There is no cotton anywhere, how do you make beds?

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There is no cotton anywhere, how do you make beds?

by josephnet » Fri May 27, 2016 05:05

I am new to minetest and have been looking everywhere for cotton plant or jungle grass in order to make some wool (I need it to make a bed so that I ignore those long nights). This search has been ongoing for two days but in vain!!! I specially look near waters as well as deep in the jungle

Is this a bug or something?

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Re: There is no cotton anywhere, how do you make beds?

by TenPlus1 » Fri May 27, 2016 07:58

Cotton seeds can be found when digging jungle grass, use these on tilled soil (soil near water which you have used a hoe on) and wait for cotton plants to grow, then craft 2x2 cotton to give wool.

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Re: There is no cotton anywhere, how do you make beds?

by anuser » Fri May 27, 2016 12:00

Hi josephnet!
There should be no "cotton plant" but cotton seed you can made from jungle grass, just as TenPlus1 describe it in earlier post here. I think you have evrything what you need to get the wool, but maybe you do not understand how to use it to get that wool. You need to know that jungle grass do not just change into cotton seed. There is probability for that change. That mean one time it will change, next time not.

You have mentioned that you were looking for it in the jungle. So, if you have found the jungle, you also have found the jungle grass. What you need is to take one jungle grass from the map to your inventory and check it if is still jungle grass. If it is still grass, put it back on map and repeat whole action: dig it and check your inventory. You need to repeat that as many times as it will need, but after one, two, ten or more digging - who knows? - the grass will change into the seed in your inventory. Then you could do the same with another jungle grass. If you do not know is the grass you found jungle grass, press F5 to see the name of what you point to.

Also if you want to farm the cotton, you also need to known, that cotton and wheat will not grow up on any natural soil. First you need to prepare the soil with correct tool and then you can put the seed into that prepared soil. Also you will need a water near that soil... but that is different topic.
Last edited by anuser on Fri May 27, 2016 12:36, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: There is no cotton anywhere, how do you make beds?

by duane » Fri May 27, 2016 12:32

You can also get cotton from spiderwebs left by Mobs Redo's spiders. Much easier if you're near a desert (and running mobs).

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Re: There is no cotton anywhere, how do you make beds?

by anuser » Fri May 27, 2016 12:39

duane wrote:You can also get cotton from spiderwebs left by Mobs Redo's spiders. Much easier if you're near a desert (and running mobs).

Much easier should be to take ready wool from the Mobs Redo`s sheep I think :)

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Re: There is no cotton anywhere, how do you make beds?

by josephnet » Fri May 27, 2016 13:37

anuser wrote:You have mentioned that you were looking for it in the jungle. So, if you have found the jungle, you also have found the jungle grass.

This is the exact problem. As I have found out today, there's a difference between a 'jungle' and a 'forest'. It turned out I have been walking through forests and not jungles which is why I've been unable to find 'jungle grass' instead of ordinary 'grass' which is everywhere.

Correct me if I'm wrong: I have to walk and walk and walk again to find a jungle in the hope of finding some 'jungle grass', right?

It's been three days since I've moved from minecraft to minetest and I've been unable to find neither a jungle, nor cotton seeds and nor cotton plant itself. I'm just walking miles and miles...

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Re: There is no cotton anywhere, how do you make beds?

by anuser » Fri May 27, 2016 14:06

Hi josephnet!

I guess you are running singleplayer mode with a minetest_game and default mods without some additional mods, am I right? What kind of mapgen generator you use? v5, v6? I think there is always possibility to made the world without jungle. Some map generators can create a world with only single kind of terrain. You should check what you have set in such options. You can always create new world and check if it contain jungle near spawn point. If not, delete such world and create another. You can also change map generator (v5, v6) to find out some differences, maybe also in how jungle are generated.

But with default setting you should have some jungle in any world you create, I think. I never have difficulties with finding a jungle, water (sea), desert and so on. But people who played also minecraft saying here, that world size in minetest is much bigger then in minecraft. And a map can be really big, so there is possible to have a lot of one kind of terrain around. So maybe even you are walking around searching for jungle, you are still walking around one area and that is why you could not find different kind of terrain? How far you walk from your start point? One, two days, or week, that is not good information, becouse you can walk around in circle for a years, so the time can`t say how far you walk from start point.

What you can do? If you are in singleplayer mode, you can always type:

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
/grant singleplayer fly

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Code: Select all
/grant singleplayer fast

and after that press the "K" and "J" buttons. With those privilages you can fly around fast (spacebar for up, shift for down, and w, s, a, d as for walking) and maybe that is how you could find the jungle. Fly above the trees ang move in one direction fast, than back to start point and move in different direction. Just like in a small spy plane.

You can also look for some information in the wiki - minetest wiki is very good for new players playing default minetest_game. Fine the trees topic and check how the jungle trees looks like. It should be easier to look for it on a map. Learn about the jungle grass and cotton seed or even all available terrain types. I guess if you were useing default settings, your map/world should have some jungles as other terrain types so you need more patience and.. it should be fun to explore the world searching for a jungle or something other. I remember my first contact with minetest and a big exploring and a long lasting journey for some papyrus. That was funny. I have found a very big jungle and made a way tree after a tree, dropping some torches to mark the way back and so on

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Re: There is no cotton anywhere, how do you make beds?

by josephnet » Fri May 27, 2016 15:00

anuser wrote:Hi josephnet!

I guess you are running singleplayer mode with a minetest_game and default mods without some additional mods, am I right? What kind of mapgen generator you use? v5, v6? I think there is always possibility to made the world without jungle. Some map generators can create a world with only single kind of terrain.

Yes you're right. Do you mean, in some circumstances when a jungle has not been created, the player cannot sleep and I have to wait all the night long?

And you're right, I need patience and fun. It's a really amazing game. Nothing else could calm me down more than minetest. I do appreciate the designer's effort...

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Re: There is no cotton anywhere, how do you make beds?

by anuser » Fri May 27, 2016 15:30

josephnet wrote:Yes you're right. Do you mean, in some circumstances when a jungle has not been created, the player cannot sleep and I have to wait all the night long?

Lol, I think in default settings jungle should be present somewere on a map. But why you do not like the night? Why not build something or mine during that time? There is a lot of wood and coal, so lighting up with default torches is easy. There are also meselamps. But if you do not want to spend more time on serching for jungle, you can type:

Your phone or window isn't wide enough to display the code box. If it's a phone, try rotating it to landscape mode.
Code: Select all
/giveme farming:seed_cotton

and press the enter and put seed into soil and when grow up take a wool and new seed which also put into a soil so you will have then 2 cotton plants...

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Re: There is no cotton anywhere, how do you make beds?

by DS-minetest » Fri May 27, 2016 19:54

anuser wrote:Why not mine during night?

well, with the possibility to teleport home, you dig a deep 1x1 hole to get the sunlight down, so you need day to mine
and mining gets boring with no use for the ores and stone, so you want to build, but building costs much more time than the time of a day contains, so you have to make pauses and forget something, and it does much more fun at daytime
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Re: There is no cotton anywhere, how do you make beds?

by anuser » Fri May 27, 2016 21:49

DS-minetest wrote:well, with the possibility to teleport home, you dig a deep 1x1 hole to get the sunlight down, so you need day to mine...

I do not need any sunlight underground, I need torches instead. Or other lightings...
DS-minetest wrote:...and mining gets boring with no use for the ores and stone...

I like mining. It is never boring. When multiplayer I spent most of the time in public mines and build mostly underground. Oh, I love those players who wait for people coming out from the mine to kill them and take evrything they dig... so it is better to not back from mine. Inventory is too small for all of this dig-content? No problem, tubes take it all and transport it to sorting level so you can spent more time underground without need to go up. What to do with the stone - I still do not know, but I always need a lot of minerals, metals and so on. But... if I need a lot of sunlight, I got a special button in uni-inventory... lol

I was just try to mention to a new player, that he (or she) do not need to think about night just as it was a mistake of developers, and that he (or she) do not need passively sit in a front of computer waiting for a sunlight. I was trying to suggest that bed is nice concept but it isn`t only thing that we can do at night in this game.

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Re: There is no cotton anywhere, how do you make beds?

by DS-minetest » Sat May 28, 2016 09:27

anuser wrote: Oh, I love those players who wait for people coming out from the mine to kill them and take evrything they dig... so it is better to not back from mine.

O_O i never saw such players.
so, its better to have own mine and to come deep, you build a 1x1 hole and jump in everytime and sunlight in this holes is good to save torches
and not everyone wants to live in the underground
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