jpga wrote:Outra coisa, tava vendo os comandos do mod Areas e por ser ingles ta meio dificil de entender,
Tem como postar um resumo dos comandos? '-' se nao for incomodo
Não exatamente que mod é este.
jpga wrote:Outra coisa, tava vendo os comandos do mod Areas e por ser ingles ta meio dificil de entender,
Tem como postar um resumo dos comandos? '-' se nao for incomodo
Areas mod for Minetest 0.4.8+
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
If you wish to specify configuration options, such as whether players are
allowed to protect their own areas with /protect (Disabled by default), you
should check config.lua and set the apropriate settings in your minetest.conf.
To protect an area you must first set the corner positions of the area.
In order to set the corner positions you run:
1. "/area\_pos set" punch the two border nodes.
2. "/area\_pos set1/2" punch only the first or second border node.
3. "/area\_pos1/2" set position one or two to your current position.
4. "/area\_pos1/2 X Y Z" set position one or two to the specified coordinates.
Once you have set the border positions you can protect the area by running:
1. "/set\_owner <OwnerName> <AreaName>"
-- If you are a administrator or moderator with the "areas" privilege.
2. "/protect <AreaName>"
-- If the server administraor has enabled area self-protection.
The area name is used so that you can easily find the area that you want when
using a command like /list\_areas. It is not used for any other purpose.
For example: /set\_owner SomePlayer Diamond city
Now that you own a area you may want to add sub-owners to it. You can do this
with the /add\_owner command. Anyone with a area can use the add\_owner
command on their areas. Before using the add\_owner command you have to select
the corners of the sub-area as you did for set\_owner. If your markers are
still around your origional area and you want to grant access to your entire
area you will not have to re-set them. You can also use select\_area to place
the markers at the corners of an existing area.
The add\_owner command expects three arguments:
1. The id of the parent area. (The area that you want it to be a sub-area of)
2. The name of the player that will own the sub-area.
3. The name of the sub-area.
For example: /add\_owner 123 BobTheBuilder Diamond lighthouse
Chat commands
* /protect <AreaName>
Protects a area for yourself. (If self-protection is enabled)
* /set\_owner <OwnerName> <AreaName>
Protects a area. (Requires the "areas" privilege)
* /add\_owner <ParentID> <OwnerName> <ChildName>
Grants annother player control over part(or all) of a area.
* /rename\_area <ID> <NewName>
Renames a existing area, usefull after converting from node_ownership
when all areas are unnamed.
* /list\_areas
Lists all of the areas that you own.
(Or all of them if you have the "areas" privilege)
* /find\_areas <Regex>
Finds areas using a Lua regular expresion.
For example:
/find_areas [Cc]astle To find castles.
* /remove\_area <ID>
Removes a area that you own. Any sub-areas of that area are made sub-areas
of the removed area's parent, if it exists. Otherwise they will have no
* /recursive\_remove\_areas <ID>
Removes a area and all sub-areas of it.
* /change\_owner <ID> <NewOwner>
Change the owner of a area.
* /select\_area <ID>
Sets the area positions to those of an existing area.
* /area\_pos {set,set1,set2,get}
Sets the area positions by punching nodes or shows the current area positions.
* /area\_pos1 \[X,Y,Z|X Y Z\]
Sets area position one to your position or the one supplied.
* /area\_pos2 \[X,Y,Z|X Y Z\]
Sets area position two to your position or the one supplied.
Copyright (C) 2013 ShadowNinja
Licensed under the GNU LGPL version 2.1 or higher.
See LICENSE.txt and
jpga wrote:Valeu, deu certo
Poxa tentei entrar hj mas nao consegui '-' muita gente no server
manoel1500 wrote:alquem me ajuda meu minetest ta bugado nao aparece os intens so aparece o numero
manoel1500 wrote:mine eu nao sei eu ja tentei de tudo e eu nao uso textura e eu jogo com todas as opçoes desmarcadas ok eu acho que o problema e que meu pc e win xp
jpga wrote:uma pergunta, como se localiza e se teletransporta no minetest?
jpga wrote:Ah, tipo tem um mod q é lune realm, algo assim, ai pede pra ir em y = 15000 '-'
Nem sei onde é isso.
Imagino q há umas coordenadas x, y algo assim. inclusive tenho problemas com os mods world edt por causa disso :P
/grant <seu_nick> teleport
/teleport <seu_nick> <x>,<y>,<z>
Herobrine wrote:Ola sou Herobrine,sou novo aqui.
O meu problema e que toda vez que tento o mod inventario plus não funciona,tenho a versao FREEMINER
Alguem pode me ajudar.
>> === FATAL ERROR ===
>> Access violation (Exception 0xC0000005) at 0x67E3F7E6
>> Saved dump to C:\Users\...\Desktop\Marcelo\minetest-0.4.12\bin\..\minetest.dmp
MarceloAssumpção wrote:No meu Minetest, eu to jogando bem feliz.Aí de repente o jogo fecha, no final do Debug diz assim:Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
- Code: Select all
>> === FATAL ERROR ===
>> Access violation (Exception 0xC0000005) at 0x67E3F7E6
>> Saved dump to C:\Users\...\Desktop\Marcelo\minetest-0.4.12\bin\..\minetest.dmp
Alguém tem ideia do que pode ser, e como resolver??
Você estáva jogando num servidor ou no singleplayer ?
Lindomar wrote:sou novo no Minetest , e entendo muito pouco..jogando Singleplayer andando um pouco da erro no jogo.... alguem tem uma solução ?
noisegrid:luxore at (-497,-6,674)
[path] chunk minp (-592 48 768)
[path] 760 ms
[noisegrid] chunk minp (-592 48 768)
[noisegrid] 693 ms
[path] chunk minp (-432 48 688)
[path] 839 ms
[noisegrid] chunk minp (-432 48 688)
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