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Re: VoxelShop (Voxel-Editor)

PostPosted: Tue Nov 08, 2016 16:08
by flux
GreenDimond wrote:This is cool! I downloaded it on linux and havent had a chance to play around with it yet, but I noticed there is no logo (the launcher is standard gear). I know this is a small thing, but just wondering if there is or will be a logo :P

How are things going, have you had some time to play with this more? There should be a logo (at least on second start).

If you are interested, this is where we discuss current development and suggestions:

Re: VoxelShop (Voxel-Editor)

PostPosted: Wed Nov 09, 2016 01:04
by GreenDimond
Things are good! These were my first 3 attempts at making stuff:
Suggestion: Export to .b3d and glass-voxels (I want to make a snowglobe, but hard to do without glass).