Hybrid Dog wrote:I think it does more than improving the default game, it also changes most of the default textures. I don't think everyone like these changes.
Ups. That's a serious problem. That means that existing servers
can't just switch over to minetest_next - the appearance of buildings would be changed. Of course players do sometimes use texture packs - but that's their choice then. They can't complain if a building doesn't look well with other textures than those installed by default on the server.
Some of the new functions are very nice: /sethome is very important (even for singleplayer - I don't want to know how many starter houses have been lost due to players not finding back there after death!). Protected furnaces are also very good. Also jungle enabled by default.
But the textures are a problem. Please find a way to make minetest_next usable on existing servers. The imrpovements are worth it. Changing the textures on existing worlds is an absolute no-go. An option to choose which textures to use might do. Perhaps a small shell script that copies the old textures back - plus an extra mod, i.e. default2, that adds blocks with the
new textures to the game. That would be the choice I'd love to see implemented.
The xpanes are also an improvement compared to the xpanes mod on Redcrabs server - those always had the problem of connecting glass panes to nodeboxes, like i.e. chairs, and that didn't look well. Unfortionately, the xpanes are not the solution I need for my buildings. Just place one of the nice new glass doors (not as nice as the homedecor ones but definitely a start) next to a wall consisting of the new glasspanes. See the problem? That's where I need glass panes. And also in buildings where the walls are made of half-wide blocks. Moving the glass pane to the border of the block is only half the solution.
The dark background when accessing a formspec is strange. Does it symbolize locked objects? If so, perhaps a lock or key symbol might help.
And please don't get me wrong on the textures. I like most of the new ones far more than the old ones. Some may be a huge improvement for cheap buildings out of cobble/stonebrick/wood. And the sandstonebrick texture is also very nice. The clay one less so. The wood texture is a definite improvement. Perhaps making it end at the block boundary would look even better. New worlds will look better with the new textures.