default installation doesn't create necessary directory tree

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default installation doesn't create necessary directory tree

by jokra » Thu Nov 12, 2015 14:34

Hi there!

I'm definitely a newbie, just running a virtual machine with Ubuntu server 14.04/Minetest on my home server for my son and his friends.

I did an install as on a wiki site, don't remember which one, though, like:

root@mine:/# apt-get install python-software-properties; add-apt-repository ppa:minetestdevs/stable; apt-get update; apt-get install minetestc55; nohup minetest --server &

And I could without any problem log in to the server from a client and everything seemed to work properly.

But the directory tree isn't created the way it should, as per the wiki @:

It should look like this:

├── bin/
├── builtin/
├── cache/
├── client/
├── doc/
├── fonts/
├── games/
│ ├── minetest_game/
│ ├── minimal/
│ └── … (installed extra games)
├── locale/
├── mods/
│ └── … (installed extra mods and modpacks)
├── textures/
│ ├── base/
│ │ └── pack/
│ └── … (installed extra texturepacks)
└── worlds/
└── … (saved worlds, some with exclusive world mods)

But it actually looks like this:

root@mine:~/.minetest# ls -al
total 1136
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Sep 15 21:08 .
drwx------ 4 root root 4096 Sep 19 15:37 ..
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1143603 Nov 8 14:23 debug.txt
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Sep 19 15:49 worlds

So why?

and what's wrong?

I now also have another virtual machine running(ubuntu server 15.10), that I plan to test suggestions I get from this list.
Should I install in any different way?
Or do I need to create the directory tree myself? If so, why?

Help is very much appreciated!

Regards Johan

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Re: default installation doesn't create necessary directory

by PilzAdam » Thu Nov 12, 2015 17:29

You don't have a "run in place" version, since you installed Minetest properly with the package manager. The directory structure you quoted above is only like this in the run in place version.

Just create the mods folder in ~/.minetest and everything should work like expected.

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Re: default installation doesn't create necessary directory

by jokra » Fri Nov 13, 2015 14:31

And what about all the other directories?

I mean, there is no "games" dir, so where are the games?

And if I want more games, where do I put them? Do I need to create all these dir's myself to get a fully populeted tree?

And how do I select the game I want to run?

And when it comes to worlds(I installed another world as well), how do I choose which world I want to run?

Can't find any documentation of CLI server commands.

Regards Johan

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Re: default installation doesn't create necessary directory

by kaeza » Fri Nov 13, 2015 18:51

You must create any needed directories under `~/.minetest`.

Since you installed the game using your package manager, the default game(s) are probably in `/usr/share/minetest/games`. This is the "system" path. It's not recommended to add stuff to this location. Just create `~/.minetest/games` and put your downloaded games there.

Once you have everything set up properly, to select a game, use `--gameid NAME` (e.g. `--gameid BFD`). To select a world, you can use `--world path/to/world` or `--worldname NAME`. You can also specify a different configuration file with `--config FILE`.

So for example, let's say you have a game named "custom", and a world named "foobar":
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minetestserver --worldname foobar --gameid custom
# Or alternatively:
minetestserver --world /home/user/somewhere/foobar --gameid custom

Edit: For more info, try `minetestserver --help`, or see Command line on the wiki.
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Re: default installation doesn't create necessary directory

by jokra » Fri Nov 13, 2015 19:30

Thanks, that was exactly the information I was looking for!

Rgrds Johan

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