- It faces south
- It will appear north and east from where you set pos1, as usual for worldedit (9 east, 24 north, 23 high).
- Use the ground as pos1 before loading (will be replaced with snow, except crevasse where lowest foot is placed.
- Other than default nodes, the schem uses cblocks:glass_white, cottages:stovepipe, projection_lights:light_node, projection_lights:light, xdecor:pressure_wood_off, ropes:ropeladder, scifi_nodes:black_lights, facade:block_bannerstone_corner, stairs:stair_quartzblock, xdecor:chair, stoneworks:arches_low_wallsilver_sandstone, all of which are in Bucket_Game.
- Known Issues: doors_owner is poikilos2--shouldn't be a problem since steel trapdoors aren't locked; has a configured travelnet:travelnet owned by poikilos2. Correct these issues by replace all in a text editor (replace poikilos2 with your username, or singleplayer for Single Player mode).
License: CC BY-SA 4.0 Poikilos