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1/2 blocks 1/8 blocks

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 01:41
by blue
im pretty sure this has been proposed but in case it hasn' there a way to make 1/2 block and possibly even 1/8 blocks in-game that will be added to the game itself without needing a mod (i play on a private server that dosnt have any mods)

this will help make finer adjustments without the need to add so many different things...aka beds...with a half block or 1/8 block you can easily make a small bed that looks like a bed (roughly anyway with sand/sandstone/clay {of course most people would just want a bed "block" that will serve as a home spawn} )

you could make stairs (later on add a function to "walk" up the stairs {instead of having to hold space while climbing over 500 blocks back to the surface ;c} )

chairs (i dont like 1x1 block chairs as they look dumb...more like stool then a chair and so on)

tables/couches/toilets (im just throwing some ideas around)

and a bunch of other ideas that i havnt thought of (they come and go and i forgot most of them...depends on what im working on in mt :p)

so yea correct me if this isnt possible (please explain as i wont believe you if you just say "not possible") and if this has already been offered as a feature in-game...

ps; some ways i thought of being able to make these "half blocks" would be to put them in the crafting spots to make 2 half blocks (eg 1 sand block into 2 half sand blocks {and 1/8 blocks could be made the same by putting a "half block" in the crafting place for 2 1/8 blocks} ) but of course there would be some problems such as the tree blocks (which does it choose? the plank option or the half block option :P {a way to fix that would be to add a second finish crafting spot where it lets you choose from planks or half blocks} )

another way would be to add a new "block" in-game something like a furnace (a saw mill might work for some blocks but some like stone blocks it wouldnt...atleast not in rl lol) but makes it into a half block (i dont really have no clue how that would work but i wanted to offer atleast 2 suggestions and couldnt think of any other way to implement this besides having half the map made up of half

pss; yes i know this would be a lot of work to fit into the game but it should be possible (im hoping anyway) and like i said would help with the "finer" adjustments in-game

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 01:58
by bgsmithjr
I think you will only see 1/2 blocks or 1/8 blocks added to the game. It's supposed to be mining not about home decoration. Even though I would like to have those blocks, also.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 02:13
by blue
bgsmithjr wrote:I think you will only see 1/2 blocks or 1/8 blocks added to the game. It's supposed to be mining not about home decoration. Even though I would like to have those blocks, also.

it will probably be added thats why im suggesting it

and me and a friend had a debate about this....what do you mine for? resources? what do you need resources for if not to make something? why even mine if you wont make something? there is no reason to spend an hour mining away in a mine on some server to only put the resources up and to never use them...are you makeing a giant cavern? :D?...that useless to just go install the tnt mod and go hardcore mese tnt for fun...the point of this game is to mine and building...which building includes making something which include decorations otherwise you end up with something along the lines of this:
which is would be a storage place for more blocks...

im not trying to fight or be harsh/blunt to you im just pointing out that while this game is definately about mining no one would stay around with it unless you did something with the items you just mined...why even play? i just dont see the point if not to make decorations to make something look nice

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 02:27
by Death Dealer
your forgetting this game is in development still. how knows what the future holds for minetest.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 02:34
by blue
Death Dealer wrote:your forgetting this game is in development still. how knows what the future holds for minetest.

i know that why im offering a suggestion of what would be good for the game....alot of things dont really need to be added (chairs and tables for ex.) if you make 1/2 blocks or 1/8 blocks :P

plus i like to debate on certain things...and me and my friend have been going over it for a day now...his home is 4 blocks (in the ground with a glass top for light) 3 blocks wide and about 10 long...he has chests and furnaces along it...thats all....i dont think there is much point in mining for all these resources if you dont even use them...and im starting to debate with you even though you havnt tried to contradict

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 02:46
by Death Dealer
blue wrote:
Death Dealer wrote:your forgetting this game is in development still. how knows what the future holds for minetest.

i know that why im offering a suggestion of what would be good for the game....alot of things dont really need to be added (chairs and tables for ex.) if you make 1/2 blocks or 1/8 blocks :P

plus i like to debate on certain things...and me and my friend have been going over it for a day now...his home is 4 blocks (in the ground with a glass top for light) 3 blocks wide and about 10 long...he has chests and furnaces along it...thats all....i dont think there is much point in mining for all these resources if you dont even use them...and im starting to debate with you even though you havnt tried to contradict

Development- meaning it still being made and things are being added almost daily now, as soon as ikjoels mod creator is done the explosion on the scene will be incredible, as far as contradicting you, that obviously not what im trying to do. Most of the things you bring up are things im sure celeron and many before you have thought about, so they may or may not be in development already. you wouldnt know because your not a developer. neither am i tho, its all speculation.

ps. table mod can make tables and chairs.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 02:56
by blue
Death Dealer wrote:
blue wrote:
Death Dealer wrote:your forgetting this game is in development still. how knows what the future holds for minetest.

i know that why im offering a suggestion of what would be good for the game....alot of things dont really need to be added (chairs and tables for ex.) if you make 1/2 blocks or 1/8 blocks :P

plus i like to debate on certain things...and me and my friend have been going over it for a day now...his home is 4 blocks (in the ground with a glass top for light) 3 blocks wide and about 10 long...he has chests and furnaces along it...thats all....i dont think there is much point in mining for all these resources if you dont even use them...and im starting to debate with you even though you havnt tried to contradict

Development- meaning it still being made and things are being added almost daily now, as soon as ikjoels mod creator is done the explosion on the scene will be incredible, as far as contradicting you, that obviously not what im trying to do. Most of the things you bring up are things im sure celeron and many before you have thought about, so they may or may not be in development already. you wouldnt know because your not a developer. neither am i tho, its all speculation.

ps. table mod can make tables and chairs.

yea i wish i knew how to make games for the table mod i cant use on a private server and the owner dosnt want to add any mods whatso ever...not even a papyrus growing mod lols ;c

which is why i think this should be added in-game not worked on as a mod...thats a problem really...making a 100 diff mods but not adding them to the game (yes i know they are working on them for the game but why not just work them into the game instead of seperate mods?? {and yea i know 100 diff people in diff countrys working on a game would be hard to work on the same project but it would go faster this way} ) which makes it hard to even use mods...the first mod i ever added (tnt mod) took me over 30 minutes to figure out how to do it which in that time i had to completely scratch the files (about 4 times if i remeber) and start from another copyed one because there is no clear way to add them...if added directly to the game instead of separately (i just realised im debating again) then the game would already be a couple of versions ahead of what it is now

anyway im going to shut up now :P

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 09:53
by sfan5
Jeija is working on custom Models, if the Patch gets merged you can make half blocks

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 14:17
by blue
sfan5 wrote:Jeija is working on custom Models, if the Patch gets merged you can make half blocks

hopefully it gets implemented into the game after its done :p

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 14:19
by mauvebic
Im not sure what that would do to my FPS :-S seems the uniform cube size is an integral part of this game. IMO the goal should be to craft default nodes into more complex/specific ones, rather than break them up into quarter-cubes to still wind up with blocky looking furniture.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 14:28
by blue
mauvebic wrote:Im not sure what that would do to my FPS :-S seems the uniform cube size is an integral part of this game. IMO the goal should be to craft default nodes into more complex/specific ones, rather than break them up into quarter-cubes to still wind up with blocky looking furniture.

that depends on wether or not the whole world map gets changed into "full blocks, 1/2 blocks etc" if it dosnt then this wouldnt lag anymore then useing mesecons mod (like if someone builds a huge project made out of half blocks then it would be like 2x the normal blocks...but i dont see anyone using this other then for the "finer" game adjustments) or something like that (i have never used that mod but a lot of people say it lags so...) as for blocky furniture...what can i say to that? this is a block type game isnt it? :p

PostPosted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 14:45
by mauvebic
Assuming you place a quarter node on a regular node, the game would have to keep track of which quandrant the quarternode was placed on the regular node. I doubt that would be an easy task, times all the mininodes.... it wouldnt really be minetest anymore.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 01:45
by mrgasp
Extending on Mauvebic it could just keep track of normal nodes as 2x2x2 blocks...and the smaller one as a new normal node... but that would be 8x more data for the 2x2x2's...would make it quite hard to keep track and let everyone know whats where... you're looking at 8x more data to be removed and placed each time a normal node is removed or placed.

It is possible, but is it worth it, minetest is meant to be light weight

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2012 05:27
by NakedFury
The world map remains full blocks. The player is the one that crafts half blocks and quarter blocks from the natural full blocks.

This saves the game from needing to include this new block types into the world generation equation.