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Running server with mods?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 00:00
by Lunarhiro
I had a server up the other day before I got mods, and my friend and I were playing and stuff...however, now that I have mods, does he have to have the exact same ones before he can join? Or will it somehow, OUT of some miraculous happening, just so happen to somehow work for him as well? Just wondering, have'nt tried yet, but maybe later or so I shall.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 00:06
by kahrl
Mods only have to be installed on the server, and they only run on the server. So yes, it will work. Whcih ones will be active depends on who runs the server.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2012 00:09
by Lunarhiro
Aight so lemme just get this straight.

I have animal mod + 6 others
He has no mods

I run the server, he gets the full package?


Sweet ;D