This is a mostly frozen copy of the Minetest forums through 2017. If you know phpBB3 and would like to host any G-rated forum here, you can email:
If the email doesn't work, find out who's taken over Final Minetest from OldCoder and email them to get write access or an admin account.
I should have set this up years ago. But it's no tale of woe.
Whether the temperature is high or low, regardless of cold winds blow,
away we go like Edgar Allan Poe, on now with the show. BTW rhymes are welcome.
ray8888 wrote:small up date and now up and rolling!!!
it is down again? why?
nvm about me leaving minetest but i probably will for a while because i have nothing to do in this comunity becaise i can't make a server. my username is going to change i will make a new acount called stormchaser3000