Stuck with installing a map

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Stuck with installing a map

by thorvald » Mon Nov 16, 2015 04:39

I have downloaded the bioma snow. I renamed the dir as stated in,
but I put it in the path: /home/user/.minetest/worlds

I have another world directory, which is /home/user/.minetest/world.

When I start a new game I cannot see the snow bioma.

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Re: Stuck with installing a map

by firefox » Mon Nov 16, 2015 07:54

this is a mod, not a map ...

Place this folder in your minetest mods folder.

* After downloading, unzip the file.
* Rename the directory "minetest-mod-snow-master" to "snow"
* Copy the "snow" directory into either
* If you put "snow" in the ../minetest/mods/ directory, either
enable the mod from within Minetest's "Configure" button
(main menu, bottom right) or by adding this line to the
world's "" file:
load_mod_snow = true

it is designed to add snow biomes to mapgen v6, since by default it has only grass and desert.
for mapgen v5 and v7 you don't need it because they have snow by default (unless you don't have the actual version of minetest, which is 0.4.13).

since this is your first post, you are probably new.
to install mods, put them in your .minetest/mods folder. sometimes you have to rename the folder (e.g. remove the "-master" from it's name). Then you have to select the world in wich you want to play with the mod and click "configure". Select the mod and "enable" it.

also note that this mod only works on mapgenv6 worlds.
worlds created with mapgenv5 or 7 don't need this to have snow biomes.

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Re: Stuck with installing a map

by Amaz » Mon Nov 16, 2015 10:18

I don't think that there is much/any need for that mod, because now there are snow biomes in mgv6 (enabled by default). So if you just wander around a map of vanilla Minetest, so long as it is 0.4.13 or later, you'll come across a snow biome.

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Re: Stuck with installing a map

by swordpaint12 » Sat Nov 28, 2015 23:57

Or you could do
Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
for a minimap. It should work. Of course, I haven't tried it on linux...
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Re: Stuck with installing a map

by kaadmy » Sun Nov 29, 2015 16:54

Just F9 to disable/zoom minimap works on Linux, Shift+F9 (or Ctrl+F9?)changes minimap shape.
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