Poyongo wrote:I dont care what happen on server
Believe it or not, I'm going to attempt to give you some friendly advice. Please read it through and THINK about what I'm saying before just assuming that I'm out to get you, ok?
Here is the problem Poyongo, I wasn't online when the original problem occurred, but judging by what I'm seeing here, you are NOT making a good case for your side.
You pulled a quote from bonny out of context to make it look like she was saying something she wasn't. Why should I trust anything else you say if I already have evidence you are trying to deceive me? I was suspicious about that quote the moment I saw it because it looked like it was out of context and the rest of the conversation was not there anymore. This doesn't help your cause, it hurts it.
From the conversations you are posting, YOUR posts, I see the moderators asking you to move, and offering compensation (Something I don't know if I've ever seen before), and instead of discussing it, you throw a temper tantrum. And on here, you are the one throwing a fit and calling names.
What I hear from the moderators: He claimed a huge amount of space very close to a main road, within a sight of spawn. We didn't think it fit with the theme and asked him to move, we offered him compensation. Instead of discussing it, he lost his temper and caused such a ruckus that we limited him.
From your behavior on here, I see no reason to question that story. It appears that you were limited for loosing your temper and yelling at everyone.
So, again, please listen, I AM trying to help you here.
You have some legitimate questions. These are: How is too near spawn defined, what is too much space, and why can't I plant farms just because someone else thinks they are ugly? I believe that it is probably BECAUSE some of these questions are legitimate ones that the moderators were offering you compensation to move. They weren't coming to you and saying you did something BAD, they were saying your design didn't fit with their plans for the server, and were trying to negotiate a settlement that would make everyone happy.
The problem is that at this point, instead of negotiating and discussing, you lost your temper and started calling everyone names. And here you are clearly ranting and raving, calling people names, and actually putting up false information. These things do NOT help your cause, they hurt it.
You would do much better by trying to have a calm and rational discussion about what the rules should be and who should be able to build where, and what, and what the powers of the moderators are. If you had come on here and said, "I'm being forced to move. I don't think I violated any of the written rules. I would like to discuss whether the move was unfair, or whether the rules need to be clarified" You probably would have gotten a LOT more sympathy, and might have even ended up helping to improve the server overall by getting a rational discussion going that might have reduced the chances of this happening to someone else.
I think it's probably way to late on this particular issue. By losing your temper, and especially with the deliberately out-of-context post, you have pretty much thrown away your chance to have anyone listen to you this time. So, my advice is for the future. Next time, instead of losing your temper, stay calm, discuss your objections rationally, and you will have a better chance of having people listen to you and address your concerns.
<and now that I've finished this post, I see that while I was writing it, noob101 said the same thing, but better and shorter. I doubt if you will listen to me either, but I'm going to post anyway, just in case you might>