jordan4ibanez wrote:SERVER IS UP ..if it crashes when im sleeping (because it is on latest dev build) you can go to my minecraft server which welcomes all people to it even people on proxies like i use ( ) for all you who want the proxy :D
sfan5 wrote:jordan4ibanez wrote:SERVER IS UP ..if it crashes when im sleeping (because it is on latest dev build) you can go to my minecraft server which welcomes all people to it even people on proxies like i use ( ) for all you who want the proxy :D
You could use a cronjob that checks every 2Mins if the Server is up and if not the Server will Be started
jordan4ibanez wrote:sfan5 wrote:jordan4ibanez wrote:SERVER IS UP ..if it crashes when im sleeping (because it is on latest dev build) you can go to my minecraft server which welcomes all people to it even people on proxies like i use ( ) for all you who want the proxy :D
You could use a cronjob that checks every 2Mins if the Server is up and if not the Server will Be started
im not good with bash...any help would be appreciated
*/5 * * * * /home/jordan/minetest/
if [ $(pidof minetestserver) ]
exit 0;
sfan5 wrote:jordan4ibanez wrote:sfan5 wrote:You could use a cronjob that checks every 2Mins if the Server is up and if not the Server will Be started
im not good with bash...any help would be appreciated
Create a /etc/cron.d/minetest file and write this into it:Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
- Code: Select all
*/5 * * * * /home/jordan/minetest/
create /home/jordan/minetest/ and write this into it:Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
- Code: Select all
if [ $(pidof minetestserver) ]
exit 0;
jordan4ibanez wrote:sfan5 wrote:jordan4ibanez wrote:im not good with bash...any help would be appreciated
Create a /etc/cron.d/minetest file and write this into it:Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
- Code: Select all
*/5 * * * * /home/jordan/minetest/
create /home/jordan/minetest/ and write this into it:Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
- Code: Select all
if [ $(pidof minetestserver) ]
exit 0;
thank you sfan!
jordan4ibanez wrote:SERVER IS UP ..if it crashes when im sleeping (because it is on latest dev build) you can go to my minecraft server which welcomes all people to it even people on proxies like i use ( ) for all you who want the proxy :D
dannydark wrote:@sfan5 & @krewshu11 I'm actually on jordan4ibanez's server at the moment with no problems.
The only thing I can think it being is the 3D Player code being added which both me and jordan4ibanez have on our clients, Try compiling with the 3D Player stuff and see if that fixes it.
Btw I can see you both attempting to join it says you've joined but then after a few seconds says you timed out.
EDIT: oh and we also have the sound branch too...I think there's more chance of it being caused by that than the 3D Player patch.
dannydark wrote:I noticed the server is down (or well your not signed into remobo) when will it be back online? I've got a front lawn to fix ¬_¬ haha
Gatharoth wrote:When is the server coming back up? :D
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