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The server needs a maintenance absolutely. It has a lot problems the last time. And I am afraid that very bad things will happen if the server will not get a break and a maintenance - and maybe a better hardware or a faster upload.
by Immanuel_Kant
Sun Mar 31, 2013 04:13
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

by Immanuel_Kant
Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:36
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Redcrab, your server needs a better hardware. We have massive laggs the last time. Maybe we can donate some money for this?

by Immanuel_Kant
Tue Mar 26, 2013 00:33
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

map gen bug is back .-.
by Immanuel_Kant
Sat Mar 23, 2013 12:46
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Hey, i am back again. Any news? Who's playing atm?


btw. Server is very lagging
by Immanuel_Kant
Fri Mar 22, 2013 17:58
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Redcrab is it possible that you install this small but wonderful mod? A bug lets disappear the grass in some places - for this reason the mod could be good on your server.

by Immanuel_Kant
Wed Nov 14, 2012 15:29
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Home = House + Garden - o_Ó

and the fences are for the garden too, or not? It's not cool if you have a garden and the grass disappears, that's why i asked.
by Immanuel_Kant
Fri Oct 12, 2012 15:55
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Modpack] Home Decor [git] [homedecor_modpack]
Replies: 725
Views: 358242

Oh ok, i see. But the block at moreblocks has grass only on the top and 1 mese for 1 block is ... expensive :D

Edit. And the grass of the moreblocks mod is destructible :(
by Immanuel_Kant
Sun Oct 07, 2012 23:02
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Modpack] Home Decor [git] [homedecor_modpack]
Replies: 725
Views: 358242

Thx for your work VanessaE. Ich have an idea/wish. Can you make a grass block with grass around the whole block? Maybe you can use the default grafic. The problem is, grass disappear sometimes - because a bug or lava or water or or or. And if i would build a hill of grass, i must see the dirt at the...
by Immanuel_Kant
Sun Oct 07, 2012 18:13
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Modpack] Home Decor [git] [homedecor_modpack]
Replies: 725
Views: 358242

thx to ruben for the new map of Desert City:

and here a screenshot of the city: Image

you want build there? contact me.
by Immanuel_Kant
Thu Oct 04, 2012 19:37
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Hey Cactuz & kronos.

I need privs for your areas to finish a tunnel to the spawn :)

Cactuz: 9,-5.206 to 11,-20,130 (#2)
kronos: 9, -5, 129 to 11,-12,97 (#199)

Cactuz if you give me privs for a bigger area in #2, i can repair yout compass too.
by Immanuel_Kant
Tue Sep 18, 2012 15:35
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

I cant find the version too. But I have an deb file on my PC, you can it load here:
by Immanuel_Kant
Thu Sep 06, 2012 16:18
Forum: Minetest General
Topic: How to download 0.4.1 for ubuntu?
Replies: 3
Views: 1262

The problem is the node_ownership mod. If I try to remove an area (id 180 for example) the server will shut down. Other evidence points to this mod, too.
by Immanuel_Kant
Thu Sep 06, 2012 10:40
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Yes, we would only need to set up the rooms...

I start a new "Server" now. Who want play there, need that

and must come to germany.
by Immanuel_Kant
Fri Aug 31, 2012 13:12
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Yes, 15% left...

by Immanuel_Kant
Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:48
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Yes Hogwarts was the biggest project on the server, 2 men works 3 weeks the whole day...
by Immanuel_Kant
Fri Aug 31, 2012 12:19
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Ok now is Hogwarts destroyed too. Good Bye Server. This crap...


That's all that's left.
by Immanuel_Kant
Fri Aug 31, 2012 11:50
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Here a little preview of our (Cumehtar and me) version of Hogwarts:


You can see the classroom building and the Gryffindor tower. Tomorrow we will post the next screenshot.
by Immanuel_Kant
Wed Aug 29, 2012 00:46
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Inflorescence wrote:Thanks for the privileges, Cactuz. Now could I get

300, -30000, 2300
-100, 30000, 1500


lol 400x800 blocks :D What do you want to build? China?
by Immanuel_Kant
Tue Aug 28, 2012 15:45
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

The server is absolutely lag today. There are no answers if I something build. Other players have the same problem.
by Immanuel_Kant
Sun Aug 26, 2012 15:20
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Because the area have an owner?
by Immanuel_Kant
Sun Aug 26, 2012 13:01
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

check out the map - spawn city o_0
by Immanuel_Kant
Sun Aug 26, 2012 12:18
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Topywo wrote:
Cumehtar wrote:Now the server is shutting down whe Luis logs on.

So far Skullcrusher, JangoFett, Joseh123 and Luis.

Is there something they have in common, like OS, place on the (real) world?

And superbob99 now. All Windows user? Virus?
by Immanuel_Kant
Sat Aug 25, 2012 15:36
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Update: everytime if the player "Skullcrusher" enter the game, the server crashed.

edit. and JangoFett154 too
by Immanuel_Kant
Sat Aug 25, 2012 10:57
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Maybe that was the reason for the server down? A reset is not a good idea, we build a lot yesterday -.- Lets build spawn city new. Anyway, it was not the most beautiful city - if I may say so :)
by Immanuel_Kant
Sat Aug 25, 2012 09:52
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Redcrab your server has shut down 8 times in the last 2h.

by Immanuel_Kant
Fri Aug 24, 2012 23:22
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

lord voldemort win...
by Immanuel_Kant
Fri Aug 10, 2012 19:51
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Redcrab's server: for serious builder down 99.389%

down? :(
by Immanuel_Kant
Fri Aug 10, 2012 19:45
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

Hey redcrab,

is it possible that you are install the mods "Carts," "Money" and the new version of "3D Furniture"? :)
by Immanuel_Kant
Wed Aug 08, 2012 17:36
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: Redcrab's server
Replies: 5004
Views: 1300694

In a word: +1 (I like it very well)
by Immanuel_Kant
Wed Aug 08, 2012 12:12
Forum: Minetest Maps
Topic: Fort Redbrick [2.0]
Replies: 5
Views: 3133

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