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Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 22:29
by stu
sparky wrote:I added smoke grenades, code is based of "grenade.lua" with some from "flare.lua" added in
also changed "init.lua" and "shooter.lua" to make it load like the other .luas
the particles could use some more tweaking though.
I hope you like it. :D
keep up the awsumness

This looks pretty cool, I will add this to the mod as soon as I get a chance, though I would like to make a few tweaks here and there.

Thank you for sharing this.

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Tue Mar 10, 2015 22:06
by guideahon
Found a bug, if you have 2 crossbows and use the second, instead of wearing out, it starts again like the first time you used it

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Fri Mar 13, 2015 20:51
by stu
guideahon wrote:Found a bug, if you have 2 crossbows and use the second, instead of wearing out, it starts again like the first time you used it

I believe this to be a bug in the engine as it works fine with older versions, also this does not just affect the crossbow but a lot of the other weapons too.


Hopefully there will be a fix sometime soon otherwise this mod is busted :-(

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Sun May 31, 2015 17:46
by mahmutelmas06
Thank you for the mod.
I dont know if you thinked to add but firearms has a some kind of hud for guns.

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 22:06
by tinkerlevu
Hey can you add support for mobs redo. I tried editing the config file but it did not work. Simple mobs did work though. Thanks in advance
p.s Im using minetest version: 0.4.13

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 07:01
by lightonflux
I already wrote an issue regarding mobs redo.

You have to add the entities of the mod to shooter so it knows which entity it is allowed to harm. But the real problem is the damage that is dealt (too little).

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 08:34
by tinkerlevu
so what exactly do I have to edit in the shooter directory to increase the damage of the weapons?
And why can you shoot the sheep but not the bunny even if they have the same armour level?

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 19:00
by stu
lightonflux wrote:I already wrote an issue regarding mobs redo.

I could add a global damage coefficient (as discussed in that issue) but then the weapons will also do more damage to players, which may or may not be desirable. I really need to have separate damage levels for players and entities which is quite a bit more work.

I will eventually make the default support for mobs redo as it seems to be quite popular but in the meantime it is probably easier to decrease the armor levels of the mobs than to alter this mod.

tinkerlevu wrote:so what exactly do I have to edit in the shooter directory to increase the damage of the weapons?

If you want the guns to do more damage to both players and mobs then edit guns.lua and increase the damage_groups={fleshy=n} levels.

For explosions you would need to look for this line in shooter.lua and adjust the algorithm to suit.

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
local damage = (fleshy * 0.5 ^ dist) * 2

tinkerlevu wrote: why can you shoot the sheep but not the bunny even if they have the same armour level?

All I can guess it that the bunny has not been properly included in the SHOOTER_ENTITIES table. To configure this, you need to add a file called shooter.conf in the mod's main directory, see shooter.conf.example for all of the available options.

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Wed Sep 09, 2015 22:51
by tinkerlevu
well... I added the entities to the entity list and I slowly increased fleshy on my rifle to 500, then back down to 0 and even after adding the entities to the entity list in the conf file and shooter.lua, the bullets go straight through them and ends up hitting the block behind them. it still doesn’t work. Do you know why? I know that I'm asking too much but any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Fri Sep 11, 2015 18:26
by stu
tinkerlevu wrote:well... I added the entities to the entity list and I slowly increased fleshy on my rifle to 500, then back down to 0 and even after adding the entities to the entity list in the conf file and shooter.lua, the bullets go straight through them and ends up hitting the block behind them. it still doesn’t work. Do you know why? I know that I'm asking too much but any help is appreciated. Thanks.

Adding "mobs:cow" to the config worked for me, however I did notice that the cow's collision box is relatively small so you do need to hit it right in the middle.

I have now added auto configuration for all simple mobs derivatives, that is all mods that are simply named "mobs" this includes mobs redo by TenPlus1 and carbone mobs by Calinou, there may well be others.

I have so far only tested mobs redo and I personally find the damage levels quite acceptable but if you do still wish to increase the damage groups of the guns I would start with something a lot less than 500, that's way too high.

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 08:53
by tinkerlevu
OMG! it works! you... are... AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I guess that all i have to do is change the hit boxes on the mobs

oh BTW, I had a addon to mobs redo that registered mobs as: kpgmobs:<mob name>, so I changed:
Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
for k, v in pairs(minetest.registered_entities) do
   if string.find(k, "^mobs") then
      table.insert(SHOOTER_ENTITIES, k)

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
for k, v in pairs(minetest.registered_entities) do
   if string.find(k, "^mobs") then
      table.insert(SHOOTER_ENTITIES, k)

   elseif string.find(k, "^kpgmobs") then
      table.insert(SHOOTER_ENTITIES, k)

and everything worked fine.

So I was thinking... maybe you can add support for simple mob based mods that use different naming conventions which can also be altered through the config file. Thanks alot.

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Sun Sep 13, 2015 09:03
by tinkerlevu
oh I've got an idea! how about instead of reloading by clicking when the gun is empty, you can drag the empty gun and a pack of ammo onto the crafting guild in-order to load the gun. And you can enable or disable this feature through the config file.

And another idea, how about also being able to edit the ammo amounts of each gun through the config file

that's about all I can think of right now...

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Wed Sep 16, 2015 17:09
by stu
tinkerlevu wrote:I guess that all i have to do is change the hit boxes on the mobs

Yes, that's about all you can do in this case.

tinkerlevu wrote:So I was thinking... maybe you can add support for simple mob based mods that use different naming conventions which can also be altered through the config file. Thanks alot.

I do plan to extend the support for other mob mods, I will keep in mind your suggestion of making that configurable.
Note that in the case of kpgmobs (or whatever) you should also add that name as a soft dependency or it might not always work! look at depends.txt to see how I did it for generic mobs.

tinkerlevu wrote:how about instead of reloading by clicking when the gun is empty, you can drag the empty gun and a pack of ammo onto the crafting guild in-order to load the gun. And you can enable or disable this feature through the config file.

I would not particularly want this feature myself but if someone else were to code it then I would merge it, so long as it was indeed kept optional.

Thank you for your suggestions, I am glad that you eventually got it working.

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 18:42
by rubenwardy
Nice mod. From initial testing, it works better than firearms. One thing though: your mod doesn't actually depend on dye, tnt and default. CTF doesn't have those mods.

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Sat Nov 21, 2015 19:18
by stu
rubenwardy wrote:Nice mod. From initial testing, it works better than firearms. One thing though: your mod doesn't actually depend on dye, tnt and default. CTF doesn't have those mods.

Thanks, and you're right, the dependencies are only really required for craft registrations, gunpowder and colored crossbow arrows. You would probably want to adapt those to suit your game anyway.

Nice job with CTF, btw, that is exactly the type of game this mod was originally intended for.

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 18:35
by Alienant1
sorry if it is really obvious, how do you use an ammo pack? do you just put it in the crafting grid with the gun? does the gun have to be empty?

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 18:42
by stu
Alienant1 wrote:sorry if it is really obvious, how do you use an ammo pack? do you just put it in the crafting grid with the gun? does the gun have to be empty?

You only need to have the ammo pack somewhere in your inventory, the gun will reload automatically if fired once fully spent, the ammo will then be deducted from the inventory (unless you are using creative mode)

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 20:26
by Alienant1

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 01:37
by Neuromancer
Love this mod, but I wish the grenade and rocket launcher would destroy some of the terrain like the shotgun. And it would be cool if it blew up maybe 5-10 blocks or so.

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Wed Dec 16, 2015 18:50
by stu
Neuromancer wrote:Love this mod, but I wish the grenade and rocket launcher would destroy some of the terrain like the shotgun. And it would be cool if it blew up maybe 5-10 blocks or so.

It should be doing that already, unless you configured it otherwise, however, I have noticed that depending on the trajectory, the explosions can sometimes occur underground and out of sight. I have just made a few adjustments to the positioning and slightly increased the blast radius of the the rocket and grenade. I'd be interested to know if this resolves the issue for you, thanks for letting me know about it.

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 05:18
by Neuromancer
Hmmm.... nope still just a bunch of smoke for the rocket and grenade. The odd thing is that I'm using the latest minetest, and even though tnt is part of minetest game, I don't see tnt in my inventory in creative mode. That might be what is causing the problem. I'm using 0.4.13 for windows and no mods other than yours and the ones in minetest game. I did force add the tnt mod from this site, and then I saw the tnt in my creative inventory but still no luck.

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 08:14
by benrob0329
Are you in multiplayer? TNT is disabled by default in multiplayer.

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 09:06
by Alienant1
how do you enable it?

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Fri Dec 25, 2015 21:11
by Neuromancer
benrob0329 wrote:Are you in multiplayer? TNT is disabled by default in multiplayer.

That was it. I went to single player and suddenly tnt and this mod worked fine. Fun to blow up villages. I see that it is easy to enable in multiplayer:
Have to see how it performs

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Sat Dec 26, 2015 09:50
by Alienant1

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 13:27
by Fixerol
Please fix shooter_click.ogg, it should be in mono (to play correctly in 3D), because with stereo it plays the same for everybody without direction indication (that is just wrong) and distance effect.

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 15:50
by stu
Fixerol wrote:Please fix shooter_click.ogg, it should be in mono (to play correctly in 3D), because with stereo it plays the same for everybody without direction indication (that is just wrong) and distance effect.

Done, thank you for reporting.

I think I found a bug.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 17:58
by BrunoMine
I think I found a bug.
The crossbow is not releasing the arrow away. Instead it goes straight to the ground.
But if you shoot moving sideways it works normally.
I imagine that the arrow can be hitting myself.

Re: I think I found a bug.

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 18:10
by stu
BrunoMine wrote:I think I found a bug.
The crossbow is not releasing the arrow away. Instead it goes straight to the ground.
But if you shoot moving sideways it works normally.
I imagine that the arrow can be hitting myself.

Strange, it seems to be working fine for me, what version of minetest are you using?

Re: [Mod] Simple Shooter [0.5.3] [shooter]

PostPosted: Sat Jan 02, 2016 19:24
by BrunoMine
I am using 0.4.13.
This only happens when we throw up (no shooting blocks).