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[Modpack] tinoesroho modpack [0.1]

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 20:54
by tinoesroho
This mod is outdated!
This mod has not been updated to work with Minetest 0.4.1 or newer. It is functional in older dev versions, but relies on deceprated commands.

Please try the Money mod by kotolegokot instead of relying on the mod provided here.

Leafblower released under GPLv2 (code) and CC-BY-SA (art)
AT released under GPLv2 (code) and CC-BY-SA (art)
Other mods are assumed to be under WTFPL.

AT - version 0.2
ATM - author unknown, abandoned Sources for ATM and Money
Money - author unknown, abandoned
Leafblower - version 0.1, based on Nuke mod by sfan5

Introducing AuTomated trader!

Tinoesroho's AuTomated traders make life more interesting - from exchanging raw resources for coins to purchasing useful materials, they are an indispensable part of life in the world of Minetest. Be careful, though: these can't handle stacks properly!

To trade, simply whack with a single node of the type you'd like to exchange - not the entire stack, unless you like getting underpaid! I've added support for the moreores mod, so, whack away!

Update expected in ~2 weeks.

Here cometh the Leafblower!

This baby removes leaves, cacti and other vermin in a large radius. Based on nuke, it's a little laggy, but gets the job done. If ya feel it's a little too powerful , simply edit the range in init.lua

Use with care - the World Wildlife Foundation might not like you removing forests willy-nilly!


Version 0.1, released April 14 2012
v 0.1 April 14 2012- Posted, contains AT, ATM, Money and Leafblower.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 23:00
by lkjoel

PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 01:08
by blue system?!?!?!?! :D?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

awsome. just awsome

wish it would get added the the game as i hate installing mods :p

PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2012 03:55
by tinoesroho
Yeah, somebody created the money system, but then withdrew from participation, deleting posts 'n all. Good thing that some of us enjoy installing mods, otherwise an otherwise perfectly functioning mod would have been lost to history.

Should this have been integrated into the minetest core? I think a vote would show that the only people who use this are public serverops.

Since ya popped in, I guess I should give you a cookie. Chocolate chip, anybody?

Oh, and don't tell anybody, but here's a sneak-peek of the upcoming update to AT:
Goodness gracious me! Craftable traders? What in the world?

Build a trader that exchanges specific types of goods by simply combining an existing block trader - or building a solid block out of mese - with a block of the type you want it to trade (hint: try ingots or an ore!)

Mind you, the system owns it all, but building specialized vending machines ran by the system still beats /giveme.

Image embargoed until Monday.

PostPosted: Fri Oct 12, 2012 19:20
by tinoesroho
Updates, part one:
Howdy, internauts! Itssa been awhile since this was useful, but, it's useful again! Or at least part of it is.

It is written in the book of tinoesroho:
Behold, it comes quickly: as the snow falls, so shall the new descend, covering the old, blanketing the lands.

AuTomated Trader 1.0 has landed, and with it, new features:
- Self-contained coins, no extra mods required!
- Optional backward compatibility
- Stability in 0.4.x series

That's all for now, folks. Make sure to get your copy of AT here: Tinoesroho's AuTomated Trader 1.0
Note: At 16kb, it's substantially smaller than the previous version.