Alternative/replacement for the old LandRush server?

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Alternative/replacement for the old LandRush server?

by the_iguana » Tue Jun 14, 2016 02:38

I used to play on LandRush, back when I had more time. I loved the community and world there. It was pretty cool.

Fast forward 1-2 years and I find the server shut down (or at least restricted to a few "privileged" users). Does anyone know of a good server with a nice, friendly, building community that is somewhat similar to LandRush? Even better if it has technic. That mod was awesome..

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In-game: PlasmaHam

Re: Alternative/replacement for the old LandRush server?

by PlasmaHam » Fri Jun 17, 2016 14:51

I would recommend the EthicRush server. It is basically exactly like Landrush.

Ethicrush used to exist along Landrush, and was pretty popular in its hayday. A large community formed around the server but unfortunately the server host had a real life emergency and had to abandon the server for over a year.

Recently though, the server host has came back and started to rebuild the server. The server is expected to be back online sometime this Summer. Here is the link to the server site and forums
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Re: Alternative/replacement for the old LandRush server?

by the_iguana » Sat Jun 18, 2016 03:19

PlasmaHam wrote:I would recommend the EthicRush server. It is basically exactly like Landrush.

Ethicrush used to exist along Landrush, and was pretty popular in its hayday. A large community formed around the server but unfortunately the server host had a real life emergency and had to abandon the server for over a year.

Recently though, the server host has came back and started to rebuild the server. The server is expected to be back online sometime this Summer. Here is the link to the server site and forums

That sounds great! I will keep an eye on that site.

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Re: Alternative/replacement for the old LandRush server?

by Sokomine » Sat Jul 16, 2016 17:31

In the meantime you might wish to take a look at the server and on VanessaEs servers. While beeing quite unlike Landrush as far as protection system and perhaps choice of mods go, they're both long-running servers where builders and their creations are valued and good tools for building are offered.
A list of my mods can be found here.

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