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New Sword Setting

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 20:41
by jojoa1997
Do you guys think that this should be added to minetest_game?
it makes all the swords hit the same times and also makes the swords do different damages instead of the same. For yes and no please state why.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 20:44
by 10twenty4
Sure, any kind of variation among weapons is a welcome addition, I think.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 20:46
by PilzAdam
jojoa1997 wrote:and also makes the swords do different damages instead of the same.

They currently have different damage.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 20:54
by jojoa1997
PilzAdam wrote:
jojoa1997 wrote:and also makes the swords do different damages instead of the same.

They currently have different damage.
no the steel and stone swords have same damage.

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 21:19
by Calinou
Steel swords kinda suck IMO, yes they should deal more damage (jojoa broke weapons after I fixed them :P).

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 22:03
by jojoa1997
Calinou wrote:Steel swords kinda suck IMO, yes they should deal more damage (jojoa broke weapons after I fixed them :P).
how all i did was make steel swords more powerful and made the times the same. that doesnt affect your mod.

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 01:01
by prestidigitator
Couple of questions:
  • Why increase the number of uses for the steel sword? The level difference mechanism should already take care of this (steel swords should last for 30 uses against level 1 targets, while stone ones last only 20)?
  • Why decrease the full punch interval so much? I think it's nice that you have to pace your swings a bit so you don't do too much damage too quickly. Gives a mechanic that sort of feels like you "tire yourself out" if you attack to often, which is nice.
What I WOULD like to see fixed is the number of uses against entities. Swords don't seem to wear out at all unless you use them on nodes. While it DOES seem like you'd blunt your sword pretty quickly if you used it to cut down trees, I should think the system design is INTENDED to wear the item out even if it is used for its normal intended purpose (i.e. hacking creatures to pieces with a sword).

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 15:49
by ZingerWing
these days people are stealing on servers, breaking in people's houses, destroying houses a lot. I hate this people hack in servers and get obsidian swords, pickaxes, axes and shovels. How to stop this problem?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 31, 2013 16:15
by PilzAdam
ZingerWing wrote:these days people are stealing on servers, breaking in people's houses, destroying houses a lot. I hate this people hack in servers and get obsidian swords, pickaxes, axes and shovels. How to stop this problem?

There are different ways of "solving" this.
One simple way is having a whitelist for the server, i.e. only people you know/trust can play on it.

Btw, this is the wrong topic for this.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 17:02
by bajanhgk
wood should be faster cause a wood sword would be lighter then a stone,steel,mese,bronze and diamond sword
EDIT:mese should also be fast cause mese is a ancient mineral in minetest

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 19:57
by kaeza
Could you please check the date of the last (valid) post before posting? Thanks.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 14, 2014 20:24
by JPRuehmann
the dumb is not the one that asks but the one that tels him he is.