Dan Duncombe wrote:Sorry that some of the buildings are floating- my computer is kind of messed up right now and I couldn't place properly cause of lag so I ended up clicking trees not the ground.JBR wrote:Nice screenshots :)
Hybrid Dog wrote:You could use
0130608124237 Noob message
instead of
(09/06/13 12:42:37) [Noob]: message
to make it more simple.
Mito551 wrote:most people here are european. if i'm not wrong. funny pic, lol
Nore wrote:Looks good! However, you have to specify a license (for example, CC0), because public domain is not one.
Evergreen wrote:Here is the link to the "Stained Glass" mod. Link
JBR wrote:webdesigner97 wrote:And pls use another service for the download. I'm not going to download an .exe for this mod...
Oops I changed the link to my other mod 1 sec
webdesigner97 wrote:And pls use another service for the download. I'm not going to download an .exe for this mod...
webdesigner97 wrote:I like the idea!
Evergreen, can you give a link to the other one so I can compare them? :)
Mossmanikin wrote:Cool idea.
Very useful if you want to have a cathedral with colorful windows or something similar.
cornellius wrote:wow nice but make the craft not cheap maybe u can add mese or diamonds