  • Add some furniture for the [furniture] mod
  • Improve borders of goldglass panes
  • Add jungle cobblestone cookable to stone
  • Make graveldirt recipe shapeless
  • Add help texts for Documentation System (incomplete)
  • Make goldwood fireproof
  • Make many items usable as fuel in furnace
  • Fix some nodes being destroyable by cave generator
  • Add metal sounds from Minetest Game developer version
  • Change craft of gold/diamond block
  • Change texture of gold/diamond block
  • Fix mod not working with both intllib and mod security enabled

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.3.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 05:41
by Sokomine
I think there is too much gold for my taste. And also too much snow/ice. Somehow, the palette doesn't work for me (mostly). Some blocks are nice (i.e. that sandstonecobble for the paths, and of course the papyrus block), but...somehow...the gold hurts! Yellow is nice as a color, but...a bed out of it? *running away screaming* :-)

Simplicity is a fine goal. The best blocks a mod can come up with are those that can be used for a wide variety of usages. A stair can be a stair, a roof, a chair, armchair, part of a structure...But in order to achieve that, the textures need to be sufficiently universal, and the colors have to fit. Moreblocks does a very good job with its blocks. Most of them are rather greyish, which does fit well to houses. I love the baked clay mod and its colors and texture.

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.3.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 11:52
by Wuzzy
The reason why there are so many gold blocks is because the plain Minetest Game has very little uses for gold. So I decided to add more uses, and the most obvious use is excessive luxury. XD There are also some more absurd luxuries, like the gold bed, but luxury is always a little bit absurd and excessive. ;-) So this is intentional.
Snow and ice stuff was added because I felt a need to build great ice castles and igloos. The ice blocks also differ in hardness and in whether they let light through. And I really do think that all snow/ice blocks serve a purpose. I also consider the ice/snow theme to be finished, I will probably not add more blocks to this theme.
I think the problem is not actually too much gold, ice or snow, but too little of everything else to “balance it off”. I really feel there could be more stuff in the papyrus theme, but I ran out of ideas. One idea posted here was a papyrus fence, and I think a papyrus trapdoor might also work, but then I am really out of ideas.

Also, I am probably not removing most blocks because players always have the option to not use them. :P

I don't understand at all why you have problems with the palette. I am using mostly the colors of Minetest Game: gold textures use exactly the colors from the gold block, and snow and ice textures use exactly the colors of snow and ice. Are you using a texture pack or the developer version? In the developer version, the snow texture was changed. Which really pisses me off since it took me quite a time to make my textures work out nicely with the 0.4.14 snow texture, and I have to probably redraw them all again. X_X
But if you're using a texture pack, just ask the texture pack author to add support for this mod. :P I won't probably change the existing blocks that much anymore. My next major goals with this mod are testing, writing item documentation and translations and releasing. After that, I might add more trapdoors.

I might consider splitting this mod into multiple “themed” mods (one for ice, one for gold/luxury, one for papyrus, …) when it exceeds a certain size. But for now I think a split is probably too early.

“Universality” was not really a goal, and yes, not all blocks can be used in all contexts, since most blocks follow some theme. Also, I dislike the stair abuse. :P This mod adds stairs and slabs nonetheless.
But if you do have an idea for an unique new block which fits to the theme of Minetest Game AND it has not already been added by another mod, I might add it.
But avoiding redundancy was a goal with this mod: You won't find a gold door in this mod since ts_doors already adds one. You won't find wooden tiles in this mod since these are already very well covered in [xdecor] and [moreblocks].
Another goal was exploring the API features of Minetest Game: That's why you find many “standard” things lik stairs, slabs, doors, trapdoors, fences, walls, etc.

By the way, this mod is pretty much compatible with More Blocks. It already adds some cool blocks, and I certainly won't repeat them. You can use both mods just fine without duplicates/errors. I even added a few crafting recipes which use recipes from More Blocks. For example, you can use the sweeper to clean the dirty glass. :-)

Overall, your criticisms are too vague for me to convince me to remove any block right now. The gold bed is here to stay. :P But yeah, maybe it could use a better texture and/or mesh. Especially since it is supposed to be a luxury, it should not look like shit. Adding good new beds is harder than it seems.
If many people think a particular block is too terrible and they have a good reason, I might consider removing it. I might also consider removing things which are too superficial or redundant with other things. I am personally not so happy with the white bed; the main reason it was added is to add a bed craft which does not require any dye. As a decoration, it's not so great and might be better in a different mod.

Re: [Mod] Minetest Game Plus [0.3.0] [mtg_plus]

PostPosted: Mon Dec 12, 2016 00:40
by toby109tt
Nice idea! I'm definitely gonna try this mod !