Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

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Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

by celeron55 » Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:39

The forum is now hosted by me.

It uses the default phpBB theme because the Minetest theme somehow broke. You can try to select it in your user specific settings if you like; but as I said, it is broken.

I hate phpBB, I hope you do too. It's a ridiculous clusterfuck hallmark of everything that is wrong in the PHP culture.

Anyway, this forum now has better spam protection, installing of which is the reason why some other things broke.

EDIT: Now the theme works.

EDIT 2015-06-14: Report issues in this topic, if they have not been reported yet.

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55

by Kenney » Sat Jun 13, 2015 10:41

I've got experience working with phpBB, if you wouldn't mind me taking a look - would be happy to fix.
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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55

by celeron55 » Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:48

Now I modified the time during which a post is considered active to be 1 instead of 7 days, as it was in our PunBB days.

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Code: Select all
$sort_days = request_var('st', 1);
in search.php. At least hopefully this works. I can't test right now.

This is way better because nobody ever cares for week-old activity when they have forgotten to click "Mark forums read" on their last visit. Or at least I don't.

This change was not done during xyz's hosting of the forum because it's a code change but whatever, updating phpBB relies on pure magic already with the current changes anyway so I did this now.

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55

by Nathan.S » Sat Jun 13, 2015 13:51

Might you consider adding the favicon back, right now, on my end anyway, there is no favicon.
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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55

by celeron55 » Sat Jun 13, 2015 16:40

Nathan.S wrote:Might you consider adding the favicon back, right now, on my end anyway, there is no favicon.


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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55

by philipbenr » Sun Jun 14, 2015 06:10

So that is why I ran into a crap ton of errors all of a sudden while browsing... I think...

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55

by HeroOfTheWinds » Sun Jun 14, 2015 07:24

Hey c55,

Just wanted to let you know, I ran into a somewhat serious error. I had to reset my password to log in, and when I tried to change it, I got the following message:
The e-mail domain you have used for your e-mail address has been blocked because it is blacklisted. For details please see
An entry on the blacklist may have several reasons:
1. You are a well-known spammer.
2. Last time a well-known spammer was using the dynamic IP address which you got from your ISP (Internet Service Provider), your e-mail address or the username you have choosen.
3. Your ISP is well-known for a lot of spamming customers and is not fighting against spammers enough.

So, now I'm stuck with the random pass for the time being. I also tried seeing if using another email, like yahoo, would solve it, but no difference. Following the link in the message gives the problem: the tool used by that check is defunct, and they say that sites previously using it might have domains wrongly marked as spam.

Thank you in advance!
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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55

by celeron55 » Sun Jun 14, 2015 07:32

HeroOfTheWinds wrote:...

Oh, oops. I have now disabled that blacklist.

I guess so far we should have zero spam because it has literally blocked every IP in existence. 8-)

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55

by Amaz » Sun Jun 14, 2015 07:45

Another problem seems to be that whenever anyone logs in, the login page resets, and says: "You exceeded the maximum allowed number of login attempts. In addition to your username and password you now also have to solve the CAPTCHA below." I presume that this is a bug, because this happens every time I log in.
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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55

by sfan5 » Sun Jun 14, 2015 08:14

Amaz wrote:Another problem seems to be that whenever anyone logs in, the login page resets, and says: "You exceeded the maximum allowed number of login attempts. In addition to your username and password you now also have to solve the CAPTCHA below." I presume that this is a bug, because this happens every time I log in.
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I can confirm this, happens to me too.
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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55

by rubenwardy » Sun Jun 14, 2015 08:50

punbb redirects no longer work.

eg viewtopic.php?id=2960
doesn't redirect to viewtopic.php?t=2960

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55

by ExeterDad » Sun Jun 14, 2015 10:29

sfan5 wrote:
Amaz wrote:Another problem seems to be that whenever anyone logs in, the login page resets, and says: "You exceeded the maximum allowed number of login attempts. In addition to your username and password you now also have to solve the CAPTCHA below." I presume that this is a bug, because this happens every time I log in.
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I can confirm this, happens to me too.

Me too.

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55

by celeron55 » Sun Jun 14, 2015 15:44

1) phpBB fucking sucks.

2) The problem reported by rubenwardy is now fixed by this hacky crap:

3) Do you guys know what I think of phpBB?

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55

by rubenwardy » Sun Jun 14, 2015 15:57

When we switched to phpBB, I wondered why. But after a few months, I became desensitised to the horrors.

phpBB is a bitch to use as a normal user, the UI is clunky (why do I need confirmation notices as their own page) punBB felt nice.

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

by TriBlade9 » Sun Jun 14, 2015 22:57

If you wanna go super-hippie and forward-looking, try NodeBB. x]

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

by OldCoder » Mon Jun 15, 2015 00:01

This post is directed to Celeron55. Celeron55, this is the latest draft of the forum snapshot setup instructions.

This is the README file for the Minetest forums snapshot tarball.

The tarball contains a copy of the Minetest forums from "" with private information removed. The snapshot is suitable for creating a read-only copy of the forums.

The procedure to be used is roughly as follows. This is simply an outline. You'll need to modify the sample paths used and/or make other changes.

1. Start with a Linux server which is running some type of httpd daemon, such as apache, nginx, or lighttpd. Debian is recommended, but other distros should work as well. You'll need MySQL and PHP5 in addition to the httpd daemon.

If you know what you're doing, you can substitute MariaDB for MySQL and HHVM for PHP5. Note: HHVM may be faster than PHP5, but it's limited to 64-bit distros; 32-bit distros aren't supported.

If you use PHP5 as opposed to HHVM, make sure that PHP5 was compiled with FPM support.

2. Configure the httpd daemon so as to properly enable support for PHP5 and FastCGI. The steps required will depend on the daemon used.

3. Download the snapshot tarball to some folder. The link is provided separately. The CLI commands used might be similar to the following:

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
mkdir -p /var/bacon
cd       /var/bacon

4. The download might take 10 to 30 minutes. While it's running, in a separate CLI session, go to the top-level folder of your website documents tree. For example, depending on how you've set things up, this might be "/var/www" or "/var/www/minetest".

Remove any existing forum and/or phpBB3 folders, then unpack a fresh copy of phpBB3 3.0.12 and move it into place. Subsequently, set ownership and permissions appropriately.

The CLI commands to be used might go roughly as follows. Modify the "/var/www" path, "www-data" user name, and "www-data" group name used here appropriately for your system.

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
cd /var/www
rm -fr forum phpBB3
unzip -q
mv phpBB3 forum
chown -R www-data.www-data forum
chmod 770 forum/images/avatars/upload

5. Create an appropriate MySQL database. Shell commands similar to the following should work:

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
DBROOTPASS=bacon # Put your system's MySQL root password here:
DBPASS=eggs      # Put the desired forum-level MySQL admin password here

mysql -uroot -p$DBROOTPASS << END

# Set up database
drop   database if exists $DBNAME;
create database $DBNAME;
use $DBNAME;

# Set up database user
grant  usage on *.* to '$DBUSER'@'localhost';
drop   user '$DBUSER'@'localhost';
create user '$DBUSER'@'localhost' identified by '$DBPASS';
grant all on $DBNAME.* TO '$DBUSER'@'localhost';

6. Set up phpBB3 as you would normally. To initiate the process, run a web browser and go to your website but add "/forum" to the link. For example:

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
If your website is: www.minetest.bacon
Go to:              www.minetest.bacon/forum

Important: When you get to the part about database prefix, set the prefix string to "mtfprefix_" (including the underscore).

For database name, database user name, and database password, use the settings that you specified in step 5.

7. After phpBB3 installation is completed, rename the "install" subfolder under the "forum" folder to "install.old".

8. Wait for the download that you started in step 3 to complete.

9. Unpack the downloaded tarball. You should find a large SQL file somewhere in the resulting directory tree and also a folder named "phpbb".

10. Merge the contents of the "phpbb" folder that you just unpacked into the "forum" folder created previously. For example, CLI commands similar to the following might work. Modify the "/bacon" path, "/var/www" path, "www-data" user name, and "www-data" group name used here appropriately for your system.

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
cp -r /bacon/phpbb/*       /var/www/forum/
chown -R www-data.www-data /var/www/forum/

11. Update the MySQL database. To do this, use a CLI command similar to the following. $DBNAME, $DBUSER, and $DBPASS should be the associated values from step 5. Modify the pathname for the SQL file appropriately.

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
cat /bacon/minetest_forum_public.sql | mysql -u$DBUSER -p$DBPASS $DBNAME

12. Run a web browser and go to the link that you used in step 6. Press Reload. The forums should appear.

13. You might wish to set up an administrator user. There are two ways to do this:

(13a) If you have an existing Minetest forums account, you can promote yourself to administrator in your copy of the snapshot. To do this, execute MySQL commands similar to the following in MySQL or via a shell script similar to the one used in step 5. The UPDATE command should be all on one line; we've broken up the line here for readability.

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
USE phpbb3;
UPDATE mtfprefix_users
SET user_password='\$H\$BkadjjyVQ/RwfjMJ8/RusT9kHRj9lQ0',
WHERE username='your_existing_username';

(13b) Alternatively, you can create a new administrator via MySQL, but this is a kludge and will only work partially. To do this, execute MySQL commands similar to the following in MySQL or via a shell script similar to the one used in step 5. The INSERT INTO command should be all on one line; we've broken up the line here for readability.

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
USE phpbb3;
INSERT INTO mtfprefix_users
(user_type, group_id, user_permissions, username, username_clean, user_password)
VALUES (3,3,10,'tmpadmin','tmpadmin','\$H\$BkadjjyVQ/RwfjMJ8/RusT9kHRj9lQ0');

For (13b), the new account name will be "tmpadmin".

The password for both (13a) or (13b) will be "manyblocks" initially. This should be changed as soon as possible. To do this, log-in as the appropriate user, go to the User Control Panel, and modify the password there. Then log-out and log-in again to test the results.

If you elect to try (13b), another step is required. Go to the Administrator Control Panel and use the group management features there to add the new administrator account to the Registered Members group. If you neglect to do this, the new account won't be able to see forum posts.

14. After things are basically working, you might wish to disable the captcha and/or make other tweaks.

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

by celeron55 » Mon Jun 15, 2015 07:46

Now the first logins work.

The issue was that phpBB was seeing the IP always for all logins so it thought someone was trying to brute force themselves in. Now it gets the correct IP and nothing related to that is broken anymore.

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

by celeron55 » Mon Jun 15, 2015 16:03

Just a quick note again: I need to set up mmdb at some point. However, I don't consider this to be a large priority at all because it was already broken before I started hosting the forum, so it can wait for now.

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

by Wuzzy » Mon Jun 15, 2015 19:44

Weird, I still can't see the favicon.

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

by Nathan.S » Tue Jun 16, 2015 02:04

I've got the favicon, so I can confirm it's working. Maybe try clearing the cache or saved files relating to this site?
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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

by ExeterDad » Tue Jun 16, 2015 13:32

I also see the favicon in the tab of Chrome. Without clearing anything.

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

by addi » Tue Jun 16, 2015 17:26

May it be that there are no email notifications?
There where some answers to topics I had subscribed, but I got no message about it

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

by Dartmouth » Tue Jun 16, 2015 17:31

I get email notifications...

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

by addi » Tue Jun 16, 2015 18:15

I got no notification about your post

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

by Dartmouth » Tue Jun 16, 2015 18:17

I just got one about your post at 20:15 :)

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

by HeroOfTheWinds » Tue Jun 16, 2015 19:10

I think the email that is used to contact the administrators is broken. Before I was able to get back on, I tried emailing the admins via the "contact us" link, and after three days gmail said that mail couldn't be delivered. Might want to check that out too.
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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

by Iqualfragile » Fri Jun 19, 2015 12:11

about the mmdb:
I was never able to precisely find the reason for it breaking, but i am quite sure it was the transistion from the old forum software to the new one, and some leftover restraints, so the setup was broken, not the software.
Do you still have a dump of the old tables or will it be a new setup?
When installing i recommend using commit 8784886457bdaf666a4915d71c11f5a8abedaead for now, all later commits are step by step removing the dependency on the phpbb accounts and adding own user management. That work will be continued, including adding the phpbb-accounts as one possible auth source, but currently only the dependency removal stuff has been finished.
I will continue working on the mmdb, updating to the latest dependencies, adding vcs and metalink/torrent support are currently on the todo (besides reworking the auth system), but i still have to do some things for university, so don't expect too much until in about a month.

Sorry for the inconvenience, xyz and me just did not seem to get along too well, which kinda discouraged me from continuing to work on the project, but i am quite positive that this will change now that c55 is hosting the stuff.

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

by Fixerol » Sun Jul 12, 2015 11:46

celeron55 wrote:The forum is now hosted by me.

Why there are two similarly looking minetest forums on the internet? %) I was baffled for 10 minutes figuring out where is my recent messages... and everything ends in june 2015... Google somehow redirected me to it.

I'm talking about, why is it on?

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

by Calinou » Tue Jul 14, 2015 15:38

Fixerol wrote:Why there are two similarly looking minetest forums on the internet? %) I was baffled for 10 minutes figuring out where is my recent messages... and everything ends in june 2015... Google somehow redirected me to it.

I'm talking about, why is it on?

It's a database backup.

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Re: Forum is now hosted by celeron55 (report issues here)

by ShadowNinja » Sat Jul 18, 2015 07:12

celeron55 wrote:[PunBB compatibility has been fixed thanks to hacky code]

Here's a cleaner solution that I came up with that goes in your nginx config instead:
This version also redirects you to the new URL instead of just showing the content at both URLs (just change "redirect" to "break" if you don't like that).
Note that this is untested though!

OldCoder: Your backup copy probably shouldn't be publicly available right now, to avoid confusing users and search engines.

EDIT: You should add viewforum compatibility too:
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