This is a mostly frozen copy of the Minetest forums through 2017. If you know phpBB3 and would like to host any G-rated forum here, you can email:
If the email doesn't work, find out who's taken over Final Minetest from OldCoder and email them to get write access or an admin account.
I should have set this up years ago. But it's no tale of woe.
Whether the temperature is high or low, regardless of cold winds blow,
away we go like Edgar Allan Poe, on now with the show. BTW rhymes are welcome.
and, to be honest, your suggestion that core developers cannot understand the new standard is nothing short of offensive Feel free to be offended, that is your right. It's a right you exercise freely and with reckless abandon, and I wouldn't want you to change. I said that the new standards may be ...
As time goes on, we should reflect where we are at with technologies. I think it's time to reassess where we are at with regards to C++11. I understand I am pulling up an old thread. It has been 3 years since the standard was ratified, and while not many (any?) compilers boost full conformance, a lo...