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[Mod] ArtDeco [1.1] [artdeco]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 00:45
by TumeniNodes
ArtDeco simply adds some new blocks, etc.. I created these items for myself and my daughter, and figured maybe some others might enjoy it.

Dependancies = Default & Doors

License =

download =
github =
Once downloaded, unzip the pack, then rename the resulting folder to just artdeco, move it to your mods folder.

I use Minetest to build, it's what I like to do, so I like to create new style of blocks as I need them, to build various structures. So, sorry but, no crafting recipes here, just plain ol'e buildin' stuff :D
Please give any critique, suggestions, etc..
The stained glass windows are installed by pointing at either the front or back of the arch items, they also have a funny glitch where if you point at a block and set them, they set in the middle of that block.
The light windows can be used in any arrangement using the screwdriver.
I learned some while creating this, which will help me when I make more mods. I realize there are some areas in this mod where I could clean it up but, it is my first and I'd like to keep it original to have that "what not to do" example.
I will definitely be offering more similar mods because I like making them.
And I also wish to add a special thanks to rubenwardy, for his nodebox editor I was having a difficult time creating the arches, and nodebox editor saved the day, and has helped me understand the way node boxes work.

screenshot_01.png (326.89 KiB) Viewed 2676 times
screenshot_02.png (408.69 KiB) Viewed 2676 times

(and yes, there are a couple items in the pics from VanessaE's. homedecor pack :)




02/03/2017: updated code and textures for estate door.

Re: ArtDeco

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 00:47
by TumeniNodes
woops, messed up with adding screenshots, sorry

Re: ArtDeco

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 01:25
by MineYoshi


Re: ArtDeco

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 01:32
by ExeterDad
Fantastic screenies! I will be checking this out :)

Re: ArtDeco

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 01:39
by TumeniNodes
thank you both.
I noticed though that my post is not like the others, so I messed up putting this up. The screenshots are not same as others as well as all other mods headers show as [Mod] such n such [Mod].
But, whudayagonnado? One thing I know I need to tweak in this mod is the way the nodebox items give off different shades. I think I know how to fix it but, not to sure if I am right.
Hope you enjoy, I already have another in the works. I'm hoping people who use it might share pics of what they made eventually

Re: ArtDeco

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 04:26
by TheReaperKing
Whoa this is awesome!! Fantastic work!

Re: ArtDeco

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 04:54
by TumeniNodes
Thanks, I'm glad you like it

Re: ArtDeco

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 05:48
by sofar
please add:

- license
- dependencies
- put it in github!

to the forum post. Thanks.

Please don't do dropbox links if you can. I know git is hard, but you're going to have a hard time after 200 changes to figure out what you did last week if it's not in git :).

Re: ArtDeco

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 11:41
by azekill_DIABLO
Nice mod!!! really great job!!!

Re: ArtDeco

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 11:54
by KCoombes
thegreatone wrote:thank you both.
I noticed though that my post is not like the others, so I messed up putting this up. The screenshots are not same as others as well as all other mods headers show as [Mod] such n such [Mod].
But, whudayagonnado? One thing I know I need to tweak in this mod is the way the nodebox items give off different shades. I think I know how to fix it but, not to sure if I am right.
Hope you enjoy, I already have another in the works. I'm hoping people who use it might share pics of what they made eventually

So edit the title of the thread and put them in :)

Re: [Mod] ArtDeco 1.0 [artdeco]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 13:44
by TumeniNodes
I will add a github link shortly. I did open an acct. yesterday, just need to look it over.
I have changed the license but have to wait to change it out in the actual mod because I am trying to figure out how to add a folder to git. Please hold....

Re: [Mod] ArtDeco 1.0 [artdeco]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 14:51
by Don
Looks awesome!

Re: [Mod] ArtDeco 1.0 [artdeco]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 15:05
by TumeniNodes

Re: [Mod] ArtDeco [1.0] [artdeco]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 16, 2016 22:26
by TumeniNodes
Thank you Napiophelios, for pointing out that I could reuse some textures to greatly reduce the number of images used for textures.
I had not even thought of that, duh...
So I will begin going through and doing that soon.

Re: [Mod] ArtDeco [1.0] [artdeco]

PostPosted: Fri Apr 22, 2016 18:22
by Sokomine
Directly displaying the screenshots in the first post would be good. Many people go by screenshots alone and hardly read what's written and thus will fail to notice this mod.

The buiding in the screenshots looks very good. Reminds me a bit of Mauvebics mods and builds in style.

Re: [Mod] ArtDeco [1.0] [artdeco]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 23, 2016 06:43
by TumeniNodes
Sokomine wrote:Directly displaying the screenshots in the first post would be good. Many people go by screenshots alone and hardly read what's written and thus will fail to notice this mod.

The buiding in the screenshots looks very good. Reminds me a bit of Mauvebics mods and builds in style.

Thanks. Just did that now.
And thank you for the complement. (not sure what Mauvebics is though)
I knew from the start it might not go over that big as it is only new building materials and no crafting recipes, etc..
I am actually making some changes to this mod currently and have fixed a couple of the textures, and have split off into a 2d mod as well. I should be updating it in about a week
But I also know there are a lot of hobby-builders like me so figured I'd share new items I create as I am building.
I'm hoping eventually I start seeing some buildings others create with them or use some of them in

Re: [Mod] ArtDeco [1.0] [artdeco]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 18:04
by Sokomine
TumeniNodes wrote:not sure what Mauvebics is though

He was a player who created some very intresting mods (i.e. 4seasons) and did build impressive skyscrapers.

TumeniNodes wrote:But I also know there are a lot of hobby-builders like me so figured I'd share new items I create as I am building.
I'm hoping eventually I start seeing some buildings others create with them or use some of them in

A good way to make new mods and nodes available is to have a server using them. I'm often tempted by nice textures/nodes on servers and start building something with them.

Re: [Mod] ArtDeco [1.0] [artdeco]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 20:40
by TumeniNodes
Ahh yes, I know who that is now. I was just looking through some older screenshots from the "share your screen shots" thread last night. Yep, some pretty nice buildings. Have thought about checking out the Seasons mod as well.

Sadly, I do not think I will be putting up a server any time soon.
I was speaking with another player today though, and I was mentioning the fact that had I thought of it, I would have added an alternate init.Lua which uses the default textures as well (such as default stone brick, sandstone brick, etc.) which I think would appeal to more users, as I realize my 64px textures clash heavily with the default 16px textures.

Thank you for the tips, greatly appreciated.

Re: [Mod] ArtDeco [1.0] [artdeco]

PostPosted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 17:34
by TumeniNodes
UPDATE updated code and texture for estate door. Thank you Andrey01 for reminding me it had not been updated

Re: [Mod] ArtDeco [1.1] [artdeco]

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 16:04
by VanessaE
You should consider using mesh nodes for the columns and what-not. Might not hurt to use a mesh to turn the lion's head into a bas relief or so, also.

Re: [Mod] ArtDeco [1.1] [artdeco]

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2017 16:13
by azekill_DIABLO
VanessaE wrote:Might not hurt to use a mesh to turn the lion's head into a bas relief or so, also.

Yes this should be great!

Re: [Mod] ArtDeco [1.1] [artdeco]

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 01:23
by TumeniNodes
VanessaE wrote:You should consider using mesh nodes for the columns and what-not. Might not hurt to use a mesh to turn the lion's head into a bas relief or so, also.

The columns I think I can manage... not sure about the lion's head idea, though it does sound like it would look very cool. I'll poke at it in a few days

Actually.... I keep forgetting to mssg you to ask you about the water tap in homedecor, I was trying to use it to create a small water spout/gargoyle thingy... and could not figure some shhhh...tuff out :P

But I'll try my hand at it again now that I have a bit more experience before I come crying to you :D

Re: [Mod] ArtDeco [1.1] [artdeco]

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2017 15:08
by twoelk
just saying - having much fun with this :-)

Re: [Mod] ArtDeco [1.1] [artdeco]

PostPosted: Wed Feb 22, 2017 00:04
by TumeniNodes
twoelk wrote:just saying - having much fun with this :-)

Thank you. I'm glad you like it.
When I look back at it now I think "OMG this is a mess" :P

But, it was my first try at modding, and it worked for what I wanted to build at the time. I also pretty much just added stuff as I thought of it as well