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PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 14:11
by Spots
might me kiina cool to add a crafting for a wreath for the walls out of them or garland to string maybe the pattern for chest for wreath and 3 in a row for garland and use your dyes to make them the color you want , maybe for the holidays or what not. just an idea i have no clue how to code so i'm useless for anything but ideas ;-)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 14:41
by tkerwel
why not define them as fuel and them use them for downgrade the stack....

as example use 10 blossoms as fuel for one blossom to create only one blossom...? this would be a kind of trashcan in minetest to reduce big stacks..

maybe one here has time to code something like that ? an new kind of furnance with new look for that purpose,

other way is use from time to time /pulverize to get rid of to many things

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 15:26
by Topywo
Spots wrote:okay so i notice that you get tons of blossoms is there a mod that uses them so i dont have to leave them laying all over the place i did scan this section but didnt see anything

You could copy/paste this in the blossom.lua:

output = '"default:apple" 1',
recipe = {
{'nature:blossom', 'nature:blossom', 'nature:blossom'},
{'nature:blossom', 'nature:blossom', 'nature:blossom'},
{'nature:blossom', 'nature:blossom', 'nature:blossom'},

It even resembles the iron lump making from iron leaves :-)

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 22:05
by Nubelite
Why not take them out and have apples come right from leaves. For maps that already have blossoms put an or for the apple growth so it can weed out the ones already there.

Or convert them back to leaves if possible, in one big go.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 23:07
by Temperest
Or use drop = "default:leaves"...

That way when you take a blossom block, the blossoms "break" and become a normal leaf block.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 23:26
by VanessaE
temperest: I'd might tend to agree, but perhaps it would make more sense to have those blossom blocks be treated just like leaves, rather than being *replaced* by them. That is, they're already usable as fuel, so make them also drop to the ground in the timber mod, decay in the absence of a tree, get picked up automatically in the item_drop mod, etc.

That way, some other mod could (like in the case of the proposed wreath) make something new out of them, or they can be used decoratively in a world.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 00:15
by Temperest
Yes, I agree that it might be useful as a decorative item, but unfortunately that would need the support of every other mod making use of leaves to be practical.

Personally, blossoms feel more like a "transitional" block; something like piston heads in Mesecons, or partially-grown wheat in the farming mods. The partially-grown wheat doesn't yield a partially-grown wheat item, is what I'm saying.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 01:58
by leo_rockway
Maybe the blossoms could be made to turn to apples. Their rate would need to be lowered, though (we don't want >9k apples around).

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 02:44
by toleaxus
guys tell me plz how to use basket with pies?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 04:28
by Nubelite
toleaxus wrote:guys tell me plz how to use basket with pies?

the basket brick item is just a normal brick with a retexture. there is no special thing with it. you can drop pies or apples on it and they will stack and it looks nice i guess.

side note:
is there a way to remove all iron trees from a map easily?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 16:41
by Temperest
leo_rockway wrote:Maybe the blossoms could be made to turn to apples. Their rate would need to be lowered, though (we don't want >9k apples around).

They already turn into apples...

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 22:48
by leo_rockway
Temperest wrote:
leo_rockway wrote:Maybe the blossoms could be made to turn to apples. Their rate would need to be lowered, though (we don't want >9k apples around).

They already turn into apples...

I thought that, then I asked in IRC and I was told they don't. I posted here and then I was told they do, but I forgot to edit the post.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 02:40
by Nubelite
Nature Pack Controlled

i took out iron trees, normal trees do not grow. apples spawn from leaves (no blossoms), and only one kind of jungle grass. I also messed with the chances of growth so that will be changing untill i got a good time for them.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 03:33
by VanessaE
Nubelite: your copy of the flowers mod is out of date already :-) I released another update today, this time adding a Johnson's Blue geranium.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 04:03
by Nubelite
ok its updated now, thank you :)

PostPosted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 04:21
by VanessaE
Another update today: flowers no longer use random numbers inside the ABMs to control the spawn rate. instead, the ABM's own chance parameter is used. Tweaked irontrees and bushes to fit the new numbers. Hopefully I got the ratios right :-)

This update also includes the latest junglegrass with the perlin noise update.


(or see the aforementioned github links for the individual mods).

PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 15:28
by Ragnarok
I have limitless trees growing to the sky. Both: normal and irontrees. Any idea to fix this?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 21, 2012 16:18
by VanessaE
Well in my version of the nature pack, nothing regarding *where* a tree can spawn has been changed - are you sure you're not seeing a game bug or a corrupted map? It not at all uncommon to find little floating "islands" with the occasional tree high in the sky.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 08:20
by Ragnarok
I'm not sure anything ;) The truth is the map is very old. How can I check if the map is not damaged? Trees appearing when new areas are generated. Not all trees are high but there are often islands of big trees. Is there any way to fix this, other than timber mod and axe?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 11:19
by VanessaE
Given that part of the nature mod seeks to make existing trees grow, that's about all you can do. Look on the bright side: more wood to build with. :-)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 13:50
by Neuromancer
Ragnarok wrote:I'm not sure anything ;) The truth is the map is very old. How can I check if the map is not damaged? Trees appearing when new areas are generated. Not all trees are high but there are often islands of big trees. Is there any way to fix this, other than timber mod and axe?

That's the thing. Mods are dangerous. I have screwed up so many of my worlds installing mods (including this one) that I have learned to make backups to prevent upset family members. But there was a different version of this mod created by someone earlier in this thread that limits tree growth (search for nature pack controlled), but then there was an experimental feature added to that that made tree trunks fork out. Haven't tried it. I just install flowers & bushes and skip everything else. Who needs iron trees anyway? I agree, your best bet for cleanup is the timber mod. The leafs should decay for the most part after the trunk is chopped. You're lucky, some mods don't have any good way to clean up their stuff.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 22, 2012 13:59
by rubenwardy
You could set fire to it

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 21:42
by Ragnarok
Neuromancer wrote:But there was a different version of this mod created by someone earlier in this thread that limits tree growth (search for nature pack controlled)


I think this part of tree_growth.lua making trees too high:

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
            for i = -1, 1 do
            for j = -1, 1 do
            for k = -1, 1 do
                local current_node = {
                    x = pos.x + i,
                    y = pos.y + j,
                    z = pos.z + k
                if(minetest.env:get_node(current_node).name == "air") then
                    minetest.env:add_node(current_node, {name = "default:leaves"})

or am I wrong? What do you think about detecting if there exist max 6 - 8 trunks below and removing any trunk above?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 23, 2012 23:08
by Temperest
I'm pretty sure this is exactly what Nature Pack Controlled does.

PostPosted: Fri Aug 31, 2012 17:54
by neko259
Neuromancer wrote:I used to like this mod a lot especially for the variety of flowers and bushes, but the super tall trees & papyrus just make the world look ridiculous. There really needs to be a parameter that allows the user to turn tall plants on or off. I know this has been brought up before but Neko disagreed with the other users complaint. The user was right. While a few might want a nature gone insane mod, What most people will want is a realistic nature mod with a variety of plants. They do not want 1000 foot tall crazy looking trees. Other than that this is a great mod.

The purpose of writing this mod was to make nature grow infinitely. If you'll suggest another algorythm of infinite growing (something prettier, like bonsai), I will accept it.

Also, Vanessa is merging her changes into my mod now, cause I don't have time to develop anymore (maybe in some future, when I get a vacation :). Anyone with ideas and code can make a pull request to my repo too, and I'll try to review the changes and accept it.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 01:36
by minecraft64
could you put this in a zip file

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 14:43
by Temperest
You will be better off getting a good archive extractor, like 7zip if you are using Windows, rather than asking every single mod author to use ZIP.

If you don't want to or cannot download anything, is a service that can convert several types of archives to ZIP for you.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 18:35
by Phitherek_
Temperest: There is actually a 7-Zip port on Linux, p7zip (or 7z). It is a console tool and is really comfortable (I use it for everything except tarballs).

PostPosted: Sat Sep 01, 2012 22:06
by Temperest
I'm aware of that, and it's quite good, but every modern distro I have seen has some sort of archived already included :)

PostPosted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 04:10
by overwelmer3
the timber mod could go well with this mod for taking down trees