Minetest forks, and that stuff

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Minetest forks, and that stuff

by Carive » Thu Nov 24, 2011 19:15

Hey guys !
My name is Alexandre Carive, and I'm a quite newbie in Minetest, as I recently known it (thanks to SirShadowDeath!). I'm french, so please excuse me if my English is not very... good.

But if you're here, it's not because of me, and my awesome nick, but because of the topic name that captivated you. So that is my "theory". I went through a lot of topics on this forum, to try to document myself about the living community of Minetest, and there I saw a "problem" that I'm going to explain here :

As Minetest is a free and open-source game, we can make what we want with this game (right ?). And when someone of the community asks if it could be possible to implement an X function / block / item / stuff, we redirect him to an X fork of Minetest. There comes the problem : I think we mustn't associate those games. Of course, the fork is based on Minetest, and most of it IS Minetest, but as it should be a different game, I don't think we must associate them. So when I see replies saying "There's a fork for that" but it's not the same.

Of course, I know Minetest must be what Celeron wants it to be, but suggestions are always good, so he (you ?) can know what community would like to see implemented in the game. We're not asking forks as we could ask mods in Minecraft, we just want the game to be cooler, and with this new stuff implemented in the ORIGINAL game.

This is my opinion, I'm waiting for yours :) !

Cheers, Alexandre.

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