Minetest on Raspberry Pi

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Minetest on Raspberry Pi

by jp » Fri Oct 24, 2014 06:58

Bored of Minecraft Pi ?

Megaf has released a Minetest build for Raspbian : https://github.com/Megaf/MinetestPi-Raspbian

It's initially set to OpenGL ES. If some Raspbian users can test it and share their experience (eg. bugs, FPS, etc.) - it could be useful.

I personally tried to start ./minetest and I got an issue in the console :

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
libEGL warning: DRI2 failed to authentificate

It only fails when I try to start the executable through OpenGL ES, but the client works (extremely slowly) with OpenGL.

Yet I can comfortably play on Open Arena (Quake 3 engine) with OpenGL ES enabled...

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