Post your mapgen seeds!

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Post your mapgen seeds!

by rudzik8 » Thu Jul 06, 2023 08:49

Seed first (if you have a non-numerical value, like "seed" instead of "7433841846291520339", use the non-numerical one)
then mapgen (e.g. "mgv7")
then summary.

Include screenshots as attachments please! :)

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Re: Post your mapgen seeds!

by rudzik8 » Thu Jul 06, 2023 09:06

I'll begin!

Seed: nyancat [mgv7]
Summary: A crazy mix of 3 inhabitable biome types: jungle, forest, and savanna, all can be seen right from the spawn continent. Also, there's a huge ocean which turns into a big swamp, dividing a big jungle-forest mix mountain island from the beach-savanna-jungle mix mainland. Not to mention the long mountain blob on the savanna part of the spawn continent. It is best to open up Minetest, create a new world with this seed and just have a look yourself. ;)
The spawn continent is on the left, in the middle there's a jungle-forest archipelago with some papyrus, and the big jungle-forest mountain island is on the right. All separated by water
screenshot_20230706_153448.png (1.15 MiB) Viewed 18364 times
A better look at the archipelago. The big jungle-forest mountain island can be seen in the fog
screenshot_20230706_153522.png (875.45 KiB) Viewed 18364 times
The spawn continent. You can see the long mountain blob here from its side
screenshot_20230706_153627.png (858.27 KiB) Viewed 18364 times

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Re: Post your mapgen seeds!

by rudzik8 » Fri Jul 07, 2023 05:28

Seed: gnu [mgv7]
Summary: Just a nice survival seed really. You spawn in a fine forest, water is really near so no problems with starting a farm here. There's also a jungle biome nearby, as well as a conifer forest on the other side of the river.
The spawn hill
screenshot_20230707_122122.png (1.74 MiB) Viewed 18363 times
screenshot_20230707_122150.png (882.41 KiB) Viewed 18363 times
screenshot_20230707_122214.png (1.24 MiB) Viewed 18363 times

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