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What's about this idea: Players who are ghosts can see some kind of ghost structures which normal player can't see. Like old temples, ruins or fortress. Maybe someone can find ghost artefacts with a very, very small probability. These ghosts artefacts could be swords, armors and so on which have no...
by faraway
Wed Apr 10, 2013 18:51
Forum: Minetest Features
Topic: Ghosts
Replies: 43
Views: 12785

RAR is a nonfree format, so people limited to free software cannot open it.

Zip and 7z are both free formats, and in my experience, 7z compresses better. Of course, it depends on the data being compressed...
by faraway
Wed Feb 20, 2013 00:26
Forum: Minetest Maps
Topic: BorisGrishenko's Luxury Survival Map
Replies: 9
Views: 3770

LolManKuba wrote:I know this topic is about 1 month old, but can I add this to a modpack?

You can check the license. If it is CC-0, WTFPL, beerware, or public domain, then yes. Those licenses mean you can do anything you want with it.
In this case, it is CC-0, so yes you may.
by faraway
Wed May 30, 2012 23:50
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: [Modpack] The Bushmod [1.1]
Replies: 22
Views: 5595

LolManKuba wrote:I do not know if you come on anymore, but could I add this to my modpack?

Yas, I have basically released it and the textures into the public domain. I don't mind at all.
by faraway
Wed May 30, 2012 18:53
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Mod] Simplified Paintings [20120427] [sim_paint]
Replies: 29
Views: 16768

An octree system would allow something like that.
Octrees were used in the game Sauerbraten for multires cube-based worlds.
by faraway
Mon May 28, 2012 22:51
Forum: Minetest Features
Topic: [Mod] MicroTest [Idea]
Replies: 11
Views: 3266

Implementing a caravan/group of NPCs

What do you think would be an efficient way of having a group of NPCs/mobs follow each other around? For example, one NPC "pulls" a large wagon, while others follow.
by faraway
Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:18
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: Implementing a caravan/group of NPCs
Replies: 2
Views: 1556

I updated the mod so adding paintings would be less tedious. Now the filenames are in an array/ table: -- Example: local paintings = { "painting_fluttershy.png", "painting_pinkiepie.png" } To add a painting, you can just add a filename to the table. AMOUNT_OF_PAINTING_TYPES changes automatically .I ...
by faraway
Fri Apr 27, 2012 10:00
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Mod] Simplified Paintings [20120427] [sim_paint]
Replies: 29
Views: 16768

A capitalist system could work the same as in real life. For example, those with the most of a certain item would be considered wealthiest. However, the value of money is given by those participating in the system. Unless the other players believe the item has value, then the system won't work. If y...
by faraway
Fri Apr 27, 2012 01:50
Forum: Minetest Features
Topic: Economy
Replies: 20
Views: 5867

Gambit wrote:Some MLP mobs

O_O Awesome!! Very well done.
by faraway
Thu Apr 12, 2012 22:14
Forum: Minetest Features
Topic: The Realm of 3D Mobs
Replies: 202
Views: 57236

marzin wrote:I suggest adding a portrait of player avatar ancestor

by faraway
Wed Apr 04, 2012 01:30
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Mod] Simplified Paintings [20120427] [sim_paint]
Replies: 29
Views: 16768

Thank ya kindly. :D
by faraway
Thu Mar 29, 2012 16:53
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: Generating an ocean.
Replies: 6
Views: 1952

Generating an ocean.

I'm working on a mod that generates an underground ocean and terrain... What I want to know is how are oceans made in Minetest-c55? Is there a "default:watersource" at every point on the surface of the water?
by faraway
Thu Mar 29, 2012 05:44
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: Generating an ocean.
Replies: 6
Views: 1952

I think that would require patching the code for the client. There would need to be a way of creating textures on-the-fly or rendering small letters separately, which doesn't seem to be possible with the modding API.
by faraway
Wed Mar 28, 2012 23:51
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: [Mod Request]Sign Writing
Replies: 4
Views: 1701

Scott wrote:were do u get paper?

You put three papyrus in a horizontal row:

P = papyrus


Papyrus is the green bamboo-looking plant.
by faraway
Wed Mar 28, 2012 23:04
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Mod] Simplified Paintings [20120427] [sim_paint]
Replies: 29
Views: 16768

I have updated the mod with 5 new paintings :). The new images are all licensed under CC-0, CC-BY, or WTFPL at your choice . You can pick whichever license. sim_paint.tar.gz (emotion edition) (emotion edition) Replace the original with this if you want to install it. Enjoy if you can.
by faraway
Wed Mar 28, 2012 20:30
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Mod] Simplified Paintings [20120427] [sim_paint]
Replies: 29
Views: 16768

Death Dealer wrote:
faraway wrote:Updated to include the strange "groups={...}" thing. Paintings have the same material groups as ladders.

is this for the new client?

by faraway
Mon Mar 19, 2012 16:16
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Mod] Simplified Paintings [20120427] [sim_paint]
Replies: 29
Views: 16768

You missed a left bracket on the 'tile_images' line.
by faraway
Mon Mar 19, 2012 15:45
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: Glowstone mod {WIP}
Replies: 18
Views: 5849

Updated to include the strange "groups={...}" thing. Paintings have the same material groups as ladders.
by faraway
Mon Mar 19, 2012 15:43
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Mod] Simplified Paintings [20120427] [sim_paint]
Replies: 29
Views: 16768

Hackeridze wrote:
faraway wrote: I call her Isa, because I like the sound

Why you don't call it... ALSA or OSS? xD

'Cause she isn't a sound system XD
by faraway
Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:54
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: [Mod] Simplified Paintings [sim_paint]
Replies: 12
Views: 3690

friedonionz wrote:Can you convert the download file to a zip please?

Better use this version, it has a ZIP:
by faraway
Mon Mar 19, 2012 12:47
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: [Mod] Simplified Paintings [sim_paint]
Replies: 12
Views: 3690

Also, what is a good way to post new paintings if I make more? Maybe I should just link to my dA?
by faraway
Fri Mar 16, 2012 18:57
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: Moving simplified paintings to Mod Release...
Replies: 4
Views: 1644

sfan5 wrote:Nice!
Is it based on jordan4ibanez Mod?

Yep! The license on that was not stated, as far as I know, so I should probably ask permission. My changes to that mod are under CC-0 or WTFPL, though. Thank you :)
by faraway
Fri Mar 16, 2012 18:32
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Mod] Simplified Paintings [20120427] [sim_paint]
Replies: 29
Views: 16768

[Mod] Simplified Paintings [20120427] [sim_paint]

Adds a painting canvas which, when placed, will display a random image from a server-selected list. This (possibly) finalized version is NOT backwards-compatible with previous versions and the Paintings Mod by jordan4ibanez. If you would like a mod that updates those paintings, please tell me. To ma...
by faraway
Fri Mar 16, 2012 18:27
Forum: Mod Releases
Topic: [Mod] Simplified Paintings [20120427] [sim_paint]
Replies: 29
Views: 16768

sdzen wrote:sim_paint!

You're fast! OK, sim_paint it is.
by faraway
Fri Mar 16, 2012 17:04
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: Moving simplified paintings to Mod Release...
Replies: 4
Views: 1644

Moving simplified paintings to Mod Release...

I'm changing the Simplified Paintings mod so it won't clash with jordan4ibanez's Paintings mod. Does anybody have suggestions for the folder/modname name? Maybe "spaintings" or "simplepaintings"? (trying to keep it short)
by faraway
Fri Mar 16, 2012 17:02
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: Moving simplified paintings to Mod Release...
Replies: 4
Views: 1644

lkjoel wrote:Maybe the player could choose from a list of player graphics provided by the server?

That would be great.
by faraway
Sun Mar 11, 2012 19:00
Forum: Minetest Features
Topic: Sure this has been discussed before but..
Replies: 19
Views: 4052

Lua interface for perlin noise (suggestion)

I think it could be useful, for example generation of villages that span more than one cell.
by faraway
Sun Mar 11, 2012 18:40
Forum: Minetest Features
Topic: Lua interface for perlin noise (suggestion)
Replies: 3
Views: 1548

Tim wrote:The Grey Man from LSD Dream Emulator would be perfect for this.

by faraway
Sun Mar 11, 2012 18:38
Forum: Minetest Features
Topic: Herobrine mod?
Replies: 13
Views: 4364

sfan5 wrote:3rd Screen: A MESE Pony?

Yep. :) I call her Isa, because I like the sound, but she can be called anything.
by faraway
Wed Feb 22, 2012 06:11
Forum: WIP Mods
Topic: [Mod] Simplified Paintings [sim_paint]
Replies: 12
Views: 3690

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