New Spongie repos features

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Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2011 14:38

New Spongie repos features

by spongie » Sun Jun 19, 2011 12:20


There are currently three changes:
* Dual hand option
* Increase inventory size
* Bug fix in inventory.cpp:521

Bug fix in inventory.cpp:521 changed m_items\[i\] to getItem(i) which would segfault the server if i was out of range.

The inventory size is a build time option, but I'm considering making it a server side setting just as the dual hand will be a client side setting. This means if you like these features you can use them, otherwise stick with default settings.
Unfortunately, I will have to change the protocol for serializing inventory lists slightly to include a max size.

It would be sad to see a fork so early in the project, in particular incompatible versions. Is there any way to get these features and bug fixes into the upstream repos? I'm trying to make them as nonintrusive as possible so players who don't like them can ignore them.

My repos is in

(forgot to make it public previously, but it's now available)

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Joined: Mon Jun 20, 2011 13:15

by marvalis » Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:36

I was thinking about this dual hand feature. Currently it has 1-4 left hand and 4-8 right hand?

What if you have two selection boxes, say one blue and one red, and you can select any one of the 8 quick slots. Left clicking one one would make it blue (left hand), right clicking would make the selection red (right hand). Any one quick slot can be selected by both red and blue at the same time (to allow easy hand switching).

Just an idea I had to get rid of ;D.

Also a 'noobish' question: is there any reason to keep fast selection limited to a bar of 8 options? What if you could fast select anything in your inventory? Also look at this game it seems like they have a special selection system:
Blockade runner (

Ideally, holding a button would bring up a window in the center of the screen where you can select what goes in your left hand (left click) and right hand (right click). Although it is similar to the inventory, it serves another function and left clicking does something different in your inventory. Suppose you have 10 stacks of stone. The selection menu would only show 'stone' as one of the options (and possibly a number indicating the total amount of stone). These items to select could be ordered in some way (for example, by type and by alphabet). This could be used in addition to the current bar with 8 options. It would seems a good idea to show a picture left and right what you have in your hand at the sides of the 8-item bar.

Another suggestion would be to improve the 8-bar by showing the total material instead of one stack. If you have 500 stone you should not have to replace the stack after using 99.

I hope this makes some sense. Thanks for you time xD.
Last edited by marvalis on Wed Jun 22, 2011 12:50, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 19
Joined: Thu Jun 16, 2011 14:38

by spongie » Wed Jun 22, 2011 13:48

Many updates since i posted here. Max items in a stack is 999, inventory is 10x5 and the dual system is setup to be efficient with 10 different items.

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