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Remove nodes when a mod is disabled?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 02:12
by TumeniNodes
I am just wondering, if it is even possible..., and could be considered for the next release...
to make it so, when the user disables a mod, which was previously enabled in a world, that all nodes/items/objects associated with that mod, are removed from the world?
I imagine if it is possible, it would most likely entail lots of work. Which is why I am suggesting it for a future release, given whether it is possible.
It would definitely be a pretty awesome feature, and I think many users would be thrilled. I know I would :D

Re: Remove nodes when a mod is disabled?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2016 08:47
by xeranas
I believe there exist mod for that, probably based on ABM.

If I build magnificent castle and and accidentally disable lets say castle bricks mod and then load map. Goodbye to my castle. Same applies with other people maps or old saved worlds. Currently it says what missing and you can fix map without losing creations. I think 'destructive' responsibility should be at mod level so user can blame only himself for losing stuff.

Re: Remove nodes when a mod is disabled?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2016 00:32
by BBmine
I know you can replace nodes. Make a temporary folder called alias or something. In there, make an init.lua file. I will give you an example of what to put in init.lua:

minetest.register_alias("protector:protect", "default:steelblock")

Re: Remove nodes when a mod is disabled?

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 03:12
by est31
You can use LBMs for that, they were designed for use cases including this. You'd need to write a mod for it of course.