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PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 17:27
by FO3
I never usually sign-up to forums because of all the you guys blacklisting the VPN I use (but interesting not a cgi web proxy LMAO) but whatever, I felt I had to sign-up and post as this game is awesome. I used to be an avid Minecr*** fan, however Notch (SUPER SELL OUT BITC*) went back on his word about open source and betrayed all the people who funded the games development from the beginning, I was one of those people who brought the game at 0.1alpha.

Since Microcrap (soft) have now removed any future support for linux/unix I have refused to play the game ever again. I then searched "Microsoft ruined Minecraft" in (I do not use google SCUM) and found a comment about Minetest, as soon as I played the game I was impressed about the indi feel to the game and the fact it runs like it should (Microcrap did ruin Minecr***) and feels like the old version of Minecr***. So.........

A big thank you to all the developers, and anyone who is working on this wonderful project, lets hope it does not go the way of Microshi* and Minecr*p.

Thanks guys


Re: WOW Just WOW

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 18:16
by cHyper
nice words...
welcome to the minetest community!
minetest is a good sandboxgame, and open source!

I think that it should be very important to port a game to linux (unix).
there are many people out there, that do not want to use m$!

Re: WOW Just WOW

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 19:34
by FO3
Thank you sir.

I too believe that open source and the ability to run games on whatever platform the user chooses to is extremely important, forcing people into OS's that reports your every move is ridiculous. Windows 10 is a perfect example of this, full of hidden spyware (Microcr*p) and the baked in search assistant Cortana (It is removalable, MS just don't want you to know about it, hit me up if you want to know how) which sends all your search history to MS, I mean people just want to give all their personal info away for free.

On another note, I have to say I have been playing Minetest like I used to play the unmentionable, and I have found it most enjoyable. I will continue to promote this game as long as it stays true to it's core values. Peace and love peeps!


Re: WOW Just WOW

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 19:49
by crazy_baboon

Re: WOW Just WOW

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 00:07
by Cupcake_Kitty
Hi! Welcome to Minetest! I started playing in 2014 and I've been hooked ever since, and I hope you will be too. ;) Enjoy the game!!! Best regards, Cupcake.

Re: WOW Just WOW

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 06:46
by TG-MyinaWD
Hiya there a follower TG here nothing to be stun about. But welcome to Minetest I hope you enjoy yourself.

Re: WOW Just WOW

PostPosted: Sun Jan 29, 2017 17:18
by Jordach
Fun fact:

My AMD Duron in 2011 was able to run the 0.2 series Minetest, but not even Classic MC.

It wasn't until 0.4.012212 I got something better a Pentium 4 with Hyperthreading; not sure on NetBurst.

Re: WOW Just WOW

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 10:20
by Wuzzy
Since Microcrap (soft) have now removed any future support for linux/unix

Wait, what? Is this actually true?
Can someone confirm this claim? This would be indeed a serious dick move of MS.
On the other hand, it can only help Minetest become more popular. xD

But I honestly find it hard to believe. Minecraft is based on Java which is especially known for cross-platform development. MS would have to make an explicit effort to remove support for GNU/Linux.

I currently can't find any evidence for this claim, so I would be thankful if someone can proof me wrong.

Re: WOW Just WOW

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 13:32
by Jordach
Wuzzy wrote:
Since Microcrap (soft) have now removed any future support for linux/unix

Wait, what? Is this actually true?
Can someone confirm this claim? This would be indeed a serious dick move of MS.
On the other hand, it can only help Minetest become more popular. xD

But I honestly find it hard to believe. Minecraft is based on Java which is especially known for cross-platform development. MS would have to make an explicit effort to remove support for GNU/Linux.

I currently can't find any evidence for this claim, so I would be thankful if someone can proof me wrong.

The new work in progress launcher initially did NOT support Linux, but as of a few weeks ago the new launcher supports all versions of Linux. Mojang currently are supporting an AUR for Arch users specifically.

The Java version will work on all PC platforms indefinitely, but the Windows 10 / XBOX / Mobile Editions are locked down a bit further.

Re: WOW Just WOW

PostPosted: Mon Jan 30, 2017 15:20
by texmex
Wuzzy wrote:Wait, what? Is this actually true?

Hard to believe if Mojang at the same time is stepping up their linux support.

Re: WOW Just WOW

PostPosted: Mon Feb 06, 2017 03:49
by asanetargoss
Even back when the new Minecraft launcher was Windows-only, it wasn't like the Mac/Linux launcher suddenly vanished from existence. Besides, MultiMC is still a far superior Minecraft launcher and it's multi-platform.

Java Minecraft itself is still the same as it's always been. Notch's revoked contingency plan to make the game open-source when sales die down is meaningless. Try coding your own game from scratch and then you too can reap the benefits of copyright law. ;) Honestly though, OP, I'm not sure why you're so upset, because you bought Minecraft in Alpha, and therefore you get free Java Minecraft updates 4 lyfe. In addition, you can play nearly any version of Minecraft that you desire, on any computer that you desire.

If you want to stay here, that's your prerogative, but please do everyone a favor and drop the entitlement attitude. The last thing this community needs is another edgelord who can't appreciate what they already have in life.