This is a mostly frozen copy of the Minetest forums through 2017. If you know phpBB3 and would like to host any G-rated forum here, you can email:
If the email doesn't work, find out who's taken over Final Minetest from OldCoder and email them to get write access or an admin account.
I should have set this up years ago. But it's no tale of woe.
Whether the temperature is high or low, regardless of cold winds blow,
away we go like Edgar Allan Poe, on now with the show. BTW rhymes are welcome.
Hey Guys my name is DatJohnDoe and I have been playing for a while now and figured I should make a server The Ip is and the port is Default 30000 I currently need some builders you can sign up in the comments by answering the following ---------------------------------------------------...
gravel : should give any kind of minerals, with a high rarity factor sand : gold ore, sandstone? dirt : gold ore, cobble, lianas (rare) Maybe should they drop very rarely any kind of tools, of any quality ? It would make it funny and be another add for the classic rpg randomization use ;). Also, I ...
Minetest is missing redstone, don't say mesecones because there is 100x more to redstone and Minecraft command blocks then any one could know if they don't play MC, for example: if you do ( /cannon ) the node that your courser is pointing at will blow up. (note: the cannon command only works in 1.7...