kaadmy wrote:Ahh, somebody else not satisfied with minetest_game like me :)
For hunger, maybe you might want to check out Casimir's hunger mod for Voxelgarden: https://github.com/CasimirKaPazi/Voxelg ... ods/hunger
Minerz wrote:This is cool.
RHR wrote:Yay good news Minetest Next is back! :D
Are you planing to add mobs to it?
Ferk wrote:Nice. I'm excited about which direction will this game go.
I wasn't around when the previous Minetest Next was a thing, but seeing as that one got merged into minetest_game gives me hope that perhaps this Minetest Next could also be the seed for the next Minetest :P
- Mushrooms have no spores anymore, slowly grow as node when light < 8
Ferk wrote:- Mushrooms have no spores anymore, slowly grow as node when light < 8
While I like the idea of having a "crop" that can be cultivated in the underground, I think it grows too fast in the surface. After a few day/night cycles I realized the grass was all covered by fungi that was probably growing over the course of a few nights.
Maybe you should significantly reduce the chance for growing in dirt with grass and instead make it grow faster in normal dirt (without grass, which makes also more sense since it's not exposed to sunlight).
TenPlus1 wrote:Jordach: show code please, would like to use this myself.
Jordach wrote:-snip-
Also, fix buckets - they should use one mouse button, not left then right. (I've personally fixed it myself locally, but it's a pain with updates.)
Darkness701 wrote:For mobs, you might want to try Calinou's mod for Carbone NG: https://github.com/Calinou/carbone_mobs
amadin wrote:I replaced minetest_game directory by minetest_next and got this:
2015-12-28 16:08:49: ERROR[main]: Subgame [] could not be found.
2015-12-28 16:08:49: ERROR[main]: ERROR: An unhandled exception occurred: Supplied invalid gamespec
Maybe i must change something else?
0.4.13 /games/minetest_next/
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