Version number listing/command?

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Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2012 10:48

Version number listing/command?

by J0nnJ0nes » Sun Feb 26, 2012 14:30

Is there a way to get the version number of the minetest you're using? I don't think there is directly, based on discussions I've seen. So far, I know the following for sure:

1) There is no "minetest --version" option.
2) The version is listed in "debug.txt" for minetest, as "VER=0.2.20110618_0_dev".
3) The version can be called when running a minetest server using "/status" (Get server status: version, player list, message of the day).

So, is there a way to retrieve the minetest version, particularly for uses in external scripts and programs? In this case, a mod manager for minetest. If there isn't, I really think there needs to be.

For that matter, how would you go about getting a mod's version as well? Standardizing a variable to do so, required for every mod to have somewhere? If not, then what would it take?
Last edited by J0nnJ0nes on Sun Feb 26, 2012 14:31, edited 1 time in total.

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by Jordach » Sun Feb 26, 2012 14:32

Yeah, this would be god, but protocol version usually tells me my client is too old.

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My image and media server is back online and is functioning as normal.

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