Vazon wrote:So for some reason the map won't run .... and I didn't get time to fix all the probs plus the current map is ugly. I will be building the server map as soon as I get home
AgentX wrote:Hey. Could I have interact? IGN: AgentX
MagicFab wrote:I used the standard client in Debian Jessie/Testing (v 0.4.9+repack-5), it took some time to log in but it worked nicely. Thanks for the quick tour and welcome, Don! :)
rommiekerova wrote:Sadly I can't use the windows build as its for 64bit. I have a 32bit win XP. Outdated I know. Can't afford to upgrade.
DuDraig wrote:This is a start of a list of bugs or inconsistencies I've observed in playing in Minerealms. I've initially skipped all the mesecons and technic stuff as it is arcane and some of the lack of craft recipes is by design.
This was just a quick run through of the unified_inventory and recipes. I'm sure I've skipped over a lot more. It would seem to indicate that there are inconsistencies and incompatibilities between installed mods that existed initially and have creeped in over time with patches and updates.
I am willing to take on some of these mod projects as I would like to practice my Lua scripting a lot more. I hope you find this helpful.
Inventory and Recipe RelatedOthers
- In the unified inventory, many recipes have an ingredient item that has an “unknown item” icon. These might be Minerealms specific additions as either the node name does not appear in, or the additional recipe is not registered in the publicly available mod.
- castle:roofslate
- darkage:reinforced_chalk, recipe #1
- default:ladder, recipe #1
- dye:black, recipe #16
- dye:brown, recipe #20
- dye:cyan, recipe #9
- dye:dark_green, recipe #9
- dye:dark_grey, recipe #4
- dye:green, recipe #12
- dye:grey, recipe #7
- dye:magenta, recipe #6
- dye:pink, recipe #6
- homedecor:chains, recipe #1 (This would appear to the the standard homedecor recipe that uses
- homedecor:chainlink_steel but that item does not exist in Minerealms)
- homedecor:rug_small, recipe #1 (This might be the recipe that uses colored cottons)
- homedecor:speaker, recipe #1 (This might be the recipe that uses colored cottons)
- homedecor:speaker_small, recipe #1 (This might be the recipe that uses colored cottons)
- homedecor:table_lamp_off, recipe #1 (moreblocks:slab_wood)
- moretrees:coconut_milk, recipe #1, 4, and 5 (moretrees uses a hard-coded table of cutting tools as ingredients, some of which do not exist in Minerealms)
- tnt:clean_tnt (This appears to be a Minrealms mod of the standard tnt mod)
- Some items that should be craftable do not show a recipe in the unified inventory. These might be Minerealms specific additions as they are not registered in the publicly available mods.
- darkage:reinforced_stone_brick
- default:grass_block
- homedecor:air_conditioner (The standard homedecor does have two recipes for this)
- homedecor:wood_table_large_b (The standard homedecor also does not have a recipe)
- lrfurn:longsofa_right_white
- Redundant recipes that use a specific member of a group when a group is already used.
- default:ladder, recipe #2
- default:rail, recipe #1
- default:sign_wall, recipe #1
- Redundant recipes that are exactly the same.
- default:paper, recipes #1 and 2
- Redundant recipe that differ only in the number of output items.
- dye:green, recipes #1 (2) and 2 (4)
- dye:red, recipes #1 (4 – actually created) and 7 (2)
- dye:yellow, recipe #1 (2) and 8 (4 – actually created)
- Recipes that do not have a “Copy to craft grid” section
- dye:black, recipe #1
- dye:blue, recipe #1
- dye:brown, recipe #1
- dye:green, recipe #1
- dye:orange, recipe #1
- dye:red, recipe #1
- dye:violet, recipe #1
- dye:white, recipe #1
- dye:yellow, recipe #1
- hardenedclay:hardened_clay
- There are two different types of straw that can not be swapped as recipe ingredents: castle:straw and darkage:straw. For example: castle:straw can only be used with castle:ropes to make castle:bound_straw but can not be used to make darkage:adobe as can darkage:straw. Any straw should be usable in all recipes that require straw.
- A moreblocks:jungle_stick can only be made from default:junglewood but a default:stick can be made from any member of the wood group including default:junglewood, and from a default:junglesapling. When default:junglewood is actually used, it creates a moreblocks:jungle_stick overriding the wood group recipe. This is good but a default:junglesapling should also only create a moreblocks:jungle_stick. The fact that a more specific recipe will override a group recipe is undocumented and will cause confusion.
- Outside of the default tools, most other recipes use default:stick instead of group:stick so a moreblocks:jungle_stick can not be used.
- Homedecor:table_lamp_off, recipe #2 requires the use of stairs:slab_wood for which there is no craft recipe.
- Despite the fact that the stairs mod is listed as included, none of the stairs recipes appear in the unified_inventory and any recipe that uses a stairs node shows an “unknown item” icon. The recipes are registered and you can make them (like Cobblestone Stairs).
- In the inventory, if you type return while the focus is in the search text box, the inventory exits instead of performing the search. If you type tab, which changes the focus to the search button, and then return, the search is performed and the inventory does not close. The inventory should not close when return is typed in a one-line text field if there is an action to perform. It appears the formspec code in the standard minetest code does not allow this kind of configuration and would require a change to minetest itself.
- When you use the home teleport, you are sunk one block down into the surface and must jump to get out.
- The default:sign_wall accepts multi-line input and initially shows it but will lose all the new-lines and show one continuous word-wrapped line when you next login.
rommiekerova wrote:You can put whatever number you like into that space to make your own unique network but you must write it down so you don't forget or any more travelnets you make won't sync.
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