[0.4.14] LinuxGaming2 - A Server for Builders

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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by LazyJ » Sat Sep 06, 2014 00:10


Screwdriver Tool
I've uploaded TenPlus1's redo of the screwdriver tool with one, little, addition. In the past, the screwdriver has been used to grief and steal so I've added a priv requirement to the screwdriver. Only players with the "twist" priv can use the screwdriver. I've already granted the twist priv to the regulars that I could think of.

Like the bucket's "spill" priv, the "twist" priv is a priv of trust. To be granted the "twist" priv players have to be a part of our server long enough to be familiar with our customs and rules. Players who have proven themselves to be of good character, proven that they are responsible, and proven that they can be trusted to use their privs to help others instead of griefing are the ones who are granted extra privs.

This update to the screwdriver changes how it works. Instead of holding the sneak-key while clicking through four different modes, you only have to either left-click or right-click on the object.

Left-click = rotate.
Right-click = flip.

10-Second Item Deletion
Players littering with dropped items has long been a problem. This last run of clearobjects took over five hours to complete.

Five hours is an absurd amount of downtime as a result of players who won't bother themselves to manage their inventories responsibly.

I have consulted the admins and moderators about this and it has been decided to set the item_entity_ttl to 10 seconds.

If you want to give another player something by dropping it, the item will have to be picked up in less than 10 seconds or else it will be deleted. Giving another player stuff in this way is not recommended.

Here are some better alternatives:
  • Place the items in the other player's inbox. (highly recommended)
  • Trade the items using a barter table. You both gain. ;) (recommended)
  • Leave the items in an unlocked chest with a locked sign next to it saying "Free Stuff".

That last option, leaving free stuff in an unlocked chest, has a broader advantage: "One player's trash is another player's treasure."

You and other members of our community can put unwanted stuff (trash) in free chests.

Newcomers and other members of our community can then take stuff, that they can use (treasure), from free chests.

(Tip: Saw-made stuff, placed in the "recycle" slot of the saw, can be recycled in the saw if there is a full-sized version, of the same material, in the "input" slot. Those unwanted scraps that you put in a free chest may be just enough for another player to recycle into a full-sized block for their project.)

(Tip: Leaves, weeds, ivy, and other plant-stuff aren't the garbage you may think they are. All of these plant things can be used as short-burn fuels. Instead of wasting a whole lump of coal on a single ingot or whatever you want to cook in small quantities, use these plant fuels in the furnace instead. The furnace fire won't show, when using plant fuels, but the furnace is working. Keep the furnace's menu up to monitor the progress.)
.: Minetest 0.4.14 ~ Linux Mint ~ A moka pot, a French press, a dirty coffee cup, and a spoiled-rotten kitty :.
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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by LazyJ » Sun Sep 07, 2014 07:54


  • Updated minetest_game to 2014_09_06's release.
  • Added sword tool capabilities to picks, shovels, and axes.

A while ago swords were removed for two reasons:
  1. To make it clear that fighting is not allowed on our server.
  2. To stop the fraud of players selling swords to newcomers who didn't know PvP is disabled on our server.

When the swords were removed I changed the code for all leaves, default and MoreTrees, to make them easier to dig.

"Tim" recently suggested altering the tools' capabilities as well to make digging leaves easier. So I went back through and added the tool capability code of swords to their like-material pick, axe, and shovel counterparts. The hoe works differently so it was left alone.

The tools made from MoreOres stuff have also been enhanced by their sword counterparts.

While working in the tool code I noticed a few things that may interest players who take time to plan and prepare.
  • When it comes to digging and chopping, the hand digs almost as fast as wood and stone tools. The biggest difference it that you can't dig stones with your hand.
  • Steel tools work just as fast as bronze tools but don't last as long.
  • Mese tools work just as fast as diamond tools but don't last as long.
  • Default mese and diamond tools dig leaves much faster than MoreOres' tools.
.: Minetest 0.4.14 ~ Linux Mint ~ A moka pot, a French press, a dirty coffee cup, and a spoiled-rotten kitty :.
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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by LazyJ » Mon Sep 08, 2014 05:51

  • Overview maps updated, 2014_09_07.
  • The uploaded "Big" map hasn't been compressed yet. I'll let my computer work on that over night and upload the compressed version tomorrow.
  • 71mb version of the "Big" map has been uploaded.
.: Minetest 0.4.14 ~ Linux Mint ~ A moka pot, a French press, a dirty coffee cup, and a spoiled-rotten kitty :.
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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by LazyJ » Mon Sep 08, 2014 22:27

  • It has been brought to my attention that adding the swords' capabilities to the other tools causes a conflict with the bush mod's code. I'll review the various code involved. There is a balance in the gameplay that will be maintained; not every player will be satisfied.
  • Fixed. I've added the "snappy" groupcap as a condition in the bush mod's code. Hand and shovels dig the bushes, picks will harvest the berries, axes will destroy the bushes and return a random amount of sticks to the inventory.
  • The suggestion has been made to post Wazuland2's custom game and mods on GitHub as a sub-game. Doing so means Wazuland2 would no longer be unique. I will consult with the admins and moderators before making a decision on the matter.
.: Minetest 0.4.14 ~ Linux Mint ~ A moka pot, a French press, a dirty coffee cup, and a spoiled-rotten kitty :.
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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by LazyJ » Tue Sep 09, 2014 09:42


Yup, still working some bugs out. ;)

Streets Legacy
I've updated the code of our legacy version of Streets to be compatible with texture packs that support the 2014_09_06 version of StreetsMod.

At the moment, it doesn't seem prudent to upgrade to the current version of the StreetsMod.

My preliminary evaluation of the mod shows that, for most the part, it just adds yellow-lined versions of the white-lined road materials we already have. So far, most of the Streets roads in our server have been placed by admins. Other than that, players have made little use of the Streets mod we have.

Another concern is that the newer versions of StreetsMod have a soft-dependency on Mesecons.

Technic and Mesecons can be used to create infinite-loop / lag machines that would effectively shutdown the server. For that reason, Technic, Mesecons, and any other mod that depends on them will not be installed on our server.

Tidying Up a Little

Some admin shops that were made unnecessary in recent updates have been removed making room to line-up the colored wool, admin shops a litttle better. The colored wool admin, shops that were on top of the Admin Shop building have been moved to the street level with the other colored, wool admin shops.

The antimoonrock and moonrock admin shops have been moved to the top of the Admin Shop building.
.: Minetest 0.4.14 ~ Linux Mint ~ A moka pot, a French press, a dirty coffee cup, and a spoiled-rotten kitty :.
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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by CraigyDavi » Tue Sep 09, 2014 15:15

LazyJ wrote:Another concern is that the newer versions of StreetsMod have a soft-dependency on Mesecons.

That's only for the traffic light, it can easily be removed.

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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by LazyJ » Wed Sep 10, 2014 06:21

There have been a couple requests to increase the allotted number of areas players can use to set protection on their builds.

I've given the matter considerable consideration the past few days and decided to leave the settings as they are currently.

My reasoning stems from the following:

The current limit is in place because of problems in the past with players making large land-grabs. They are the type that declare they are going to create mega-builds, or an epic "this", or an awesome "that". If they actually did do something, other than shooting-off their mouths, it usually turned out to be either a large cobble slab or a giant, empty, cobble box. Ugly. Uninspiring. Wastes of space.

Currently each player has up to 16 areas that they can set protection on. Each area has a range up to 50x100x50.

The Markers mod is coded for a smaller area range and it will stay that way.

On our server, the Markers mod is intended for newbies, to help them get established. More experienced players have to step-up their game to the next level and learn to use the chat commands of the Areas mod to utilize the full 50x100x50 range. The seasoned pros of our server know how to use chat commands to their advantage.

When combined, the current allotment of 16, 50x100x50 areas creates an overall area roughly the size of Spawntown. So far, only a small handful of players have created anything that comes close to this size.

If you intend to set protection on multiple, small builds, then you must think ahead before building and choose wisely. Instead of keeping two protections on two builds that are right next to each other, remove the two protections and then set a single protection over both builds.

From time-to-time I survey various regions to assess the growth and development of our server. I have seen a number of well designed builds that are worth visiting, studying, and protecting. I've also seen a lot of ridiculous stuff that players have wasted protection on. Things like mines, mine shafts, and junk.

If you are setting protection on a series of elevators down a mine shaft then you are wasting you allotted number of protections. The second sethome mod was installed expressly for the purpose of deep-shaft mining.

The "areas" priv is a very serious priv and has been entrusted to a few consistent, long-time, non-admin, non-moderator, players who understand what a problem land-grabbers are and have proven that they can be trusted with such a powerful priv. These players, who have the "areas" priv, can set ownership for other players that goes beyond the set limit.

It is time for these "areas" priv players to step-up to the responsibilities that come with that priv of trust and help other players.
.: Minetest 0.4.14 ~ Linux Mint ~ A moka pot, a French press, a dirty coffee cup, and a spoiled-rotten kitty :.
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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by LazyJ » Thu Sep 11, 2014 03:44

"Invalid Chest"

There are quite a few Money mod, shop chests that have not been "retuned" since the mod was updated a little over a year ago.

When accessed, these chests caused the server to crash.

"Brian", one of our server's members, came up with a code fix so that instead of crashing the server, these old shop chests now display the error message, "invalid chest".

As I mentioned above, it's been a little over a year now since the update. If the owners of these chests haven't bothered to retune the chests by this time or, more likely, the owners have not even logged in over this past year, then it is reasonable to begin removing these chests.

From here on out, in between my various other projects, I will delete these "invalid" chests as I find them.
.: Minetest 0.4.14 ~ Linux Mint ~ A moka pot, a French press, a dirty coffee cup, and a spoiled-rotten kitty :.
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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by krzychu » Sat Sep 13, 2014 17:00

Why is my account banned?

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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by LazyJ » Sun Sep 14, 2014 06:33

krzychu wrote:Why is my account banned?


The ban message says the reason is "Stealing".

Stealing is against our server rules which are posted in the first thread and displayed in the screen that pops up every time a player logs in.

I will discuss this matter with our staff members to determine its severity. A temporary ban may be sufficient; if not, the ban may be permanent.
.: Minetest 0.4.14 ~ Linux Mint ~ A moka pot, a French press, a dirty coffee cup, and a spoiled-rotten kitty :.
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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by klappspaten » Sun Sep 14, 2014 16:10

Hi krzychu,

you have been banned from our server for stealing from a refrigerator in Rock Town. As can be read here and in our server rules (and btw you've also been told by me the day you and marrrekksk visited Dwarf City) stealing isn't allowed on our server and will be punished with a ban.

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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by shadowpawn84 » Sun Sep 14, 2014 16:28

Sanctum Sancorum (work in progress) by shadowpawn84


Ubuntuyou's Birthday build by klappspaten and shadowpawn84


Buster Sword by shadowpawn84

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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by shadowpawn84 » Sun Sep 14, 2014 16:52

ANNNNND here is a screenshot of klappspaten's "Mortal Kombat Bear" build.............. (sigh) :P


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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by CamryRainbow » Sat Sep 20, 2014 02:24


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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by CamryRainbow » Sat Sep 20, 2014 02:26


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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by LazyJ » Thu Sep 25, 2014 07:20

Bump! - Overview maps updated to 2014_09_24
.: Minetest 0.4.14 ~ Linux Mint ~ A moka pot, a French press, a dirty coffee cup, and a spoiled-rotten kitty :.
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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by Pawl » Sat Sep 27, 2014 14:20

klappspaten wrote:Hi krzychu,

you have been banned from our server for stealing from a refrigerator in Rock Town. As can be read here and in our server rules (and btw you've also been told by me the day you and marrrekksk visited Dwarf City) stealing isn't allowed on our server and will be punished with a ban.

I am banned from the same reason?

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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by LazyJ » Sun Sep 28, 2014 05:22


According to the logs you have the same IP addresses as "marrrekksk", who was banned. That means Minetest will block both of you.
.: Minetest 0.4.14 ~ Linux Mint ~ A moka pot, a French press, a dirty coffee cup, and a spoiled-rotten kitty :.
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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by Pawl » Sun Sep 28, 2014 13:59


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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by LazyJ » Tue Sep 30, 2014 05:23

Bump! Overview maps updated to 2014_09_29.
.: Minetest 0.4.14 ~ Linux Mint ~ A moka pot, a French press, a dirty coffee cup, and a spoiled-rotten kitty :.
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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by Guinzo » Wed Oct 01, 2014 16:41

YAAAAA! Ok i return with my pixel art. That is all lol. Edit:The Pixel's name is Lyn.

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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by LazyJ » Thu Oct 02, 2014 00:01

Nice work, Guinzo!

I've added it to our "Featured Builds" list. ;)
.: Minetest 0.4.14 ~ Linux Mint ~ A moka pot, a French press, a dirty coffee cup, and a spoiled-rotten kitty :.
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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by Brian » Mon Oct 13, 2014 00:19

Nice builds everyone. Happy belated birthday Ubuntu! I logged on briefly this evening but sadly only a couple afk people were on. Hopefully I will get a little time someday and log on again :)

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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by LazyJ » Tue Oct 14, 2014 01:15

No worries, Brian. We'll keep the home fires burning till you get back. ;) Things will be quieter now till school lets out next summer, then the chaos will resume.


Overview maps updated to 2014_10_13.
.: Minetest 0.4.14 ~ Linux Mint ~ A moka pot, a French press, a dirty coffee cup, and a spoiled-rotten kitty :.
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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by LazyJ » Wed Oct 15, 2014 14:46

Here are a few screenshots of one of my Minetest projects currently under development. A work tentatively titled, "Santa's Supply Outpost"; an island of snow floating in the sky.






.: Minetest 0.4.14 ~ Linux Mint ~ A moka pot, a French press, a dirty coffee cup, and a spoiled-rotten kitty :.
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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by ExeterDad » Thu Oct 16, 2014 01:49

Love those Christmas pics! Every darn one of them :D

Kibbie and I have a beautiful public server now! HOMETOWN

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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by Brian » Fri Oct 17, 2014 11:23

Thank's LazyJ! Great Christmas build :)

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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by aldobr » Sun Oct 19, 2014 02:21

Hi all.

I am building a city at this server (Sewer city).

I am having two problems :

1 - How to remove tar blocks ? I placed a tar block at a wrong location, now nothing allows me to remove it.
2 - How to kill big trees ? Spruce tree looks too big to down from below, i kill the trunks, yet the treetop and leaves remain scatered over a large area.

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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by LazyJ » Sun Oct 19, 2014 11:13

Howdy, aldobr ;)

1 - How to remove tar blocks ? I placed a tar block at a wrong location, now nothing allows me to remove it.
2 - How to kill big trees ? Spruce tree looks too big to down from below, i kill the trunks, yet the treetop and leaves remain scatered over a large area.

1. Both tar's from HomeDecor's "Building Blocks" and MoreBlocks can be dug only with shovels.
2. I looked into the "Timber"mod. By default, it's not coded to work with MoreTrees (the big trees mod).

Harvesting the trees of MoreTrees requires more effort just like mining for mese and diamonds requires more effort.

More effort means more bragging rights. ;)

Use empty pie baskets (cheap recipe of sticks, dig easily with weild-hand) to either "tower" your way up to the top of the tree or create a flush sneak-elevator (with a flush sneak-elevator you can rapidly climb up and down the sneak-elevator). Then, gradually work your way down by harvesting the leaves and trunks.

Your city with Portuguese-style architecture is looking nice.

Keep up the good work. ;)
.: Minetest 0.4.14 ~ Linux Mint ~ A moka pot, a French press, a dirty coffee cup, and a spoiled-rotten kitty :.
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Re: [0.4.10] LinuxGaming - Sethome, Travelnet, Craft Guide

by LazyJ » Mon Nov 03, 2014 10:06


LinuxGaming's server, all of it, went offline Sunday after the Daylight Savings Time switch. I can only guess that was the root of the cause.

Orby was contacted and able to get most things running again but the webchat seems to be fubared still.

Even though the webchat isn't working, the IRC is, so if you use an IRC client, you will still be able to join our channels.

Other than that, "Wazuland2" is up and running. :)
.: Minetest 0.4.14 ~ Linux Mint ~ A moka pot, a French press, a dirty coffee cup, and a spoiled-rotten kitty :.
Visit our Minetest server at: LinuxGaming2.com, port 30000
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