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controls freezing on BSD systems

hi i appear to have an issue with the controls freezing after a few seconds of gameplay. this only seems to happen to me when using BSD operating systems such as macOS and FreeBSD i would give some debug info if i knew where to look for it but as it is i don't have anything in terms of debug informa...
by stormchaser3000
Sat Jan 14, 2017 01:09
Forum: Minetest Problems
Topic: controls freezing on BSD systems
Replies: 8
Views: 1980

Re: Minetest on iPhones

sorcerykid wrote:That really does raise the question, why in the world has nobody yet successfully ported MT to the iOS in a fully legal capacity?

because appple does not allow projects released under LGPL to be on the app store because of legal issues(that is how it was the last time i checked)
by stormchaser3000
Tue Jan 03, 2017 11:50
Forum: Minetest Features
Topic: Minetest on iPhones
Replies: 23
Views: 4752

Re: Post your videos!

how to install mods on android:
by stormchaser3000
Sat Nov 26, 2016 01:54
Forum: Minetest General
Topic: Post your videos!
Replies: 421
Views: 496773

Re: leaving most of the community

That why I hardly get hold of you. Well stay true stay living, and I hope talk with you more. Also, Thanks helping me out many times with my LinuxVM :) I do hope we can, still play Robocraft together whenever I can again. ~WidDos well i would be playing robocraft more if i could get steam to work o...
by stormchaser3000
Mon Aug 01, 2016 12:37
Forum: Minetest General
Topic: leaving most of the community
Replies: 9
Views: 2262

leaving most of the community

i am leaving the minetest community. the reason being is that this community has gotten a bit too messed up for my liking and standards. i will still show up in a few forums posts to help with bugs and such but i will not be joining any of the irc channels and servers for the minetest community unle...
by stormchaser3000
Sun Jul 17, 2016 16:30
Forum: Minetest General
Topic: leaving most of the community
Replies: 9
Views: 2262

Re: any youtuber care to do a collab ?

Depends what kind of a collaboration you want. You should give us more info on your goal and things for the video. well almost anything you want. i don't really have too many personal preferences. but video collaberation as in communicating over skype and building something or messing around on a p...
by stormchaser3000
Mon Jul 11, 2016 02:00
Forum: Minetest General
Topic: any youtuber care to do a collab ?
Replies: 5
Views: 1218

Re: any youtuber care to do a collab ?

i would be willing to do a collab. i can't seem to think of any decent topics for commentary without someone else in the video. or well i can't but i can't make that many decent jokes without someone else to talk to XD

EDIT: my channel is at ... V1hDGTl7cQ
by stormchaser3000
Sun Jul 10, 2016 00:00
Forum: Minetest General
Topic: any youtuber care to do a collab ?
Replies: 5
Views: 1218

Re: Adware mobile "Minecraft" scam?

I've watched a video about top 10 Minecraft-like games and some of them are based on Minetest (from viewing the interface and texture). is it thnxcya Youtube Channel >. - yeah i saw that video to and posted 2 co...
by stormchaser3000
Thu May 12, 2016 16:58
Forum: Minetest General
Topic: Adware mobile "Minecraft" scam?
Replies: 15
Views: 2656

Re: Blocklife - fork of Minetest

the binary did not work properly either and did not give any useful info in the debug.txt (all stuff i had seen before and knew how to fix) anyway ima try to build and run again. and my operating system is arch linux. linux kernel version 4.5.1-ARCH. and i am building a rub in place build. and build...
by stormchaser3000
Mon Apr 18, 2016 03:41
Forum: Minetest-Related
Topic: Blocklife - fork of Minetest
Replies: 43
Views: 11278

Re: Blocklife - fork of Minetest

i seem to have had some trouble getting it working. i built the source code but when i tried to play on a new world it gave me an invalid multibyte string error.
by stormchaser3000
Sun Apr 17, 2016 14:49
Forum: Minetest-Related
Topic: Blocklife - fork of Minetest
Replies: 43
Views: 11278

Re: [Game] Pixture

this might have been mentioned before but i seem to have an issue with the player model being glitchy.
by stormchaser3000
Sat Apr 16, 2016 22:47
Forum: Subgame Releases
Topic: [Game] Pixture
Replies: 226
Views: 74919

Re: the storm (non-whitelisted economy server)

sorry for the long time the server has been broken. me and Taya fixed it the other day and now it is working. (the server is also on port 30000 or should be
by stormchaser3000
Mon Apr 04, 2016 01:29
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: the storm (non-whitelisted economy server)
Replies: 60
Views: 21685

Re: [Modpack] 3D Armor [0.4.5] [minetest-3d_armor]

is it possible we could get entities working for wielditems like in your wield3d mod stu? (probably is and i am just too lazy to code it :P) The latest version of wield3d is compatible with 3darmor and can even be used in conjuction with wieldview if desired. oh ok. (*slaps self for being an idiot*)
by stormchaser3000
Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:59
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Modpack] 3D Armor [0.4.8] [minetest-3d_armor]
Replies: 594
Views: 305435

Re: [Modpack] 3D Armor [0.4.5] [minetest-3d_armor]

is it possible we could get entities working for wielditems like in your wield3d mod stu? (probably is and i am just too lazy to code it :P)
by stormchaser3000
Mon Mar 14, 2016 01:12
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Modpack] 3D Armor [0.4.8] [minetest-3d_armor]
Replies: 594
Views: 305435

Re: the storm (non-whitelisted economy server)

cd2 wrote:Cdy and I are building some minigames for this server!


nice :D
by stormchaser3000
Thu Mar 03, 2016 14:46
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: the storm (non-whitelisted economy server)
Replies: 60
Views: 21685

Re: Build Minetest iOS version for,get $1000

lisacvuk wrote:Is there any package format for iOS? If not, then we shouldn't even support it.

there isn't from what i know (except possibly some unofficial ones that require a jailbreak)
by stormchaser3000
Fri Feb 12, 2016 00:49
Forum: Minetest Features
Topic: Build Minetest iOS version for,get $1000
Replies: 24
Views: 4522

Re: Minetest on iPhones

i have just got an ios device. i might be able to port the android code (once i fix the screen as it has the wrong type of screen installed in it (my aunt got the wrong screen on accident))
by stormchaser3000
Wed Feb 10, 2016 02:05
Forum: Minetest Features
Topic: Minetest on iPhones
Replies: 23
Views: 4752

Re: Build Minetest iOS version for,get $1000

hmmm i would be willing to port minetest to iOS (if i ever get an iphone) and for free XD. and i was wondering if it would be possible to use some sort of launcher for minetest on iOS that way the launcher could be licenced under some proprietary license just so it could be put on the app store. an...
by stormchaser3000
Mon Feb 08, 2016 16:16
Forum: Minetest Features
Topic: Build Minetest iOS version for,get $1000
Replies: 24
Views: 4522

Re: Suggestions for next build

i personally think we should try to make something less like minecraft. i like the old idea of minetest being a modding engine instead of a minecraft clone.
by stormchaser3000
Mon Feb 08, 2016 16:13
Forum: Minetest Features
Topic: Suggestions for next build
Replies: 58
Views: 10926

Re: Build Minetest iOS version for,get $1000

hmmm i would be willing to port minetest to iOS (if i ever get an iphone) and for free XD. and i was wondering if it would be possible to use some sort of launcher for minetest on iOS that way the launcher could be licenced under some proprietary license just so it could be put on the app store. and...
by stormchaser3000
Mon Feb 08, 2016 15:02
Forum: Minetest Features
Topic: Build Minetest iOS version for,get $1000
Replies: 24
Views: 4522

Re: I'm new here! How do I start?

i am just the opposite. i say minecraft is utter rubbish. minecraft is focused so much on magic and sorcery that they don't have a very scientific aspect without mods. minetest on the other hand is more of a modding engine. if you want tou can even change the minetest code and the legally redistribu...
by stormchaser3000
Tue Feb 02, 2016 14:33
Forum: Minetest General
Topic: I'm new here! How do I start?
Replies: 15
Views: 2677

Re: Old-timer MT lovers (4 years on)

i came on the first time. when 0.4.6 was released. but the first version i played was an old build of 0.0.1. and that was back when i used windows 8 as my main OS

EDIT: might not have been 4 years ago but still
by stormchaser3000
Mon Jan 11, 2016 02:42
Forum: Minetest General
Topic: Old-timer MT lovers (4 years on)
Replies: 32
Views: 10156

Re: What's Minetest still missing over Terraria?

sounds like the worst ideas ever

EDIT: (i hate terraria)
by stormchaser3000
Tue Dec 29, 2015 17:22
Forum: Minetest General
Topic: What's Minetest still missing over Terraria?
Replies: 24
Views: 4677

Re: Teen/Adult forum

we should have some sort of parental controls on the user settings. and if the age is under 18. when registering. the user should have to have their parent/guardian choose what type of content is suitable.
by stormchaser3000
Wed Dec 23, 2015 00:43
Forum: Minetest General
Topic: Handling Teen/Adult content and conversation
Replies: 50
Views: 6616

Re: [0.4.13-dev] Capture the Flag Server (Guns!)

i would like to be a modderator. if you need to test me to see if i would make a good modderator then feel free to.
by stormchaser3000
Mon Dec 14, 2015 15:24
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: [DOWN] Capture the Flag Server (Guns!)
Replies: 217
Views: 49638

Re: the storm (non-whitelisted economy server)

i removed the whitelist mod
by stormchaser3000
Mon Dec 14, 2015 06:07
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: the storm (non-whitelisted economy server)
Replies: 60
Views: 21685

Re: [0.4.13-dev] Capture the Flag Server (Guns!)

ugh. we need at least a few people that can be trusted with kick and ban. <CTFBot> <TwilightWolf> shift <CTFBot> <TwilightWolf> left shift <CTFBot> <TailsTheFox> It is not working!! <CTFBot> <TailsTheFox> Oh <CTFBot> <TailsTheFox> Now it is <CTFBot> <Cristal> lo siento soy nueva en esto <CTFBot> ***...
by stormchaser3000
Mon Dec 14, 2015 03:36
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: [DOWN] Capture the Flag Server (Guns!)
Replies: 217
Views: 49638

Re: the storm (whitelisted economy server)

DesertMoose wrote:Hey Id Liked to Join



Engineer-Pearl wrote:Hello. I am Engineer-Pearl, and I loved your skyblocks server while it was up. May I try your economy server?


HeavyTruth wrote:me itwasBANG thnx!

by stormchaser3000
Mon Dec 14, 2015 03:32
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: the storm (non-whitelisted economy server)
Replies: 60
Views: 21685

Re: Minetest on Steam

hmmm steam might not be the right place for minetest. it would be nice to see some sort of installer and/or launcher.
by stormchaser3000
Mon Dec 07, 2015 17:02
Forum: Minetest General
Topic: Minetest on Steam
Replies: 132
Views: 24115

Re: [0.4.13-dev] Capture the Flag Server (Guns!)

rubenwardy wrote:I've removed fire and lava for now. I've added a statistic collecting mod to the subgame which will be used to make league tables.

please remove the blood gushing effect from the simple shooter mod. (i get somewhat disturbed by it and i think others might as well)
by stormchaser3000
Mon Nov 30, 2015 01:42
Forum: Minetest Servers
Topic: [DOWN] Capture the Flag Server (Guns!)
Replies: 217
Views: 49638

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