This is a mostly frozen copy of the Minetest forums through 2017. If you know phpBB3 and would like to host any G-rated forum here, you can email:
If the email doesn't work, find out who's taken over Final Minetest from OldCoder and email them to get write access or an admin account.
I should have set this up years ago. But it's no tale of woe.
Whether the temperature is high or low, regardless of cold winds blow,
away we go like Edgar Allan Poe, on now with the show. BTW rhymes are welcome. M iner's Delight is a work in progress mod, done by me and a friend of mine. It's still in development but I made this thread to get some hype and attention This is the dirt pickaxe, our first work. It's not much but a pickaxe made out of di...
To be honest, I did not ask permission of Doku for this one as he has released this as public material until he starts working on it again (which is possibly never)
I'm sure quite a lot of people visit / have visited /v/ and as you can see there is an increase in the amount of threads about minetest /v/ rarely ever likes stuff but mintest is something they liked because; - Notch is a fat lazy jew - C++ > Java - Moar FPS - OPEN FUCKING SOURCE - etc. I'd be glad ...
This game is open source which lets people modify clients with ease, you can't stop this - if a game lets access to it's source, there will be mods, hacks, you tell! It's been a long time since I first came here, I've left the game as I was bored and stuff. 2 days ago I saw a thread about Minetest on /v/ and wanted to visit here again. The community has grown alot and quite a lot of content was added. I've been playing Minecraft for...