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Re: banner mod [WIP]

I preserved this at What is the license of the code, and who made the images, and what are their licenses?
by poikilos
Sun Feb 02, 2020 15:28
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: banner mod [WIP]
Replies: 11
Views: 28934

Star Wars (R) AT-AT Walker

You really have to see this "in person." Like anything reconstructed in Minetest here "actual size," experiencing it is different than seeing a photo or even a video. Maybe its been done in Minetest, maybe not--but this one is "actual size" using the height from starwar...
by poikilos
Thu Jun 27, 2019 01:45
Forum: Minetest Schematics
Topic: Star Wars (R) AT-AT Walker
Replies: 0
Views: 15847

Re: [Mod] Pyramids (with Treasurer support) [0.6] [tsm_pyram

Hello @Wuzzy, could you please change uses of global nodeupdate(pos) by making a separate case if minetest.check_for_falling ~= nil then minetest.check_for_falling(pos) else nodeupdate(pos) end to prevent the crash below? Undeclared global variable "nodeupdate" accessed at ...share/minetes...
by poikilos
Wed Jun 05, 2019 14:56
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: [Mod] Pyramids (with Treasurer support) [0.6] [tsm_pyramids]
Replies: 13
Views: 9544

Railway Terminal Idea (Stay Behind the Yellow Line)

Inspired by Grian's video:
2-lane and 1-lane versions:
by poikilos
Fri May 31, 2019 20:09
Forum: Screenshots
Topic: Railway Terminal Idea (Stay Behind the Yellow Line)
Replies: 0
Views: 2651

Giant Stone Brick Staircases on Center of the Sun

HenryNautilus and I are building huge stone brick staircases and bridges for Center of the Sun (, in the mountainous greater BirdLand region...
by poikilos
Sat Apr 13, 2019 03:10
Forum: Screenshots
Topic: Giant Stone Brick Staircases on Center of the Sun
Replies: 0
Views: 2596

Underwater Castle by HenryNautilus - Ordu Miotail Dubh

HenryNautilus specializes in underwater builds and has really outdone himself this time (on my server):
screenshot_20190405_232823.jpg (129.69 KiB) Viewed 2649 times

screenshot_20190405_232849.jpg (124.56 KiB) Viewed 2649 times

screenshot_20190405_232936.jpg (127.41 KiB) Viewed 2649 times
by poikilos
Sat Apr 06, 2019 03:38
Forum: Screenshots
Topic: Underwater Castle by HenryNautilus - Ordu Miotail Dubh
Replies: 0
Views: 2649

[Mod] farming redo for treasurer [git] [trm_farming_redo]

This trm (treasure registration mod) registers farming redo items (via Wuzzy's treasurer mod). The items are probably all items you want as loot from TenPlus1's farming redo. This mod may not be as necessary now that minetest with farming redo spawns various farming redo plants, but some server owne...
by poikilos
Sat Mar 23, 2019 12:56
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: [Mod] farming redo for treasurer [git] [trm_farming_redo]
Replies: 0
Views: 3397

Minetest Tools (Forum Link)

For Minetest mod development tools, see the Minetest Tools forum link.
by poikilos
Tue Mar 12, 2019 20:04
Forum: Modding Discussion
Topic: Minetest Tools (Forum Link)
Replies: 0
Views: 4737

Re: [Mod] Achievements [2.3] [awards] – UI support, more awa

Hi, I made 2 new PR for the french translation. One for the translated strings and the other with formspec adjustment because french strings are longer. (I actually did that some time ago but it was messy and I made a mistake on github that caused me to re-fork re-edit, and re-PR, so that was final...
by poikilos
Tue Mar 12, 2019 19:58
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Mod] Achievements [2.3] [awards] – UI support, more awards
Replies: 156
Views: 114997

Pirate Ships in Various Conditions, by AspireMint

Pirate Ship, complete with sails: CC BY-SA 3.0 AspireMint, Sokomine "Pirate ship schematic for Minetest (best if you place it 3 blocks into water) Depends on cottages and circularsaw" "Preview (may display old version)" -AspireMint https:...
by poikilos
Tue Mar 12, 2019 19:14
Forum: Minetest Schematics
Topic: Pirate Ships in Various Conditions, by AspireMint
Replies: 1
Views: 2742

"Be View" (b3view) Minetest B3D/Other 3D Model Viewer

"Be View" (b3view) is a model viewer for B3D, X, OBJ, MS3D, 3DS (or any supported by Irrlicht). Main changes in this fork: ⋅  stable ⋅  improved view controls ⋅  Press t to cycle through ...
by poikilos
Tue Mar 12, 2019 18:51
Forum: Minetest Tools
Topic: "Be View" (b3view) Minetest B3D/Other 3D Model Viewer
Replies: 0
Views: 2622

MinetestIDE - Minetest Lua API Code Completion in ZeroBrane

I have done a minor fork of "MinetestIDE," which is wintermute's mod of ZeroBrane Studio, a Lua editor with code completion (with Minetest code completion added thanks to wintermute). Below is all I've done so far: ⋅  extracted it from the forum zip and uploaded it to GitHub &sdo...
by poikilos
Tue Mar 12, 2019 18:28
Forum: Minetest Tools
Topic: MinetestIDE - Minetest Lua API Code Completion in ZeroBrane
Replies: 2
Views: 18220

Re: Lightweight games from distro

A lightweight game that is rather painful to compile is called RainCat (I had trouble getting Haskell up and running and compiling Raincat in Manjaro, but other distros may not have as much trouble). The binaries are rather old, and are only included in certain distros ( Ubuntu's universe repository...
by poikilos
Thu Feb 28, 2019 00:58
Forum: Lightweight Linux games
Topic: Lightweight games from distro
Replies: 3
Views: 26787

Vegan Toaster Oven Pizza

I am partly vegan just to avoid mass produced animal products that are processed on the edge of being safe to consume. I have deleted facebook, and Google is deprecating Google+, so some stuff I downloaded from those sites will be added to my new website, There are more recipes, includ...
by poikilos
Wed Feb 27, 2019 23:44
Forum: Recipes
Topic: Vegan Toaster Oven Pizza
Replies: 1
Views: 2586

Re: Working & wonderfull Mintest IDE, based on ZeroBrane Stu

I've clarified the licensing and authorship of using info from the mini charter and JohnBelmonte respectively (see README for complete description of authorship and licensing). I've also added a fallback license to MinetestIDE (it is said to be "based on ZeroBrane Studio" so ...
by poikilos
Wed Feb 06, 2019 17:47
Forum: Minetest-Related
Topic: Working & wonderfull Mintest IDE, based on ZeroBrane Studio
Replies: 16
Views: 39012

Re: Who Knows the History of Minetest?

Today is your lucky day! In a huge coincidence, I updated the information in the wiki page about the mapgen evolution today: But only for the development since 0.3.0, anything before that is beyond my motivation. To learn more about the very early hi...
by poikilos
Mon Nov 19, 2018 16:20
Forum: Minetest General
Topic: Who Knows the History of Minetest?
Replies: 6
Views: 6894

Re: [Mod] Locked Travelnet [locked_travelnet] (for PvP-serve

Now that minetest_game has keys, and node ownership is rather standardized, is there any chance you might: use minetest_game's new keys (right click on teleporter with skeleton key to transform the key) instead of locks mod, if this is possible with custom nodes such as travelnet * if behavior of lo...
by poikilos
Fri Mar 24, 2017 14:42
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Mod] Locked Travelnet [locked_travelnet] (for PvP-servers)
Replies: 10
Views: 5013

Re: Minetest 0.4.15

Hehe as usual the wiki is about 3 years out of date. I would be that expert, i can write something but i don't have wiki access. Hmm, giving developers Wiki access may provide a way for improving the Wiki. Any chance of that happening? I assume that would be safe enough at least for core developers...
by poikilos
Mon Mar 06, 2017 14:26
Forum: Minetest News
Topic: Minetest 0.4.15
Replies: 136
Views: 68831

Re: Minetest 0.4.15

Okay, guys, there's something that needs some explanation... *grumf!* I have downloaded 0.4.15 for my Windows7... and unzipped it. Now WHAT? What am I supposed to do with this new folder? Hum? HOW will I make a proper installation of MineTest 0.4.15? Hum? Instructions, please? >:( You can get a min...
by poikilos
Mon Mar 06, 2017 14:11
Forum: Minetest News
Topic: Minetest 0.4.15
Replies: 136
Views: 68831

Who Knows the History of Minetest?

Hello, To write a history of Minetest, we could start by people who know the history of Minetest posting a reply to this post. There may be a need for some history of Minetest, before all of it is forgotten or lost. For example, I didn't know what mese was or why it was named that. I looked and coul...
by poikilos
Sun Mar 05, 2017 15:56
Forum: Minetest General
Topic: Who Knows the History of Minetest?
Replies: 6
Views: 6894

Re: Minetest 0.4.15

Hey, this update is really cool. However, since mapgen v7 is the new default, who is the expert able to update the page (the first result on google for minetest mapgen v7)? Perhaps it can at least link to some sections of the api documentation, and if there is more ...
by poikilos
Sun Mar 05, 2017 15:34
Forum: Minetest News
Topic: Minetest 0.4.15
Replies: 136
Views: 68831

Re: [Mod] Protector Redo [2.0] [protector]

Ok I seemed to have fixed the set_hp infinite recursion bug by adding the following checks before continuing the not protector.can_dig case in the is_protected function (I'm not actually sure why it would be infinite recursion otherwise). I came upon this solution because one of the errors was regar...
by poikilos
Wed Feb 22, 2017 22:49
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Mod] Protector Redo [2.0] [protector]
Replies: 174
Views: 47848

Re: [Mod] Protector Redo [2.0] [protector]

Hello, I looked into this crash but the attached log doesn't help me pinpoint why it crashes. It happens when killing yourself (and possibly other death) by digging in a protected area with latest git version of Minetest server (and windows git build). It seems to be infinite recursion (same functio...
by poikilos
Wed Feb 22, 2017 19:37
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Mod] Protector Redo [2.0] [protector]
Replies: 174
Views: 47848

Re: [Mod] Birthstones [birthstones]

I forked this & implemented many fixes mentioned above (& all standard tools): Download: or Browse: I am working on glooptest compatibility (will not require glooptest). There...
by poikilos
Sun Feb 12, 2017 08:06
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Mod] Birthstones [birthstones]
Replies: 25
Views: 14270

Re: [MOD] fixed birthstones [birthstones]

It would be nice if this mod could be backwards-compatible with worlds which used the original mod. For instance, register aliases for birthstone stuff whose names have changed, and perhaps add Opal as a secondary drop for the deprecated Alexandrite ore, but change Alexandrite ore to look like pear...
by poikilos
Sun Feb 12, 2017 07:40
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: [MOD] fixed birthstones [birthstones]
Replies: 14
Views: 3528

Re: [mod-pack] sky critters (for mobs_redo) [mobs_sky]

TenPlus1 wrote:Tested... flying critters work with latest api and face the right direction.

You're right--I updated mobs redo and it works now. Thank you. My fault--I had made an installer script for a new subgame I am working on, but it did not delete old copies of zip files before downloading.
by poikilos
Tue Jan 31, 2017 15:25
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: [mod-pack] sky critters (for mobs_redo) [mobs_sky]
Replies: 19
Views: 6319


Feature request: renaming/migration Say when you change the name of your mod, or the node, that you could do something like nodeswitch('teacup:teacup','tea:cup') example use: i have a map that uses staircase, which ive updated and renamed since then to nbu, along with some of the nodenames. I cant ...
by poikilos
Fri Jan 27, 2017 16:50
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Mod] Delete unknown blocks and objects [1] [clean]
Replies: 44
Views: 23486

Re: [mod-pack] sky critters (for mobs_redo) [mobs_sky]

The mobs (birds and bats) are flying left (facing y -90 degrees). I am new to modding--I tried the rotate option but that didn't help. Maybe the rotate option no longer works in the latest mobs redo. I am using the git version of minetest and git version of mobs redo (I am also using the git version...
by poikilos
Thu Jan 26, 2017 21:23
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: [mod-pack] sky critters (for mobs_redo) [mobs_sky]
Replies: 19
Views: 6319

Re: [mod] windmill [1.0][windmil]

Images are expired, and I can't find anything on Google or Youtube showing this. Can you please repost?
by poikilos
Thu Jan 12, 2017 13:53
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [mod] windmill [1.0][windmil]
Replies: 17
Views: 12742

Re: Version 0.6 released!

Hi! I have released version 0.6. This is only a minor bugfix release fixing a possible bug I discovered in 0.4.11. Namely, a variable accidentally went global but should have been local only. I am still having global vs local problems: 2016-05-24 15:22:32: WARNING[Server]: Undeclared global variabl...
by poikilos
Tue May 31, 2016 15:07
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: [Mod] Pyramids (with Treasurer support) [0.6] [tsm_pyramids]
Replies: 13
Views: 9544

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