[0.4.3] cornernote's skyblock [SkyBlock][Australia]

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Re: [0.4.3] cornernote's skyblock [SkyBlock][Australia]

by ABJ » Sat Aug 08, 2015 06:01

Cornernote there is a griefer on this server. He teleported to me and then stole my stuff. Then I told him to give my stuff back but he wouldn't. Then I tried to force get it back by killing him but couldn't. Instead he started killing me and wouldn't stop. Then when I killed him by destroying a bridge, he swore in the chat. Then he teleported to me again and made the looks of repairing my home. But then again he started killing. Then I told him to say sorry but he refused. Then when I threatened to tell you, he just laughed and told me to shut up and continued to kill me. His name is ko-master. He has destroyed a lot of work on my levels and skyblock island.

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Re: [0.4.3] cornernote's skyblock [SkyBlock][Australia]

by cornernote » Sat Aug 08, 2015 06:35

I do want everyone to have fun, however... the world is PVP, and the world has protection blocks and locked chests... you have to protect your stuff or its up for grabs. Complete level 1 and you get a protector node. After level2 you can craft your own protector nodes.

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Re: [0.4.3] cornernote's skyblock [SkyBlock][Australia]

by ABJ » Sat Aug 08, 2015 06:39

Awwwwww no.......Oh wait a second I LIKE that!! Raiding!!!

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Re: [0.4.3] cornernote's skyblock [SkyBlock][Australia]

by Sokomine » Sat Aug 08, 2015 15:34

I don't like that at all. I do prefer cooperative servers where players work together. Those that want to fight against each others still can - nobody will mind if two players agree on it. Well, guess it's good to have a server where those happy to do PvP can do so. But I wouldn't have finished level 3 under those circumstances.
A list of my mods can be found here.

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Re: [0.4.3] cornernote's skyblock [SkyBlock][Australia]

by cornernote » Sat Aug 08, 2015 15:41

The problem is I cant ban all players who take things from a chest, nor can I ban people who destroy blocks that are not protected. Its more a matter of my availability than anything else. Protect your blocks and use locked chests (or use bags), or else people may steal your stuff and destroy your structures. Why don't you think you could complete the levels under these conditions?

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Re: [0.4.3] cornernote's skyblock [SkyBlock][Australia]

by ABJ » Sat Aug 08, 2015 15:53

Many people HAVE finished Lvl 3 that way. And I have lived through peacefully even in the thick of a World War, and am currently Lvl 2. It's not that hard, Soko. It's all too easy. Just get the protection block as fast as possible and only invite friends into your island.
Well, to tell the truth, I'm actually considering raiding some people myself.

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Re: [0.4.3] cornernote's skyblock [SkyBlock][Australia]

by Sokomine » Sat Aug 08, 2015 19:04

cornernote wrote:The problem is I cant ban all players who take things from a chest, nor can I ban people who destroy blocks that are not protected. Its more a matter of my availability than anything else.

That's something all servers are faced with. Can't do anything about that and can't expect a server admin to always have time. Yet there are differences as to how admins react to cases that come to their attention. You can of course point to locked chests and protection - that's ok to a degree and plain simply necessary. Yet for me to really enjoy a server, protected buildings and not beeing disrupted by players who waste other people's time by killing them are essential. The server admin at least has to try, even though it might be hard work. Of course there are servers with other goals. I don't play on them. Others may still happily enjoy them.

cornernote wrote:Why don't you think you could complete the levels under these conditions?

Well, I could of course technically have finisehd the levels. I'd just have been gone as soon as I'd known about these rules as I simply don't like that kind of server. Yours seems to be a temporal one so it hardly matters anyway.
A list of my mods can be found here.

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Re: [0.4.3] cornernote's skyblock [SkyBlock][Australia]

by cornernote » Sun Aug 09, 2015 03:27

Sokomine wrote:Yet for me to really enjoy a server, protected buildings and not beeing disrupted by players who waste other people's time by killing them are essential.

ABJ attacked first, also the server is PVP.

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Re: [0.4.3] cornernote's skyblock [SkyBlock][Australia]

by ABJ » Sun Aug 09, 2015 10:41

Soko, this is SKYBLOCK! You can only get to each other by 1)Bridging 2)Sending teleport request (Must be accepted) 3)Completing level 3. Even then, it's all too easy to protect yourself from others. So stop being so _ and just realize that you can always go elsewhere LOL.
And you'll only realize the true fun of if when you play it.
P.S. Keep this up, connie! I love this!

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Re: [0.4.3] cornernote's skyblock [SkyBlock][Australia]

by Dragonop » Mon Aug 10, 2015 05:28

ABJ, your posts are everyday more out of place, (even when this one it's offtopic), don't you realize that your attitude just doesn't match the "older" Minetest players?

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Re: [0.4.3] cornernote's skyblock [SkyBlock][Australia]

by ABJ » Mon Aug 10, 2015 10:44

I don't understand o_o


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