A thought about stack slabs mod for devs

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A thought about stack slabs mod for devs

by TumeniNodes » Wed Jun 29, 2016 11:58

Regarding my stackslabs mod:
As you know, I am brand new to modding (coding in general). So I have a question regarding my stack slabs mod.

You know how currently, if you place a slab atop another slab of the same material, it turns into a full node.
Can this be done, using the stack slabs theory? Meaning, place a slab of one material, atop a slab of another material, creating a full node which is 1/2 & 1/2? This would actually be the ideal effect.
If this were possible, it would enable the user to stack slabs indefinitely (which is what I believe many would like to see, and was sort of the idea behind some users wishing for this), and why I created the mod, which gives some solution, although a similarly limited one.
Or, even if there were some way to strip down the slabs from using a full node space, that would allow the same end result (but I am sure that would require core changes, if it were even possible) so that is probably a less likely solution.
As it remains now, with the stack slabs mod, the user still cannot actually stack slabs, aside from now being able to place one atop another..., but we still end up with the same limitation as existed with just slabs before.
Just looking for other's views / opinions regarding this. Because if there is a way to gain the effect of being able to stack slabs indefinitely..., I would remove/86' my stackslabs mod completely : )
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