Disabling conversion of cobble -> mossycobble

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Disabling conversion of cobble -> mossycobble

by sorcerykid » Wed Jan 04, 2017 15:13

I hope in the next version of MT there will finally be a more straightforward way to disable the auto-conversion of dirt to dirt_with_grass and cobble to mossycobble on a world-by-world basis, possibly via a setting in minetest.conf for backwards compatibility. Right now it seems the only way to override this behavior is by hard-coding the changes in default/functions.lua, which is a far from ideal solution.

These ABMs in particular grief maps that were created in older versions of Minetest where such behavior didn't exist by default. Just reading through the feature request on GitHub, it is clear that this change was implemented primarily because developers thought it would be cool, rather than considering its implications for existing builds.

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Re: Disabling conversion of cobble -> mossycobble

by Napiophelios » Wed Jan 04, 2017 16:34

I think it was intended to give mossy cobble a source,
it just happens to be cool too :)

I had some snippet of code I was testing when you first brought it up a while back,
but I lost interest and forgot about it.I will try to find it and see if I can get it working right.

do you already have a means written to implement this?
if so share it, the worst they will do is say no.

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Re: Disabling conversion of cobble -> mossycobble

by rubenwardy » Wed Jan 04, 2017 16:37

How about only growing mossy if there's mossy near? Similar to grass spreading

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Re: Disabling conversion of cobble -> mossycobble

by Napiophelios » Wed Jan 04, 2017 22:33

rubenwardy wrote:How about only growing mossy if there's mossy near? Similar to grass spreading

But then mossy cobble would never spawn above ground unless placed by a player
...oh wait that was your point huh?

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Re: Disabling conversion of cobble -> mossycobble

by TumeniNodes » Wed Jan 04, 2017 22:40

I've thought it would be better to create a separate moss mod... then code it so any stone and/or wood_like node which touches water, grows moss, and give it a spread of how ever many nodes away from the origin of the first mossy node. that way, trees in water would also grow moss up their trunks, so far up, etc... There could just be a generic moss overlay texture in the mod
Just a thought

>edit- or maybe the functions lua could just be re-written to do the job, rather than adding an entirely new mod to Minetest_Game

>yet another edit... "if" moss were a separate mod... it could be disabled per world.
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Re: Disabling conversion of cobble -> mossycobble

by TumeniNodes » Thu Jan 05, 2017 06:32

I had another thought regarding this and now I'm off to bed...

Why could moss growth not be done as an individual mod.... and set it up like "wood soils" was done?
growth will vary from thick, medium and thin...
nodes touching water directly grow heavy moss, and set the (abms?) to thin out on nodes connected to those nodes per a set distance from the water?
nodes which are affected would be stone-like, wood-like (including trees) and (maybe) dirt?

Anyway... there's my brainstorm... now I'm exhausted. I wish I knew more about lua because I would code it all out myself.
This way, all gain a really cool feature, while some also gain the ability to have it on or off depending on the conditions this thread started over.
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