capture the flag - request

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Joined: Mon Jul 16, 2012 23:10

capture the flag - request

by Nubelite » Mon Jul 16, 2012 23:47

I'm seeing if anyone would be willing to volunteer to make this mod. I will be learning to mod but I know this will be no simple task.

Flag can not be moved by the team except vertically but only indirectly. Such as removing the block below the flag or raising it with water maybe.

This is so the flag cannot be moved anywhere they want or let the team carry it around. Will still let a maze of caves be buildable or a towering cliff. Can have traps and surprises and anything else the players can think of building.

Volunteers to make the mod, team set up and flag system, are welcome also any input is to.

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by SegFault22 » Tue Jul 17, 2012 06:34

Maybe if a guns mod is perfected to add more pistols, sidearms, automatics, long-range, explosive, etc., this would make a perfect CTP mode of gameplay. Maybe then there can be DM and TDM modes, or even Team Elimination or Deathmatch Elimination. Great idea.
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